Meaning and Lyrics of Whiskey Blues by Tanner Adell

Song Lyrics meaning of Whiskey Blues by Tanner Adell

About Tanner Adell

Tanner Adell is a talented musician known for blending elements of blues, rock, and folk in her music. Hailing from the heart of the American South, she grew up surrounded by the soulful sounds of the region, which heavily influenced her musical style. Adell’s powerful vocals and emotionally charged lyrics have captivated audiences across the country, earning her a dedicated following. Song:
“Whiskey Blues” is a standout track by Tanner Adell, showcasing her raw vocals and poignant songwriting. The song weaves a tale of heartache and longing, set against a backdrop of haunting melodies and soulful guitar riffs. Adell’s evocative storytelling and authentic delivery make “Whiskey Blues” a memorable and deeply emotional listening experience.

Meaning of Whiskey Blues by Tanner Adell

“Whiskey Blues” by Tanner Adell delves into themes of heartbreak, longing, and the struggle to move on from a past relationship. The lyrics reveal a deep emotional turmoil and the pain of trying to cope with the aftermath of a breakup.

In the first verse, the singer expresses a desire to rid themselves of the emotional burden they carry, wanting to care less about others’ opinions and the precarious state they find themselves in. The use of the metaphor of pouring their heart down the kitchen sink and the mention of overthinking while not being sober suggest a sense of confusion and emotional vulnerability.

The chorus highlights the singer’s attempts to move on from the relationship by engaging in activities that distract them but ultimately fail to ease their pain. The reference to lying on different sheets and hanging out at the ex-partner’s favorite bar conveys a sense of desperation and a longing for the past. The line “thinking of you drinking ’cause your love is overproof” suggests that the intensity of the love experienced has a lasting effect that is hard to shake off.

The second verse touches on the aftermath of the breakup, with rumors circulating about the singer’s mental state and the ex-partner’s attempts to move on by buying a motorcycle. Despite the ex-partner’s actions, it is evident that the singer is still deeply affected and unable to fully let go of the past.

The bridge reflects on the conflicting emotions the singer is experiencing, torn between hating the ex-partner and being unable to fully detach emotionally. The repeated line “I can’t make my mind up” underscores the internal struggle and the inability to find closure.

Throughout the song, the reference to “the whisky blues” symbolizes the emotional heaviness and lingering pain that the singer feels, metaphorically connecting the concept of drinking to numb the pain with the idea of being consumed by sorrow.

Overall, “Whiskey Blues” portrays a raw and poignant account of heartache, self-doubt, and the difficulty of moving on from a past love, capturing the complex emotions that come with the end of a significant relationship.

Lyrics of Whiskey Blues by Tanner Adell

Verse 1
Wish that I can pour my heart right down the kitchen sink
I wish that I can care a whole lot less 'bout what you think
I know that I been skating on the edge and on the brink
Floater, I ain't sober I came here to overthink

'Cause I been layin' on them different sheets just trying to get over you
Been hanging at ya favorite bar 'til a quarter past 2
You got me thinking of ya drinking 'cause ya love is overproof
I got a bad case of the whisky blues

I got a bad case of the whisky blues
I got a bad case of the whisky blues

Verse 2
Heard that you been telling everybody that I'm a psycho
Heard that you, you blame my mental but that's a lie though
Heard that you, you went and bought yourself a motorcycle
Keep pretending that I'm mad but your still on my mind though

'Cause I been layin' on them different sheets just trying to get over you
Been hanging at ya favorite bar 'til a quarter past 2
You got me thinking of ya drinking 'cause ya love is overproof
I got a bad case of the whisky blues

I got a bad case of the whisky blues
I got a bad case of the whisky blues

Time, take care of these feelings, got me tied up
I should hate you but I can't make my mind up
I can't make my mind up

'Cause I been layin' on them different sheets just trying to get over you
Been hanging at ya favorite bar 'til a quarter past 2
You got me thinking of ya drinking 'cause ya love is human proof
I got a bad case of the whisky blues

I got a bad case of the whisky blues
I got a bad case of the whisky blues

Discography Tanner Adell


Release: 2023-09-15
Label: Columbia
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Luke Combs
2. Backroad
3. Love You a Little Bit
4. Buckle Bunny
5. Bake It
6. FU-150
7. Strawberry Crush
8. See You in Church
9. Throw It Back
10. Trailer Park Barbie
11. I Hate Texas
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2023-07-21
Label: Columbia
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Buckle Bunny
2. Bake It
3. FU-150
4. Strawberry Crush
5. See You in Church
6. Throw It Back
7. Trailer Park Barbie
8. I Hate Texas
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Tanner Adell

CMT's Next Women of Country Kimberly Perry (of The Band Perry)

Price Range: $27 – 37
Date: 2024-08-16
Location: Bijou Theatre

CMT's Next Women of Country Kimberly Perry (of The Band Perry)

Price Range: $27 – 37
Date: 2024-08-16
Location: Bijou Theatre

CMT's Next Women of Country Kimberly Perry (of The Band Perry)

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-07-19
Location: Michigan International Speedway
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