Meaning and Lyrics of Wash It Away by Axel Flóvent

Song Lyrics meaning of Wash It Away by Axel Flóvent

About Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent is an Icelandic singer-songwriter who has steadily crafted a reputation for himself with his tranquil yet emotionally resonant music. Hailing from the small town of Húsavík, Flóvent emerged onto the music scene during the mid-2010s, bringing with him a refreshing blend of folk and indie pop influences that evoke the chill of his Nordic homeland. Drenched in melancholy yet tinged with hope, Flóvent’s discography features a number of releases that showcase his metamorphosis as an artist. Early EPs like Forest Fires established his knack for delicate melodies and introspective lyrics. His music often features lush acoustic arrangements, ambient soundscapes, and a vocal delivery that feels simultaneously fragile and potent. One quintessential song that highlights Flóvent’s artistry is “Wash It Away.” This track stands as a testament to his ability to blend simplistic yet hauntingly beautiful instrumentation with poignant lyrical themes. The emotional gravity of the song captures listeners, wrapping them in a serene sonic blanket while encouraging introspection. As his career progresses, Axel Flóvent continues to enchant audiences worldwide, not just because of his distinct sound, but also due to his authentic storytelling. His work offers a gentle yet profound commentary on life’s serene and turbulent moments, making him a unique voice in the labyrinthine world of contemporary indie music.

Meaning of Wash It Away by Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent’s “Wash It Away” is an evocative exploration of emotional vulnerability, internal conflict, and the strain of unspoken thoughts. Flóvent, known for his introspective and hauntingly melodic approach, crafts a poignant narrative that delves deep into the tumultuous waters of human connections and miscommunication. Let’s unpack this song, examining its lyrical intricacies and underlying themes.

Verse 1

The opening verse sets the tone for the entire piece. Flóvent sings, “Sometimes the things that we lose in the wild / Are holding us back from each other,” establishing a duality between nature and human relationships. The “wild” can be interpreted as the chaotic, unrefined aspects of life that cause us to lose sight of the more significant interpersonal connections. This line immediately suggests that there are external forces—whether they’re distractions, past traumas, or uncertainties—that act as barriers.

“Facing the part that keeps taunting my feelings / Might help me but what’s it for you?” speaks to the solitary nature of self-confrontation. Flóvent acknowledges the intrinsic value in understanding one’s own emotions, yet questions its benefit in the context of a relationship. This line resonates with the universal struggle of balancing personal growth with the needs and perceptions of loved ones.

The imagery, “You run through the thought that lets you into my dreams / A weight that has never been lifted,” indicates an unresolved issue that has lingered for too long. Dreams, often a medium for the subconscious, here represent a conduit for unresolved thoughts and unspoken feelings to surface. The “weight” is a metaphor for the burden of these hidden emotions.

Chorus 1

The chorus—”Is it happening now or is it my overthinking? / I can’t really tell if you’re really sinking”—reflects the intense self-doubt and constant second-guessing that defines overthinking. This line captures the essence of anxiety within relationships; it’s unclear whether the partner is truly distressed or if it’s merely a projection of the singer’s own insecurities. The repetition of questioning reality vs. perception signifies the mental turmoil.

“So I keep it all to myself until it’s too late / I wait on the moment but the moment’s a blur” highlights a common human tendency to delay addressing issues, often waiting for a perfect moment that never arrives. This leads to missed opportunities for genuine communication. The striking phrase “leave my head out on the curb / But the rain won’t wash it away” combines vivid imagery with the harsh reality that no external force (like rain) can cleanse internal conflicts.

Verse 2

In the second verse, Flóvent shifts to an even more introspective stance: “What if the words that I always come back to / Fade through the dust that’s on me?” This could symbolize the passage of time and the weight of unresolved issues. The “dust” can be seen as the accumulation of time and neglect that obscures clarity.

“I catch when your love is hardly there when / I see you wait for me” speaks to the ambiguous nature of love and the fleeting moments of connection. It draws a portrait of a relationship strained by doubt and distance, yet punctuated by moments of hope that the other person is still holding on.

Chorus 2

Revisiting the chorus, this time with altered lines, “You seem certain that you’ll always be here with me / I wait on the moment but the moment’s a blur,” emphasizes the partner’s reassurance contrasted with the singer’s deep-seated instability. The repetition of waiting and the constant blur of moments points to a cyclical pattern of expectation and disappointment.

“I don’t know if I can do it again / If I lose you in the eye, in the eye of the storm” conveys ultimate resignation and the fear of repeating heartache. The “eye of the storm” is a powerful metaphor for the calm yet precarious center of turmoil—suggesting that even in moments of tranquility, there is an impending sense of catastrophe.


“Wash It Away” by Axel Flóvent is a masterful composition that intertwines raw vulnerability with melodic introspection. The haunting lyrics and Flóvent’s delicate vocal delivery create a poignant atmosphere that resonates with listeners. It’s a song that highlights the struggle between internal conflict and the desire to maintain close connections, underlined by an ever-present fear of miscommunication and loss. The song’s enduring impact is a testament to Flóvent’s ability to translate complex emotions into beautiful, evocative music.

Lyrics of Wash It Away by Axel Flóvent

Verse 1
Sometimes the things that we lose in the wild
Are holding us back from each other
Facing the part that keeps taunting my feelings
Might help me but what’s it for you?
You run through the thought that let’s you into my dreams
A weight that has never been lifted
I can’t bare the thought that you see something I don’t see
But it’s not my world to carry

Chorus 1
Is it happening now or is it my over thinking?
I can’t really tell if you’re really sinking
So I keep it all to my self until it’s too late
I wait on the moment but the moment's a blur
So I leave my head out on the curb
But the rain won’t wash it away
Oh, no

Verse 2
What if the words that I always come back to
Fade through thе dust that’s on me?
I catch when your love is hardly thеre when
I see you wait for me

Chorus 2
Is it happening now or is it my over thinking?
I can’t really tell if you’re really sinking
You seem certain that you’ll always be here with me
I wait on the moment but the moments a blur
So I leave my head out on the curb
I don’t know if I can do it again
If I lose you in the eye, in the eye of the storm
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