Meaning and Lyrics of This Feeling by Axel Flóvent

Song Lyrics meaning of This Feeling by Axel Flóvent

About Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent: Axel Flóvent, hailing from the rugged landscapes of Iceland, is a singer-songwriter whose music embodies the delicate balance between melancholy and hope. Born in the small town of Húsavík, Axel’s music is deeply rooted in the serene and often haunting beauty of his Nordic homeland. His sound is an intricate tapestry of folk, indie, and chamber pop, characterized by introspective lyrics and ethereal melodies. Flóvent began his musical journey at a young age, influenced by the expansive and dramatic natural surroundings of Iceland. His early work garnered attention on platforms like SoundCloud, where his emotive voice and minimalist instrumentation stood in stark contrast to the overproduced hits dominating mainstream charts at the time. After releasing several EPs, Axel Flóvent’s debut album, “You Stay by the Sea,” dropped in 2021, showcasing his growth as an artist. The album reflects his refined songwriting and captures a sense of intimate storytelling, woven with threads of personal experience and universal emotion. One example song: This Feeling “This Feeling,” a standout track by Axel Flóvent, is a hauntingly beautiful song that encapsulates his signature sound. With its delicate acoustic guitar work and poignant vocals, the track transports listeners to a place of introspection. The layered harmonies and subtle instrumentation add depth without overwhelming the emotional core of the song. Lyrically, “This Feeling” explores themes of longing and emotional turbulence, resonating deeply with anyone who has felt caught between their past and future. In “This Feeling,” Axel Flóvent proves that his music is not just a product of his environment but a vessel for it, channeling the stark beauty and raw emotionality of Iceland into a universally relatable auditory experience.

Meaning of This Feeling by Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent’s “This Feeling” is an evocative testament to the inarticulable nature of emotions, particularly those complicated by timing and circumstance. The musical landscape Flóvent crafts is a delicate marriage of folk-influenced melodies and modern indie sensibilities, wrapped up in an introspective lyrical narrative that feels universally relatable yet deeply personal.

Verse 1

From the outset, the song taps into a universal experience: the resignation to a nomadic lifestyle dictated by professional obligations. Flóvent sings, “Summer, you came when I quit my tendency / To over-analyze,” which hints at a seasonal, almost ephemeral, reprieve from his habitual overthinking. Summer isn’t just a season here; it’s a symbolic phase denoting freedom and a break from mental overdrive. This notion of temporary respite gets juxtaposed with a nostalgic connection: “Best of all, you knew my face from while ago / But you did not tell me then.” This line subtly underscores the familiarity and yet the missed connections—moments that could have been acknowledged but were deferred.

The verse culminates in the poignant admission, “Sorry if I’m quiet, I’m just overwhelmed / Aren’t you?” Here, the essence of being overwhelmed is not just a personal confession but a universal query, reflecting Flóvent’s acute emotional poignancy.


The chorus, “But I can’t describe this feeling, this feeling for you,” serves as the emotional crux of the song. The repetition underscores the frustration and helplessness in trying to articulate emotions that are inherently beyond verbal expression. There’s a raw universality in this, capturing the human condition of feeling profoundly yet being unable to convey it adequately.

Verse 2

In the second verse, Flóvent delves deeper into the transformational yet fragile nature of emotions: “Still it changes, still it breaks / I’m just glad we found this day together.” Happiness is fleeting, and he acknowledges the transient yet cherished moments shared. His admission, “I can’t let you in on my thoughts / Because I change my heart too often,” reveals a profound vulnerability. Here, he touches on the fickleness of his own emotional state, hinting at a fear of commitment or perhaps a history of inconsistency that complicates intimacy.

“I don’t want to scare you away / So I lie, like it’s any better”—these lines offer a brutal self-awareness about the sacrifices and small deceits people often employ to maintain relationships. Amidst this, Flóvent’s earnestness remains, highlighting a relatable struggle with honesty and fear of vulnerability.


The post-chorus continues the thematic thread of the chorus but extends it melodically and emotionally. The repeated lines, interwoven with a vocal echo, almost feel like an internal monologue set to music.


The simple, poignant closing, “For you,” adds an intimate touch to the song’s end. It feels like an unfinished letter, a sentiment hanging in the air—underscoring the song’s central theme of emotions that evade complete expression.

Musical Composition and Artistic Merit

Musically, “This Feeling” is a master class in subtlety. Flóvent’s lamenting, ethereal vocals float over minimalist instrumentation, reminiscent of artists like Bon Iver and José González. The production is sparse yet lush, employing reverb-soaked guitar lines and soft, ambient textures that create an atmosphere befitting the song’s introspective lyrics.

Cultural Impact and Relevance

In an era where over-sharing on social media is common, Flóvent’s struggle to articulate his feelings resonates deeply. It serves as an antidote to the often superficial emotional expressions found online. His artistic honesty and vulnerability create a compelling narrative that demands introspection, both from the artist and the audience.

Ultimately, “This Feeling” is more than just a song; it’s a meditation on the complexities of human emotions, beautifully articulated through Axel Flóvent’s unique lyrical and musical sensibilities. In a world increasingly dominated by bombastic sounds and performative emotionality, Flóvent’s subtlety and sincerity stand out, marking him as a poignant voice in contemporary music.

Lyrics of This Feeling by Axel Flóvent

Verse 1
Summer, you came when I quit my tendency
To over-analyse
Best of all you knew my face from while ago
But you did not tell me then
I had to leave for the work that I do
But I didn't stop thinking about you
Sorry if I'm quiet, I'm just overwhelmed
Aren't you?

But I can't describe this feeling, this feeling for you
I can't describe this feeling, this feeling for you

Verse 2
Still it changes, still it breaks
I'm just glad we found this day together
I can't let you in on my thoughts
Because I change my heart too often
And I don't want to scare you away
So I lie, like it's any better

And I can't describe this feeling, this feeling for you
I can't describe this feeling, this feeling for you

I can't describe this feeling for you
(Describe this feeling, can't describe this feeling)
I can't describe this feeling, this feeling for you
(Describe this feeling, can't describe this feeling)
I can't describe this feeling, this feeling for you
(Describe this feeling, can't describe this feeling) (Ooh)
I can't describe this feeling, this feeling for you
(Describe this feeling, can't describe this feeling)

For you

Discography Axel Flóvent

Away From This Dream

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Moonlight
2. Don’t Wait For Summer
3. Have This Dance
4. Wash It Away
5. Chasing The Night
6. This Feeling
7. When the Sun Goes Down
8. Asymmetry
9. Honesty
10. Away From This Dream
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea (Deluxe)

Release: 2022-09-09
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
13. Moonstone
14. Sea Creatures
15. Tomorrow Will Be Gone
16. Fireworks – Night Version
17. Driving Hours – SCayos & Annie Elise Remix
18. Sea Creatures – Nightshifts Remix
19. Driving Hours – musclecars “Call Me” Mix
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea

Release: 2021-01-15
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
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Away From This Dream

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Moonlight
2. Don’t Wait For Summer
3. Have This Dance
4. Wash It Away
5. Chasing The Night
6. This Feeling
7. When the Sun Goes Down
8. Asymmetry
9. Honesty
10. Away From This Dream
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea (Deluxe)

Release: 2022-09-09
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
13. Moonstone
14. Sea Creatures
15. Tomorrow Will Be Gone
16. Fireworks – Night Version
17. Driving Hours – SCayos & Annie Elise Remix
18. Sea Creatures – Nightshifts Remix
19. Driving Hours – musclecars “Call Me” Mix
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea

Release: 2021-01-15
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
Tracklist Collapse
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