Similar Songs Finder

Or try recommendations based on:

Find similar songs based on song

Enter a song title or artist name in the search box to discover music with similar characteristics. As you type, our autocomplete feature will suggest relevant options, making it easier to find your desired track. If you’re unsure of the exact title, start with an artist name, and we’ll present a selection of their songs for you to choose from.


Once you’ve selected a song, our algorithm will analyze its musical elements and generate a playlist of similar tracks. This process takes just a moment, after which you’ll be presented with a curated list of songs that match the style, mood, or genre of your chosen track.


This feature allows you to effortlessly expand your musical horizons, finding new artists and songs that align with your current favorites. It’s a simple yet powerful way to create personalized playlists and discover music you’re likely to enjoy.

Find similar songs based on Artist

To discover music similar to your favorite artists:

1. Select “Artist” from the dropdown menu next to the search box.
2. Type the name of your preferred band or artist in the search box.
3. As you type, our autocomplete feature will suggest relevant artist names, helping you quickly find and select the correct one.
4. Once you’ve chosen an artist, our system will analyze their musical style, genre, and characteristics.
5. You’ll then receive a curated list of songs by other artists who share similar musical qualities with your selected artist.

This feature allows you to explore new music that aligns with your taste, based on the artists you already enjoy. It’s an excellent way to broaden your musical horizons and discover new favorite bands or singers that you might not have encountered otherwise.

Whether you’re looking to create a playlist inspired by a particular artist or simply want to find fresh music in a similar vein, this tool makes it easy to uncover songs and artists that match your preferences.

Find similar songs based on a genre

Explore our vast collection of over 6,000 music genres to create playlists tailored to your exact taste, no matter how niche or specific:

1. Select “Genre” from the dropdown menu next to the search box.
2. Begin typing your desired genre in the search box.
As you type, a list of matching genres will appear, updating with each character entered.
3. Choose your preferred genre from the suggestions.
4. Click the “Generate” button to create your playlist.

This feature allows you to dive deep into specific music styles, from mainstream categories to the most obscure subgenres. Whether you’re in the mood for classic rock, experimental jazz, or something as specific as Scandinavian folk metal, our extensive genre database has you covered.

By using this tool, you can discover new artists and tracks within your favorite genres, or explore entirely new musical territories. It’s perfect for music enthusiasts looking to broaden their horizons or find more of the specific sounds they love.

SongMinds: Where Music Discovery Meets Mind-Blowing Playlists

Explore Music Like Your Ears Depend On It (Because They Kinda Do)

Welcome to SongMinds, the place where your music taste goes to party and maybe even grow up a little. We're not just another "similar songs" finder – we're the mad scientists of the music world, concocting playlists so good, they'll make your Spotify account blush.

Let's face it: finding new music can be harder than explaining to your grandma why you need 37 different playlists. That's where we come in, armed with algorithms sharper than a vinyl needle and a sense of humor drier than your favorite crisp white wine.

Key Features That'll Make Your Ears Say "Thank You"

Similar Song Finder (AKA Your New Best Friend)

Our Similar Song Finder is like that friend who always knows the perfect song for every moment – except it doesn't crash on your couch or eat all your snacks. Here's how this musical matchmaker works its magic:

  1. Type in a song you love. Go on, don't be shy. We won't judge (much).

  2. Our algorithm – let's call him Bob – analyzes your track faster than you can say "one-hit wonder."

  3. Voila! Bob serves up a smorgasbord of sonic soulmates for your listening pleasure.

What's in it for you, besides musical nirvana?

  • Discover artists so new, even their moms haven't heard of them yet

  • Expand your playlist faster than your waistline at an all-you-can-eat buffet

  • Find the perfect song for every mood, from "just got dumped" to "just won the lottery"

  • Rediscover old favorites hiding in genres you didn't even know existed

Playlist Generator (Or: How to DJ Without Actually Learning Anything)

Creating the perfect playlist used to require blood, sweat, and tears. Now? Just a few clicks and maybe a sacrifice to the music gods (optional, but recommended). Here's how our Playlist Generator turns you into a mixmaster:

  1. Pick a song, any song. Or an artist. Or a genre. Heck, pick all three – we like a challenge.

  2. Tell us how long you want this audio journey to last. A quick 30-minute set or an epic 8-hour odyssey? You're the boss.

  3. Sit back and watch as our digital DJ (let's call her Alice) spins up a playlist smoother than a freshly waxed dancefloor.

But wait, there's more! Customize your playlist like a pro:

  • Adjust the BPM faster than your heart rate at a horror movie

  • Mix genres like a mad scientist. Country-rap-polka? We've got you covered (but maybe seek help).

  • Set the mood: from "romantic dinner" to "summoning demons" – we don't judge

  • Blacklist that one artist your ex loved. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

Genre Explorer (For When You're Feeling Musically Adventurous)

Think you know music? Our Genre Explorer is about to blow your mind wider than a 90s JNCO jeans leg. Dive into:

  • Genres you've never heard of (Nintendocore, anyone?)

  • Sub-genres of sub-genres (because regular genres are so last season)

  • Fusion styles that'll make your head spin faster than a drum solo

Warning: Side effects may include becoming insufferably knowledgeable about obscure music genres at parties.

BPM and Decade-Based Recommendations (Time Travel Not Included)

Want songs that match your running pace or your grandpa's shuffling gait? Our BPM search has got you covered. Or maybe you want to pretend you're in a different decade:

  • 60s: Peace, love, and questionable fashion choices

  • 70s: Disco fever (bell-bottoms not included)

  • 80s: Big hair, bigger synths

  • 90s: Grunge, boy bands, and dial-up internet sounds

  • 00s: The era of "Wait, people actually listened to this?"

How SongMinds Works (It's Not Rocket Science, It's Better)

  1. Type in a song, artist, or your current emotional state (we're good with "mildly inconvenienced")

  2. Hit that button. You know the one. It's probably big and inviting.

  3. Watch in awe as we work our magic faster than you can say "one-hit wonder"

  4. Fall in love with new music. Don't worry, your old favorites won't get jealous.

Our interface is so user-friendly, it practically swipes right for you. No PhD in computer science required (though if you have one, feel free to admire our code).

Why Choose SongMinds? (Besides Our Irresistible Charm)

  • We're like a mind-reading DJ, minus the creepy part

  • Our algorithm doesn't judge your guilty pleasures (we've all got 'em)

  • We're faster than your friend who always says "Oh, you'd love this song!" but never remembers the name

  • Unlike your real friends, we're available 24/7 and don't need coffee to function

Ready to Have Your Mind (and Ears) Blown?

Don't let your playlist rot like that forgotten gym membership. With SongMinds, you're always just a click away from musical nirvana. Whether you're a casual listener or a die-hard audiophile, we've got the tunes to make your world go round.

So what are you waiting for? Dive in, explore, and let SongMinds be the Sherpa on your audio expedition. Your ears will thank you (and maybe write us a nice review).

Start your journey with SongMinds today – because life's too short for bad playlists!

Fun Fact:

Did you know? If you played all the songs ever created back-to-back, it would take approximately 600 years to listen to them all. With SongMinds, you can discover the best 0.001% of those in no time. We call that efficiency!

Remember: SongMinds is not responsible for any impromptu dance parties, sudden urges to learn air guitar, or the inexplicable desire to start a band in your garage. Use with caution and a good sense of rhythm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SongMinds?

SongMinds is a powerful music discovery platform that helps you find similar songs, create perfect playlists, and explore new music based on your preferences. It's like having a mind-reading DJ at your fingertips!

How does the similar song finder work?

Our advanced algorithm analyzes various aspects of a song you like, including rhythm, tempo, genre, and mood. It then searches our extensive database to recommend tracks with similar musical characteristics.

Can I create playlists using SongMinds?

Absolutely! Our playlist generator allows you to create custom playlists based on your favorite songs, artists, or genres. You can even adjust parameters like BPM (beats per minute) and energy level to fine-tune your playlist.

Does SongMinds work with Spotify?

While SongMinds is not directly affiliated with Spotify, you can use our recommendations to create playlists on Spotify or any other music streaming platform.

How can I discover new music on SongMinds?

SongMinds offers several ways to discover new music:
- Use the similar song finder
- Explore our genre-based recommendations
- Try our decade-specific suggestions
- Use the BPM-based search for tempo-specific tracks
- Check out our curated playlists

Is there a genre explorer feature?

Yes! Our genre explorer allows you to dive into various music genres, from popular styles to niche subgenres. It's a great way to broaden your musical horizons.

Can SongMinds identify a song by sound or lyrics?

Yes! Use our free Chrome extension

How accurate are the song recommendations?

Our algorithm is constantly improving, but music taste is subjective. We strive to provide high-quality recommendations, but individual preferences may vary.

Can I use SongMinds to find instrumental music or soundtracks?

Yes! SongMinds covers a wide range of music, including instrumental tracks and movie soundtracks.

Is there a mobile app for SongMinds?

At the moment, SongMinds is a web-based platform. However, we're considering developing a mobile app in the future.

How does SongMinds compare to other music recommendation services?

SongMinds offers a unique combination of features, including our advanced similar song finder, customizable playlist generator, and genre explorer. We focus on providing a personalized music discovery experience.

Can I share my playlists or recommendations with friends?

While we don't have a direct sharing feature, you can easily copy your playlist or recommendations and share them manually with friends.

Does SongMinds offer recommendations for podcasts or audiobooks?

Currently, SongMinds focuses on music recommendations. We may explore podcast and audiobook recommendations in the future.

How often is the music database updated?

We regularly update our database to include new releases and ensure our recommendations stay fresh and relevant.

Is SongMinds free to use?

Yes, SongMinds offers free access to its core features. We may introduce premium features in the future, but our goal is to keep the main functionality accessible to all music lovers.