Meaning and Lyrics of Welcome To The Boomtown by David & David

Song Lyrics meaning of Welcome To The Boomtown by David & David

About David & David

David & David, the enigmatic duo of David Baerwald and David Ricketts, burst onto the music scene with the 1986 release of their sole, but unforgettable, album Boomtown. This enigmatic pair created a brief yet potent impact, etching their place into the annals of rock history with a sound that combined gritty realism and melancholy melodies. David Baerwald and David Ricketts met through the Los Angeles music scene, a hotbed of creative collaboration and competition in the mid-80s. Both Davids brought a wealth of experience and a no-nonsense attitude to their partnership, resulting in a raw, fervent exploration of urban decay and disillusionment that resonates throughout the album. A prime example of their poignant storytelling is the track Welcome to the Boomtown. With its haunting keyboard intro, pulsating bassline, and lyrics that draw a bleak yet compelling picture of the lives affected by the reckless pursuit of wealth and success, the song encapsulates the essence of the 80s rock ethos. Baerwald’s wailing vocal delivery, paired with Ricketts’ atmospheric instrumentation, weaves a sonic tapestry that speaks to the disenchanted spirit of the era. Boomtown itself is an exploration into the universe of excess and downfall, capturing the underbelly of the American Dream. Despite the duo’s promising start, internal tensions and separate artistic aspirations led to their dissolution shortly after their debut. However, both Baerwald and Ricketts continued to influence the industry in various capacities, with Baerwald working with the likes of Sheryl Crow and Ricketts contributing to numerous projects behind the scenes. The fusion of Baerwald’s lyrical prowess with Ricketts’ musical landscapes created a unique soundscape that remains impactful decades later. Though their collaboration was ephemeral, David & David left an indelible mark on the music world with Boomtown, an album that captures the zeitgeist of its time and continues to garner admiration for its unflinching honesty and artistic depth.

Meaning of Welcome To The Boomtown by David & David

Welcome to the Boomtown” by David & David is one of those hidden gems from the ’80s that, despite its passing under many a radar, serves as a scathing social commentary wrapped in engaging melodies and somber lyrics. On the surface, it presents itself as a snapshot of the excesses and decay lurking beneath the glossy exterior of late 20th-century urban prosperity. Dive deeper, and you’ll find a lamentation of the American Dream gone awry, cast against the backdrop of a city teetering on the edge of moral bankruptcy.

The opening verse introduces us to Miss Cristina, a woman who symbolizes affluence and material success. “Miss Cristina drives a 944 / Satisfaction oozes from her pores,” David & David write, establishing her as a character whose wealth is instantly recognizable. The Porsche 944 is not just a car; it’s a status symbol, a shorthand for ‘I’ve made it.’ Yet, there’s a duality here: her satisfaction is superficial, effectively masking deeper insecurities highlighted by the defensive stance she takes, “She keeps rings on her fingers / Marble on her floor / Cocaine in her dresser / Bars on her doors.” The luxurious lifestyle is juxtaposed with a *prison-like* paranoia. Her “back against the wall” is a physical and metaphorical position of constant vigilance, emphasizing the cost of her so-called success.

The chorus, a bitterly ironic toast, “So I say, I say welcome / Welcome to the boomtown / Pick a habit / We got plenty to go around,” encapsulates the song’s essence. It’s a sardonic celebration of a place where wealth abounds, but so do the vices. The repetition of “Pick a habit” suggests a buffet of self-destruction, confirming that everyone partakes in something—be it drugs, materialism, or escapism—to cope with the pressures of this urban utopia gone sour. The sound of money is described as making “such a succulent sound,” an alluring auditory symbol that underscores the seductive yet destructive power of wealth.

Next, we meet Handsome Kevin, another archetype of the boomtown’s underbelly. “Handsome Kevin / Got a little off track / Took a year off from college / And he never went back.” Kevin’s fall from grace is both swift and tragic. His story is a cautionary tale of potential squandered, a life derailed by indulgence. Smoking “much too much” and dealing drugs out of a Denny’s, Kevin’s life is now an open secret, operating on the fringes (“He always listens to low ground”). The ‘low ground’ here resonates with the notion of being in the shadows, the moral lowlands of society where the hopeful dreams of higher education have morphed into the grim reality of survival.

The third verse delivers a gut-punch: “Well, the ambulance arrived too late / I guess she didn’t want to wait.” It’s a chilling line that shifts the narrative from gritty realism to outright tragedy. The implicit overdose or suicide underscores the ultimate consequence of the boomtown’s illusory glamor, shedding light on the desperation lying beneath the surface glamour.

What makes “Welcome to the Boomtown” compelling isn’t just its lyrical potency but also its musical composition. The arrangement is evocative yet understated, allowing the narrative to shine. The synths aren’t as prominent as one might expect from an ’80s track, but their subtle presence adds a layer of melancholy that suits the song’s themes perfectly. The bluesy guitar riffs add a gritty texture, enhancing the mood of disillusionment. There’s a sense of timelessness to the track, which seems to echo the malaise of any era where the facade of prosperity hides deeper societal issues.

In essence, David & David crafted a haunting tableau of urban existence in “Welcome to the Boomtown.” The song speaks to the disjunction between wealth and happiness, highlighting how the quest for material success often leads to moral and spiritual decay. It’s a dark, cautionary tale wrapped in smooth, almost deceptively inviting production, urging listeners to look beyond the surface—to see the bars on the doors as much as the marble on the floor.

Lyrics of Welcome To The Boomtown by David & David

Miss Cristina drives a 944
Satisfaction oozes from her pores
She keeps rings on her fingers
Marble on her floor
Cocaine in her dresser
Bars on her doors
She keeps her back against the wall
She keeps her back against the wall

So I say
I say welcome
Welcome to the boomtown
Pick a habit
We got plenty to go around

Welcome to the boomtown
All that money makes
Such a succulent sound
Welcome to the boomtown

Handsome Kevin
Got a little off track
Took a year off from college
And he never went back

Now he smokes much too much
Got a permanent hack
Deals dope out of Denny's
Keeps a table in the back
He always listens to low ground
Always listens to low ground

So I say
I say welcome
Welcome to the boomtown
Pick a habit
We got plenty to go around

Welcome to the boomtown
All that money makes
Such a succulent sound
Welcome to the boomtown

Well, the ambulance arrived too late
I guess she didn't want to wait

So I say
I say welcome
Welcome to the boomtown
Pick a habit
We got plenty to go around

Welcome to the boomtown
All that money makes
Such a succulent sound
Welcome to the boomtown

Welcome to the boomtown
Welcome to the boomtown

Discography David & David


Release: 1986-01-01
Label: A&M
Popularity: 👏
1. Welcome To The Boomtown
2. Swallowed By The Cracks
3. Ain’t So Easy
4. Being Alone Together
5. A Rock For The Forgotten
6. River’s Gonna Rise
7. Swimming In The Ocean
8. All Alone In The Big City
9. Heroes
Tracklist Collapse

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An Evening With David Sedaris

Price Range: $56.33 – 66.33
Date: 2024-11-02
Location: Martin Marietta Center for the Performing Arts

An Evening With David Sedaris

Price Range: $44 – 59
Date: 2024-10-22
Location: Stifel Theatre

An Evening With David Sedaris

Price Range: $50 – 75
Date: 2024-11-01
Location: Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts
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