Meaning and Lyrics of Us by Regina Spektor

Song Lyrics meaning of Us by Regina Spektor

About Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor has carved out a delightful niche as one of the most enchanting singer-songwriters of the 21st century. Born on February 18, 1980, in Moscow, she moved to the Bronx, New York, at the tender age of nine, bringing with her a deep well of classical piano training and a penchant for storytelling. Spektor’s work fits uncomfortably yet exquisitely within the indie-pop genre; she’s an artist who defies categorization. Her songwriting possesses the quirky, idiosyncratic charm of the anti-folk movement, yet it’s suffused with a classical sensibility and pop accessibility. This isn’t just someone who bangs on a Casio keyboard; she composes intricate, evocative melodies that linger long after the final note. Breaking through with Soviet Kitsch (2003), an album blending whimsy with visceral emotion, Spektor garnered a loyal following. But it was Begin to Hope (2006) that catapulted her to broader acclaim. The tracks are a tour de force of her range—from the pop sophistication of “Fidelity” to the haunting balladry of “Samson.” Us, a standout track from her 2004 release Soviet Kitsch, exemplifies her signature style. The song is an intricate tapestry of evocative lyrics and lush instrumentation. Starting with lush, cascading piano and string arrangements, “Us” is a poignant reflection on identity and displacement. Spektor’s voice, at once fragile and fervent, elevates the track to a near-mythic level. What sets Regina Spektor apart in today’s cluttered music landscape is her commitment to authentic, heartfelt expression, never once succumbing to mediocrity or formulaic writing. Her discography is a testament to her artistic evolution, each album a chapter in an increasingly compelling narrative. From the minimalism of songs like “Eet” on Far (2009) to the more polished, chamber-pop textures of Remember Us to Life (2016), Regina Spektor stands as a beacon of originality and emotional depth. While Spektor’s star might not shine the brightest among mainstream pop icons, her influence is indelible. Artists like Ingrid Michaelson and Florence Welch owe more than a debt to her trailblazing approach. As we await her next opus, one thing remains clear: Regina Spektor will always be the anti-pop star we didn’t know we needed but can’t imagine living without.

Meaning of Us by Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor’s song “Us” is an evocative manifestation of art-pop brilliance, teeming with metaphorical depth and poetic audacity. From the opening bars, Spektor takes listeners on a journey through a blend of whimsical narrative and somber reality, employing both lyrical finesse and striking piano arrangements to create a piece that resonates on multiple levels.

Verse 1: Exploring Idolatry and Impermanence

“They made a statue of us” unfurls the song with a vivid image of elevation and idolization. Spektor captures the transient nature of fame and public adoration. By placing the statue on a *mountaintop*, she signifies a peak, a moment of triumph, but also isolation. The tourists, mundane in their actions—*blow bubbles with their gum, take photographs of fun*—reflect society’s consumption of transient beauty and monumental achievements without truly understanding their essence. The notion of a city being named after “us” only to later blame the same figures for its faults underscores a cyclical pattern of hero worship and vilification. The double entendre in “talking to” can be seen as insightful advice or scolding, indicative of authoritative voices shaping narratives based on their years of experience.

Chorus: The Contagion of Cynicism

Spektor’s chorus—a reflection on “living in a den of thieves”—invokes a sense of disillusionment. This biblical allusion suggests a society inhabited by deceit and moral decay. “Rummaging for answers in the pages” evokes the futile search for meaning or solutions within established texts and norms that perhaps have long lost their significance. The repetition of “it’s contagious” accentuates the pervasive nature of this disenchantment, suggesting that this disillusionment spreads easily among people, contaminating collective psyche.

Verse 2: Subtle Rebellion and Existential Weariness

Here, Spektor weaves in a mixture of rebellion and resignation. “We wear our scarves just like a noose” juxtaposes fashion with a symbol of death—yet she clarifies it’s “not ‘cause we want eternal sleep”—indicating a resistance against surrender. There’s a bleak acknowledgment of being “slightly used”, reflective of weariness from societal exploitation, but with an assertion that “new ones are slave labor you can keep”, she dismisses conforming to superficial replacements crafted through exploitation.

Bridge: The Decay of Legacy

In the bridge, Spektor revisits the statue metaphor. Despite its creation as a symbol of grandeur, “the sculptor’s marble sends regards”—a reminder of the artificial construct and transient nature. The rusting noses symbolize the inevitability of decay and neglect of once-celebrated figures. This serves as a poignant reminder of how legacy fades with time, transforming from revered to relic.

Musical Composition: Brevity and Impact

Musically, “Us” is elegantly sparse yet impactful. Spektor’s piano and distinct vocal delivery become the soul of the song, ensuring her storytelling remains at the forefront. The shifts between verses, chorus, and bridge are seamless, reflecting an intuitive grasp of musical dynamics that amplify her lyrical themes.

Cultural Impact and Artistic Merit

“Us” stands as a compelling critique of societal values and the fickleness of fame, articulated through Spektor’s distinct blend of whimsy and wisdom. This track from her acclaimed 2004 album “Soviet Kitsch” helped cement Spektor as a critical figure in the anti-folk scene, stretching the boundaries of conventional song structure and thematic exploration.

Through “Us”, Regina Spektor doesn’t just offer a song; she provides a reflective mirror on society, fame, and human fallibility. Her ability to meld intricate lyrical themes with accessible musicality makes the song an enduring piece of modern pop art—a timeless exploration of the fleeting nature of human endeavors and the pervasive disillusionment found in our collective consciousness.

Lyrics of Us by Regina Spektor

Verse 1
They made a statue of us
And put it on a mountaintop
Now tourists come and stare at us
Blow bubbles with their gum
Take photographs of fun, have fun
They'll name a city after us
And later say it's all our fault
Then they'll give us a talking to
Then they'll give us a talking to
'Cause they've got years of experience

Living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages
Living in a den of thieves
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious

Verse 2
We wear our scarves just like a noose
But not 'cause we want eternal sleep
And though our parts are slightly used
New ones are slave labor you can keep

Living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages
Living in a den of thieves
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious

They made a statue of us
They made a statue of us
The tourists come and stare at us
The sculptor's marble sends regards
They made a statue of us
They made a statue of us
Our noses have begun to rust

Living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages
Living in a den of thieves
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious, oh
And it's contagious, oh
And it's contagious, oh
And it's contagious, oh

Discography Regina Spektor

Home, before and after

Release: 2022-06-24
Label: Sire
Popularity: 👏
1. Becoming All Alone
2. Up the Mountain
3. One Man’s Prayer
4. Raindrops
5. SugarMan
6. What Might Have Been
7. Spacetime Fairytale
8. Coin
9. Loveology
10. Through a Doo
Tracklist Collapse

Bombshell (Original Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Release: 2019-12-13
Label: Sire
1. One Little Soldier
2. Clear and Simple (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
3. Problems with Women
4. Breaking (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
5. The Tour
6. Fox News Apologies (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
7. Deposition
8. The End Times
9. Elevator Trio (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
10. Chills and Fevers
11. Accusers’ Waltz (feat. Caroline Shaw)
12. Roger Is Out
13. Dressing Room (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
14. Text Messages
15. How Do I Play This
16. Roger Roger Roger
17. The Murdoch Boys
18. The Questions (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
19. Talking Points (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
20. Explode (feat. Caroline Shaw)
Tracklist Collapse

Remember Us to Life (Deluxe)

Release: 2016-09-30
Label: Sire
1. Bleeding Heart
2. Older and Taller
3. Grand Hotel
4. Small Bill$
5. Black and White
6. The Light
7. The Trapper and the Furrier
8. Tornadoland
9. Obsolete
10. Sellers of Flowers
11. The Visit
12. New Year
13. The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left
14. End of Thought
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Upcoming Events for Regina Spektor

An Evening With Regina Spektor

Price Range: $49.5 – 89.5
Date: 2024-07-31
Location: MGM Music Hall at Fenway

An Evening With Regina Spektor

Price Range: $39.5 – 104.5
Date: 2024-07-30
Location: The Wellmont Theater

An Evening With Regina Spektor

Price Range: $63.3 – 134.7
Date: 2024-07-28
Location: The Lyric
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Home, before and after

Release: 2022-06-24
Label: Sire
Popularity: 👏
1. Becoming All Alone
2. Up the Mountain
3. One Man’s Prayer
4. Raindrops
5. SugarMan
6. What Might Have Been
7. Spacetime Fairytale
8. Coin
9. Loveology
10. Through a Doo
Tracklist Collapse

Bombshell (Original Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Release: 2019-12-13
Label: Sire
1. One Little Soldier
2. Clear and Simple (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
3. Problems with Women
4. Breaking (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
5. The Tour
6. Fox News Apologies (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
7. Deposition
8. The End Times
9. Elevator Trio (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
10. Chills and Fevers
11. Accusers’ Waltz (feat. Caroline Shaw)
12. Roger Is Out
13. Dressing Room (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
14. Text Messages
15. How Do I Play This
16. Roger Roger Roger
17. The Murdoch Boys
18. The Questions (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
19. Talking Points (feat. Caroline Shaw, Petra Haden & Susanna Hoffs)
20. Explode (feat. Caroline Shaw)
Tracklist Collapse

Remember Us to Life (Deluxe)

Release: 2016-09-30
Label: Sire
Popularity: 👏
1. Bleeding Heart
2. Older and Taller
3. Grand Hotel
4. Small Bill$
5. Black and White
6. The Light
7. The Trapper and the Furrier
8. Tornadoland
9. Obsolete
10. Sellers of Flowers
11. The Visit
12. New Year
13. The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left
14. End of Thought
Tracklist Collapse
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