Meaning and Lyrics of Weight of the World by Hurts

Song Lyrics meaning of Weight of the World by Hurts

About Hurts

Hurts is a British musical duo formed in Manchester in 2009, consisting of singer Theo Hutchcraft and multi-instrumentalist Adam Anderson. The duo gained popularity with their debut album “Happiness” in 2010, which included the hit single “Wonderful Life.” Known for their dark lyrics and cinematic sound, Hurts continued to release successful albums such as “Exile” and “Surrender.” Their music often explores themes of heartbreak, longing, and emotional struggles. One of their popular tracks is “Weight of the World,” a poignant and soul-stirring song that showcases their signature emotional depth and melancholic sound. With their unique blend of electronic pop and dramatic ballads, Hurts has captivated audiences around the world and established themselves as one of the most compelling musical acts of the past decade.

Meaning of Weight of the World by Hurts

The song “Weight of the World” by Hurts delves into themes of inner struggles, feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of life, and the weight of responsibility that can sometimes be too much to bear. Let’s break down the lyrics to interpret the deeper meaning.

In the verses, the singer expresses a sense of trouble and turmoil brewing within them. The cracks in the open sky and the lightning serve as metaphors for the pain and disturbance they feel internally. There is a search for something deep inside, hinting at a quest for understanding or resolution amidst the chaos.

The chorus repeatedly emphasizes feeling the weight of the world on the singer’s mind. This weight symbolizes the burden of problems and stresses that are piling up, creating a sense of heaviness that is becoming too much to handle. The repeated line “I’m not strong enough” reflects a feeling of inadequacy or inability to cope with what life has thrown at them.

In the second verse, the singer talks about how witnessing joy in others is bittersweet, as it causes a part of them to fade away. The imagery of fallen angels hitting the ground highlights a sense of loss or failure to save something precious, further intensifying the emotional turmoil being experienced.

The bridge appeals for release and support, asking not to be abandoned in facing the trials alone. The lines “Don’t let me down, don’t let me go” convey a plea for assistance and understanding, a call for someone to share the burden and not leave them isolated in their struggles.

As the song repeats the chorus and outro, the desperation and plea not to be let down or abandoned grow stronger. The final lines reiterate the singer’s troubled state of mind, an admission of vulnerability and a cry for help in navigating through the challenges that weigh heavily on them.

In essence, “Weight of the World” encapsulates the feeling of being overwhelmed, grappling with internal and external pressures, and seeking solace and support to carry on despite the heaviness of existence. It’s a poignant exploration of human fragility and the need for connection and understanding in times of adversity.

Lyrics of Weight of the World by Hurts

Verse 1
I've got trouble on my mind
I see the cracks in the open sky
I feel the lightning illuminate the pain inside
I don't know what I will find deep inside

I feel the weight of the world
Weighing on my mind
I can't carry the earth
I'm not strong enough

I've got trouble on my mind
I've got trouble on my…

Verse 2
With every joy that you display
A little piece of me just fades away
And all around me, the fallen angels hit the ground
And I can't catch them as they're raining down

I feel the weight of the world
Weighing on my mind
I can't carry the earth
I'm not strong enough

I've got trouble on my mind
I've got trouble on my mind

Set me free, shed this off with me
Don't let me down, don't let me go
Don't let me down bare this weight alone
Don't let me down, don't let me go

I feel the weight of the world
Weighing on my mind
I can't carry the earth
I'm not strong enough

Don't let me down, don't let me go
I've got trouble on my mind
Don't let me down, don't let me go
I've got trouble on my mind
Don't let me down, don't let me go
I've got trouble on my mind
Don't let me down, don't let me go
I've got trouble on my mind

Discography Hurts


Release: 2020-09-04
Label: Lento Records
Popularity: 👏


Release: 2017-09-29
Label: Lento Records
Popularity: 👏
1. Beautiful Ones
2. Ready to Go
3. People Like Us
4. Something I Need to Know
5. Thinking of You
6. Wherever You Go
7. Chaperone
8. Boyfriend
9. Walk Away
10. Wait Up
11. Spotlights
12. Hold on to Me
13. Magnificent</a
Tracklist Collapse

Surrender (Deluxe)

Release: 2015-10-09
Label: Columbia
Popularity: 👏
1. Surrender
2. Some Kind of Heaven
3. Why
4. Nothing Will Be Bigger Than Us
5. Rolling Stone
6. Lights
7. Slow
8. Kaleidoscope
9. Wings
10. Wish
11. Perfect Timing
12. Weight of the World
13. Policewoman
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Hurts

Love Hurts - 2024-07-12

Price Range: $32.5 – 32.5 GBP
Location: Scarborough Spa Grand Hall, Scarborough

Bryan Adams: So Happy It Hurts Tour - 2024-10-04

Price Range: $59.92 – 79.52 EUR
Location: Rotterdam Ahoy, Rotterdam

Bryan Adams: So Happy It Hurts Tour - 2024-10-04

Price Range: $8.6 – 116.35 EUR
Location: Location not available
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Release: 2020-09-04
Label: Lento Records
Popularity: 👏


Release: 2017-09-29
Label: Lento Records
Popularity: 👏
1. Beautiful Ones
2. Ready to Go
3. People Like Us
4. Something I Need to Know
5. Thinking of You
6. Wherever You Go
7. Chaperone
8. Boyfriend
9. Walk Away
10. Wait Up
11. Spotlights
12. Hold on to Me
13. Magnificent</a
Tracklist Collapse

Surrender (Deluxe)

Release: 2015-10-09
Label: Columbia
Popularity: 👏
1. Surrender
2. Some Kind of Heaven
3. Why
4. Nothing Will Be Bigger Than Us
5. Rolling Stone
6. Lights
7. Slow
8. Kaleidoscope
9. Wings
10. Wish
11. Perfect Timing
12. Weight of the World
13. Policewoman
Tracklist Collapse
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