Meaning and Lyrics of Young Man by HYUKOH

Song Lyrics meaning of Young Man by HYUKOH


HYUKOH, the South Korean indie rock band that’s been making waves in the international music scene, is a quartet that effortlessly blends the essence of ’90s alt-rock with an unmistakable modern flair. Formed in May 2014, the band consists of frontman and multi-instrumentalist Oh Hyuk, guitarist Im Dong-gun, bassist Im Hyun-jae, and drummer Lee In-woo. These four musicians concoct a potent brew of melancholic lyricism, intricate guitar work, and emotional depth, setting them apart in a sea of K-pop dominance. Hyukoh’s genesis can be traced back to Oh Hyuk’s time studying in Beijing, where he first dabbled in music creation. Upon returning to Seoul, he gathered the current lineup, and they catapulted into the limelight with their first EP, “20.” Their unique sound—a tapestry of indie rock, post-punk, and a touch of melancholy pop—resonated deeply with fans searching for authenticity in an overproduced music landscape. HYUKOH’s discography is a journey through the evolution of their sound. Their first full-length album, “23” (2017), marked a significant milestone with hits like “Tomboy.” The band continued to experiment and mature with subsequent releases such as “24: How to find true love and happiness” (2018) and “through love” (2020). One track that encapsulates HYUKOH’s distinctive style is “Young”. The song is a sonic exposition of the youthful longing and existential angst that have come to define the band’s thematic undertow. Its composition features intricate guitar riffs, ethereal vocals, and an arresting bridge that delves into a soundscape both haunting and cathartic. Lyrically, “Young” explores the fleeting nature of youth, a recurring theme in HYUKOH’s oeuvre. It’s a poignant reminder of the band’s ability to translate the ineffable into relatable anthems for a generation grappling with identity and aspirations. As they continue to evolve and push boundaries, HYUKOH remains a force to be reckoned with in the global music arena. Their artistic merit lies not just in their technical prowess but in their capacity to touch the soul, proving that rock is alive and well—thriving, even—far beyond Western shores.

Meaning of Young Man by HYUKOH

HYUKOH’s Young Man may initially present itself as another anthem for youthful exuberance, but dig deeper and you’ll find a profound meditation on the struggles and absurdities of life, articulated through emotionally charged lyrics and compelling instrumentation. Young Man is a juxtaposition of optimism and existential dread, a musical narrative that invites listeners to embrace the paradoxes of existence.

Verse 1 sets the scene with a sense of urgency and survival. The imagery of “fighting” and “trying to survive” instantly brings to mind the ceaseless battles young people face, whether they’re physical, emotional, or ideological. The mention of “dead friends” adds a sobering layer to the narrative, hinting at past losses and the casualties of these battles. The line “Hands with a fire, jump to the sea” juxtaposes the elements, suggesting a cleansing or an escape. Fire symbolizes passion and destruction, while the sea represents calm and infinity, a place where the flames might be doused or reignited. This duality is a recurring theme throughout the song, emphasizing the conflicting forces that define youth.

Verse 2 builds on this tension. The phrase “Only go higher, you and me” transforms into “go down or higher,” introducing the possibility of failure alongside success. This binary outlook—ascension or descent—encapsulates the high stakes of youth. There’s a poignant inevitability here; the characters must keep striving or risk falling into obscurity, a sentiment painfully familiar to those navigating the precarious transition from adolescence to adulthood.

The Chorus injects a nihilistic yet liberating philosophy into the song. “Every day is yesterday” suggests a monotonous cycle, where each day bleeds into the next, devoid of new meaning. However, the proclamation “We don’t look back” is a rallying cry for living in the moment. Despite the apparent meaninglessness, there’s a deliberate act of moving forward “with no regrets.” By stating “We, the young, forever mercy,” HYUKOH is asserting the resilience and merciful defiance of youth. They acknowledge the futility (“meaning’s always meaningless”) but choose to persist, embracing a kind of reckless grace.

The Bridge, sung in Korean, delivers a stark contrast with its mournful reflection: “슬픔은 늘 떼로 온다” (“Sorrow always comes in droves”) and “기쁨은 늘 스쳐 간다” (“Joy always fleeting”). It underscores the transient nature of happiness and the pervasive presence of sorrow, ending with “기쁨은 없다” (“There is no joy”), driving home the somber reality that joy, when found, is ephemeral.

Returning to the Chorus, the repetition reinforces the core message. There’s a hypnotic quality to it, as if HYUKOH is entrenching this philosophy deep into the listener’s psyche. The refrain “Every day is yesterday” becomes both a lament and an anthem, a bittersweet acknowledgment of life’s relentless pace and a vow to keep pushing forward regardless.

Musically, Young Man combines HYUKOH’s signature blend of indie rock and alternative sounds. The arrangement is tight but expansive, leaving room for introspection. The guitars oscillate between delicate strumming and robust chords, reflecting the song’s emotional highs and lows. The rhythm section grounds the track, offering a steady heartbeat amid the lyrical turbulence.

In sum, Young Man is a masterful exploration of youthful defiance in the face of life’s inherent absurdity. HYUKOH manages to capture the fleeting nature of joy and the omnipresence of sorrow, while still invoking a determined spirit to move forward. It’s a song that resonates deeply with anyone who has ever grappled with the relentless march of time and the challenges of finding one’s place in an often unforgiving world.

Lyrics of Young Man by HYUKOH

Verse 1
We have to fight all we're trying to survive
Dead friends are behind you and me
Hands with a fire, jump to the sea
Only go higher, you and me

Verse 2
We have to fight, just trying to survive
Anyone alive? You and me
Hands with a fire, jump to the sea
Go down or higher, it's you and me

Every day is yesterday
We don't look back
Go forward with no regrets
We, the young, forever mercy
(Woo-ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh)
Every day is yesterday
We don't look back
Meaning's always meaningless
We, the young, forever mercy
(Woo-ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh)

슬픔은 늘 떼로 온다
기쁨은 늘 스쳐 간다
슬픔은 늘 떼로 온다
기쁨은 없다

Every day is yesterday
We don't look back
Go forward with no regrets
We, the young, forever mercy
(Woo-ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh)
Every day is yesterday
We don't look back
Meaning's always meaningless
We, the young, forever mercy
(Woo-ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh)

Discography HYUKOH


Release: 2024-07-10
Label: DOOROODOOROO ARTIST COMPANY, Sunset Music Productions Co., Ltd
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Label: DOOROODOOROO ARTIST COMPANY, Sunset Music Productions Co., Ltd
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