Meaning and Lyrics of Where You At These Days by breathe.

Song Lyrics meaning of Where You At These Days by breathe.

Meaning of Where You At These Days by breathe.

The song “Where You At These Days” by breathe explores themes of longing, nostalgia, and the aftermath of a past relationship. The lyrics convey a sense of yearning for someone who is no longer present in the narrator’s life. The repeated question “Where you at these days?” serves as a poignant reflection on the emotional distance that has grown between the narrator and the subject of their affection.

In the first verse, the lyrics suggest that the narrator is struggling to cope with the absence of their partner, seeking solace in late-night activities and reminiscing about past moments shared together. The imagery of driving through familiar streets and reliving memories paints a picture of a relationship that has left a deep impression on the narrator’s psyche.

The second verse delves further into the memories associated with the relationship, highlighting a sense of loss and confusion. The mention of hiding cigarettes and youthful adventures adds a layer of nostalgia and regret to the narrative. The lyrics also touch upon feelings of imbalance and one-sidedness in the relationship, hinting at unresolved emotions and unspoken truths.

Throughout the song, the chorus reinforces the sense of longing and disorientation that the narrator feels in the absence of their partner. The repeated refrain “I still spend nights in raves” suggests that the narrator is seeking distractions and temporary relief from their emotional turmoil.

The final verse introduces a glimmer of hope, with references to light and the promise of a better tomorrow. The juxtaposition of past memories with the anticipation of future possibilities conveys a sense of resilience and optimism in the face of heartache.

Overall, “Where You At These Days” by breathe is a poignant meditation on love, loss, and the search for closure. The emotional depth of the lyrics, combined with dreamy atmospheric music, creates a haunting and introspective mood that resonates with listeners.

Lyrics of Where You At These Days by breathe.

Where you at these days?
Where you at these days?
Yeah where you at these days?

Where you at these days?
Since the day you left i ain’t been right same
Can’t get you back, so I’m out most days
Till the sun comes up and the clouds fade way
In a taxi back to a home you’re from
Where you at these days?
Where you at these days?
I still spend
I still spend

Chorus 1
I still spend nights in raves
Since the day you lДft i ain't been right same
Can’t get you back so I’m out most days
Till the sun comДs up and the clouds fade way

Where you at these days?
Since the day you left, i ain't been right same
Can’t get you back so I’m out most days
Till the sun comes up and the clouds fade way

Where you at these days?
Where you at these days?
Where you at these days?
Yeah where you at these days?

I just passed the street you live
Up over the hill past the park we played as kids
Turn left at your mums
Yeah i should’ve not, but i told myself know one’s in
I drove over the tarmac roads
The loose grapple stone our bikes wouldn’t go

Through dull lit paths to ally ways home
Where we hid cigarettes from police who roam
I still think about the nights we wish we remembered, but don’t
Chasing highs as we rode life, alone
We had balance to my stunt pegs bro
We supposed to be on mutual terms, by why’s us feel a little one sided though?

Chorus 2
I still spend nights in raves
Since the day you left i ain't been right same
Can’t get you back so I’m out most days
Till the sun comes up and the clouds fade way

Where you at these days?

Chorus 3
I still spend nights in raves
Since the day you left i ain't been right same
Can’t get you back so I’m out most days
Till the sun comes up and the clouds fade way

Yeah, i still feel the days you don’t
Blank texts on a screen lined home
Cigarettes out a back window
953 on the street lamps glow
There’s hope
Soaked in a light once borrowed
Not sure where you are this day but I’m told of tomorrow

I still spend nights in raves
Since the day you left i ain't been right same
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