Meaning and Lyrics of Soulmate by Chanin

Song Lyrics meaning of Soulmate by Chanin

About Chanin

Chanin is a multifaceted musician renowned for his intricate melodies and evocative lyrics. Born and raised in a family of artists, Chanin began his journey into music at a young age, mastering various instruments and genres. His eclectic taste and talent have set him apart in the industry, creating a unique fusion of sounds that resonate with a diverse audience. Chanin’s career took a significant leap when he released his acclaimed single, “Soulmate”. The song captivates listeners with its soulful harmonies and powerful, introspective words, establishing Chanin as a profound storyteller through music. His ability to weave personal experiences into his compositions allows fans to connect deeply with his work. With each release, Chanin continues to push the boundaries of conventional music, solidifying his place as a dynamic and innovative artist. His contributions to the music world are a testament to his passion and commitment to his craft.

Meaning of Soulmate by Chanin

Interpreting the song “Soulmate” by Chanin requires delving into the lyrics and uncovering the layers of emotions and themes communicated by the artist.

The song starts with the lines:

“你说世界 总不够温柔
幸好你自由 最特别选手”

which translates to “You say the world is never gentle enough, luckily you are free, the most special contestant.” These lines set the tone, suggesting that the singer sees their partner as someone who stands out in a world that can often seem harsh and unkind. Despite the world’s lack of gentleness, the partner’s freedom and unique qualities shine through.

Then, the song continues to build this narrative:


which means “You invite me to be your number one teammate, so I meet my dream for the first time.” Here, the bond between the two is framed as a partnership. Being invited to be the “number one teammate” means that the singer perceives this relationship as pivotal and dream-like, a significant first encounter with a deeply meaningful connection.

The repeated vow of support and loyalty is reflected in:

“你说永远 在我的身后
流言奔向我 疼在你心口”

meaning “You say forever, behind me, rumors rushing towards me pain in your heart.” The partner’s promise of perpetual support is not just verbal but also emotional. The partner feels the pain of rumors directed at the singer, indicating an empathetic and protective dynamic.

Delving deeper into the emotional texture, the lyrics state:

“我想靠近你 一点点靠近你
你可以面无表情 伪装冷静

translated as “I want to get close to you, a little bit closer, you can put on an expressionless, calm disguise, but the heartbeat rhythm is the best proof.” The desire to be closer contrasts with external calmness, highlighting a profound, unspoken connection. The heartbeat, a physical manifestation of emotion, serves as the ultimate proof of their feelings, transcending the need for words.

This theme of silent understanding continues:

“从不要言语 目光传递讯息
全世界只我和你 第一默契”

“Never needing words, conveying messages through looks, in the whole world just you and me, first in tacit understanding.” This reinforces that their connection is so profound it doesn’t need verbal communication. They share a mutual, almost intuitive understanding, making them inseparable in spirit.

Looking at:


“You think of me in an instant, I happen to be thinking of you too.” This line emphasizes synchronicity in their relationship. Their thoughts align perfectly, suggesting a deep, soul-level connection where emotional and mental states are shared.

As the song progresses, the repetition enhances the emotional impact:

“我想靠近你 一点点靠近你
你可以面无表情 伪装冷静”

“I want to get close to you, a little closer, you can put on an expressionless, calm disguise,” it reiterates the yearning and the subtle dance of proximity and connection.

The closing lines:

“喜欢 每个赛季

“I like every season, your top spot is occupied by me,” illustrate a consistent and enduring affection through time, with the singer feeling secure in holding a top place in their partner’s life, every season signifying a new phase of their undying relationship.

Overall, “Soulmate” by Chanin is a song rich in its exploration of emotional intimacy, unwavering support, and the idea of a deeply rooted connection that transcends verbal communication. The repeated motifs in the lyrics emphasize the strength and depth of the bond between the singer and their partner, painting a picture of love that is enduring, silent yet profoundly understood, and mutually cherished.

Lyrics of Soulmate by Chanin

你说世界 总不够温柔
幸好你自由 最特别选手
你说永远 在我的身后
流言奔向我 疼在你心口
我想靠近你 一点点靠近你
你可以面无表情 伪装冷静
从不要言语 目光传递讯息
全世界只我和你 第一默契
你说永远 在我的身后
时光会变旧 而你不会走
我想靠近你 一点点靠近你
你可以面无表情 伪装冷静
从不要言语 目光传递讯息
全世界只我和你 第一默契
我想靠近你 一点点靠近你
你可以面无表情 伪装冷静
从不要言语 目光传递讯息
全世界只我和你 第一默契
喜欢 每个赛季
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