Meaning and Lyrics of Fidelity by Regina Spektor

Song Lyrics meaning of Fidelity by Regina Spektor

About Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor:
Regina Spektor, a name synonymous with raw, emotive vocal prowess and intricate piano melodies, burst onto the indie music scene in the early 2000s. Born in Moscow in 1980, Spektor migrated to the United States at the age of nine, bringing with her a rich heritage of Russian culture and classical training. This unique background has significantly influenced her work, blending the melancholy of Eastern European folk with an avant-garde twist. With a discography that traverses the whimsical to the hauntingly somber, Spektor stands out for her storytelling prowess and distinctive vocal style. Her breakthrough album, “Soviet Kitsch” (2004), propelled her into the spotlight with its eclectic charm and lyrical depth. Following this, albums like “Begin to Hope” (2006) and “Far” (2009) solidified her status, showcasing her evolution as an artist unafraid to experiment with different sounds and narratives. “Fidelity”:
One can’t discuss Regina Spektor without delving into “Fidelity,” arguably one of her most well-known tracks. Featured on her album “Begin to Hope”, “Fidelity” is a masterclass in combining pop sensibilities with indie freshness. The song’s catchy hook, “It breaks my heart,” juxtaposed with its playful violin and piano arrangement, encapsulates the bittersweet essence that Spektor so effortlessly conveys. The track’s innovative composition, complete with intricate melodic turns and a deceptively simple yet profound lyrical structure, resonates with listeners on multiple levels. Spektor’s influence extends beyond her discography. She has contributed to numerous soundtracks and collaborations, further showcasing her versatility. Whether transforming mundane moments into lyrical poetry or exploring complex emotional landscapes, Regina Spektor remains a compelling force in contemporary music, her work continually pushing the boundaries of genre and expression.

Meaning of Fidelity by Regina Spektor

“Fidelity” by Regina Spektor is a masterclass in the art of juxtaposing simplicity with complexity. On the surface, its minimalist instrumentation and catchy melody might lead an unsuspecting listener to believe it’s a straightforward pop tune. But delve deeper into the lyrics and the multi-layered vocal arrangements, and you’ll find a tapestry rich with emotional nuance and introspective depth.

Shake it up

This opening line acts as both a physical instruction and a metaphorical call to action, urging listeners to prepare for an emotional upheaval.

Verse 1
“I never loved nobody fully / Always one foot on the ground / And by protecting my heart truly / I got lost in the sounds”

Spektor starts by introducing a theme of emotional guardedness. The imagery of “one foot on the ground” suggests a cautious, hesitant approach to love, likely the result of fear or an unwillingness to fully surrender. This emotional barricade, though protecting her heart, leaves her feeling isolated and overwhelmed by mental cacophony.

“I hear in my mind / All these voices / I hear in my mind / All of these words / I hear in my mind / All this music / And it breaks my heart”

This repetition emphasizes the internal noise that drowns out real-world connections, making the emotional detachment more palpable. It’s not just any music; it’s “all this music,” implying an excess, an overflow that becomes unbearable. The breaking of her heart is not because of external love but because of the internal turmoil and unfulfilled emotional capacity.

“And it breaks my heart / Well, it breaks my heart”

The chorus reiterates the emotional climax introduced in the pre-chorus, stripping away any ambiguity about her internal struggle. By repeating and slightly adjusting the refrain, Spektor underlines the depth of her heartbreak.

Verse 2
“Suppose I never ever met you / Suppose we never fell in love / Suppose I never ever let you / Kiss me so sweet and so soft / Suppose I never ever saw you / Suppose you never ever called / Suppose I kept on singing love songs / Just to break my own fall”

This verse is a hypothetical contemplation of love evaded. Each “suppose” is a step deeper into the potential void that comes from never taking the emotional plunge. The ultimate revelation here is the singer’s recognition that even these love songs, these acts of emotional expression, are defense mechanisms—ways to pre-emptively cushion the fall she fears.

“Just to break my fall / Just to break my fall / Just to break my fall / Break my fall, break my fall”

Repetition serves to highlight the cyclical nature of her plight. These lyrics reveal an emotional self-sabotage; she’s using her art not as a means for genuine expression but to shield herself from deeper emotional risks.

Bridge 1
“All my friends say that of course it’s / Gonna get better, gonna get better / Better, better, better, better / Better, better, better”

This segment punctuates the introspection with the voices of external reassurance. The almost mechanical repetition of “better” can be interpreted as a commentary on how hollow and repetitive such reassurances can feel when one is stuck in a loop of emotional self-protection.

Verse 3
“I never loved nobody fully / Always one foot on the ground / And by protecting my heart truly / I got lost in the sounds”

The repeat of the first verse reinforces the central conflict—this is not a transient state, but a deeply ingrained pattern that dominates the speaker’s approach to love and emotional engagement.

“I hear in my mind / All of these voices / I hear in my mind / All of these words / I hear in mind / All this music”

Recurrent motifs tie the song together, illustrating her trapped mind.

“And it breaks my heart / And it breaks my heart”

Returning yet again to the core emotional truth of the song, this repeated chorus serves as a reminder of the continuous pain caused by her emotional defenses.

Bridge 2
“I hear in my mind / All of these voices / I hear in my mind / All of these words / I hear in my mind / All of this music / And it breaks my heart / And it breaks my heart”

Here, the chorus mirrors the pre-chorus, reiterating how the mental noise leads to heartbreak. This seamless blend of song structures reflects the fluidity of her emotional state.

“And it breaks my heart / Oh and it breaks my heart / Oh and it breaks my heart / Oh and it breaks my heart / Breaks my heart / Oh and it breaks my heart / And it breaks my heart / And it breaks my heart / Oh and it breaks my heart”

The song concludes on a note of heightened emotional awareness. The all-encompassing repetition fortifies the urgency and gravity of her emotional experience, circling back to the stark reality of her continuous heartbreak.

In the broader context of Regina Spektor’s discography, “Fidelity” stands out as a defining track, emblematic of her ability to marry complex emotional themes with accessible, catchy melodies. It showcases her flair for poetic lyricism, layered meanings, and avant-garde sensibilities, making it a pivotal piece not just in her own career, but also in the indie-pop landscape of the mid-2000s. If you’re looking to understand the intricate weave of modern emotional introspection set to music, “Fidelity” is the tune you’ll want to dissect.

Lyrics of Fidelity by Regina Spektor

Shake it up

Verse 1
I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds

I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind
All of these words
I hear in my mind
All this music
And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart

And it breaks my heart
Well, it breaks my heart

Verse 2
Suppose I never ever met you
Suppose we never fell in love
Suppose I never ever let you
Kiss me so sweet and so soft
Suppose I never ever saw you
Suppose you never ever called
Suppose I kept on singing love songs
Just to break my own fall

Just to break my fall
Just to break my fall
Just to break my fall
Break my fall, break my fall

Bridge 1
All my friends say that of course it's
Gonna get better, gonna get better
Better, better, better, better
Better, better, better

Verse 3
I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds

I hear in my mind
All of these voices
I hear in my mind
All of these words
I hear in mind
All this music

And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart

Bridge 2
I hear in my mind
All of these voices
I hear in my mind
All of these words
I hear in my mind
All of this music
And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart

And it breaks my heart
Oh and it breaks my heart
Oh and it breaks my heart
Oh and it breaks my heart
Breaks my heart
Oh and it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart
Oh and it breaks my heart

Discography Regina Spektor

Home, before and after

Release: 2022-06-24
Label: Sire
Popularity: 👏
1. Becoming All Alone
2. Up the Mountain
3. One Man’s Prayer
4. Raindrops
5. SugarMan
6. What Might Have Been
7. Spacetime Fairytale
8. Coin
9. Loveology
10. Through a Doo
Tracklist Collapse

Bombshell (Original Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Release: 2019-12-13
Label: Sire
1. One Little Soldier
2. Clear and Simple (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
3. Problems with Women
4. Breaking (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
5. The Tour
6. Fox News Apologies (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
7. Deposition
8. The End Times
9. Elevator Trio (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
10. Chills and Fevers
11. Accusers’ Waltz (feat. Caroline Shaw)
12. Roger Is Out
13. Dressing Room (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
14. Text Messages
15. How Do I Play This
16. Roger Roger Roger
17. The Murdoch Boys
18. The Questions (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
19. Talking Points (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
20. Explode (feat. Caroline Shaw)
Tracklist Collapse

Remember Us to Life (Deluxe)

Release: 2016-09-30
Label: Sire
1. Bleeding Heart
2. Older and Taller
3. Grand Hotel
4. Small Bill$
5. Black and White
6. The Light
7. The Trapper and the Furrier
8. Tornadoland
9. Obsolete
10. Sellers of Flowers
11. The Visit
12. New Year
13. The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left
14. End of Thought
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Regina Spektor

An Evening With Regina Spektor

Price Range: $49.5 – 89.5
Date: 2024-07-31
Location: MGM Music Hall at Fenway

An Evening With Regina Spektor

Price Range: $39.5 – 104.5
Date: 2024-07-30
Location: The Wellmont Theater

An Evening With Regina Spektor

Price Range: $63.3 – 134.7
Date: 2024-07-28
Location: The Lyric
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Home, before and after

Release: 2022-06-24
Label: Sire
Popularity: 👏
1. Becoming All Alone
2. Up the Mountain
3. One Man’s Prayer
4. Raindrops
5. SugarMan
6. What Might Have Been
7. Spacetime Fairytale
8. Coin
9. Loveology
10. Through a Doo
Tracklist Collapse

Bombshell (Original Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Release: 2019-12-13
Label: Sire
1. One Little Soldier
2. Clear and Simple (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
3. Problems with Women
4. Breaking (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
5. The Tour
6. Fox News Apologies (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
7. Deposition
8. The End Times
9. Elevator Trio (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
10. Chills and Fevers
11. Accusers’ Waltz (feat. Caroline Shaw)
12. Roger Is Out
13. Dressing Room (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
14. Text Messages
15. How Do I Play This
16. Roger Roger Roger
17. The Murdoch Boys
18. The Questions (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
19. Talking Points (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
20. Explode (feat. Caroline Shaw)
Tracklist Collapse

Remember Us to Life (Deluxe)

Release: 2016-09-30
Label: Sire
Popularity: 👏
1. Bleeding Heart
2. Older and Taller
3. Grand Hotel
4. Small Bill$
5. Black and White
6. The Light
7. The Trapper and the Furrier
8. Tornadoland
9. Obsolete
10. Sellers of Flowers
11. The Visit
12. New Year
13. The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left
14. End of Thought
Tracklist Collapse
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