Meaning and Lyrics of The Satanist by Behemoth

Song Lyrics meaning of The Satanist by Behemoth

About Behemoth

Behemoth is a Polish extreme metal band that has made waves in the metal community since their formation in 1991. Originally hailing from Gdańsk, Behemoth began as a trio and has morphed into a near-legendary act known for their unflinching commitment to pushing the boundaries of blackened death metal. With Nergal at the helm as the lead vocalist and guitarist, they’ve carved out a niche that’s as technical as it is controversial. Nergal isn’t just the band’s frontman; he’s a magnetic personality who has guided the band through multiple eras of reinvention and sonic exploration. The band started with a black metal sound, heavily influenced by early Scandinavian acts, but evolved into something much more complex and rich, incorporating death metal elements along the way. “The Satanist”, one of their most influential songs (from the 2014 album of the same name), captures the essence of their dark, theatrical, and intricate style. The song is a tour de force of aggressive instrumentation, atmospheric symphonics, and unyielding lyrical content. It’s an anthem of rebellion that exemplifies Behemoth’s audacious artistry and mastery over their craft. The band’s live performances are legendary for their intensity and elaborate staging, making them a force to be reckoned with in the metal scene. Over the years, they’ve battled censorship, legal issues, and health scares, but Nergal’s unflagging spirit and the band’s musical prowess have kept them at the forefront of the genre. In essence, Behemoth is not just a band; they are an institution in extreme metal, embodying a spirit of defiance and relentless creativity.

Meaning of The Satanist by Behemoth

“The Satanist” by Behemoth is a profound and intense song that delves into themes of rebellion, blasphemy, and individuality. The lyrics depict a figure who has descended from Mount Sinai, a place of great religious significance, and unleashed their splendor upon a scoundrel mob, rejecting conventional notions of religious piety and embracing a darker path.

The song seems to be a rejection of traditional notions of faith and morality, as well as a celebration of embracing one’s inner darkness and rejecting societal norms. The persona in the song beckons Salome, a biblical figure known for her dance of the seven veils, to bring forth a heinous offering, suggesting a desire for corruption and defiance of perceived purity.

The imagery in the lyrics is vivid and evocative, invoking themes of decomposition, dissolution, and disintegration. The persona embraces euphoria in the depths of hell, symbolizing a liberation from constraints and a reveling in darkness and rebellion.

There is also a sense of transformation and evolution in the song, as the persona describes themselves as the fly that flew forth from the ark, shedding their previous self and embracing a new identity. The persona rejects the confines of the cosmos and seeks to liberate the spring of life, symbolizing a desire for renewal and rebirth through defiance and destruction.

The persona is portrayed as a figure of rebellion and defiance, dwelling beneath Milton’s tomb and rejecting notions of guilt, reason, or shame. The lyrics suggest a refusal to adhere to traditional moral codes and a rejection of societal expectations, embracing a life of denial and defiance.

Overall, “The Satanist” by Behemoth is a powerful and provocative exploration of rebellion, darkness, and individuality, inviting listeners to challenge conventional beliefs and embrace their innermost desires and passions without fear of judgment or condemnation.

Lyrics of The Satanist by Behemoth

I descended from the Mount Sinai
Unleashed the splendor upon a scoundrel mob
To shelter where no messianic light
Drove one single ray into the pulp ov life
Oh sweet Salome, I beckon thee:
Bring forth thy heinous offering
Without your love
So incomplete
Corrupt me with your dignity

I decompose in the rapture ov hells
Dissolve, divide, disintegrate
I am yours
In euphoria below

At faintest whim they would impale the sun
And thus the sheep in me became the wolf in man
I am the fly that flew forth from the ark
My thoughts like insects
Whoring wounds divine
Been bored with cosmos my dear old foe
This universe has never been enough
Compelled to liberate the spring ov life
When the levee breaks gush forth o' stream ov ice

I decompose in rapture ov hells
Dissolve, divide, disintegrate
I am yours
In euphoria below
I cast my halo from perdition’s clay
Behold my bliss profane
Born of a lie
Condemned to lurk
Live in denial
Yet coiled aflame

I am the great rebellion
'neath Milton’s tomb I dwell
An existence even sin would not pardon
No guilt, no reason, savior, or shame

Discography Behemoth

Opvs Contra Natvram

Release: 2022-09-16
Label: Nuclear Blast
Popularity: đź‘Ź
1. Post-God Nirvana
2. Malaria Vvlgata
3. The Deathless Sun
4. Ov My Herculean Exile
5. Neo-Spartacvs
6. Disinheritance
7. Off To War!
8. Once Upon A Pale Horse
9. Thy Becoming Eternal
10. Versvs Christvs
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In Absentia Dei

Release: 2021-12-17
Label: Nuclear Blast
1. Evoe (Live)
2. Wolves Ov Siberia (Live)
3. Prometherion (Live)
4. From the Pagan Vastlands (Live)
5. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel (Live)
6. Antichristian Phenomenon (Live)
7. Conquer All (Live)
8. Lucifer (Live)
9. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer (Live)
10. Satan’s Sword (I Have Become) (Live)
11. Ov Fire and the Void (Live)
12. Chwala Mordercom Wojciecha (Live)
13. As Above so Below (Live)
14. Slaves Shall Serve (Live)
15. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 E.V. (Live)
16. Sculpting the Throne Ov Seth (Live)
17. Bartzabel (Live)
18. Decade Ov Therion (Live)
19. O Father O Satan O Sun! (Live)
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I Loved You at Your Darkest

Release: 2018-10-05
Label: Nuclear Blast
1. Solve
2. Wolves ov Siberia
3. God = Dog
4. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
5. Bartzabel
6. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough…
7. Angelvs XIII
8. Sabbath Mater
9. Havohej Pantocrator
10. Rom 5:8
11. We Are the Next 1000 Years
12. Coagvla
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Opvs Contra Natvram

Release: 2022-09-16
Label: Nuclear Blast
Popularity: đź‘Ź
1. Post-God Nirvana
2. Malaria Vvlgata
3. The Deathless Sun
4. Ov My Herculean Exile
5. Neo-Spartacvs
6. Disinheritance
7. Off To War!
8. Once Upon A Pale Horse
9. Thy Becoming Eternal
10. Versvs Christvs
Tracklist Collapse

In Absentia Dei

Release: 2021-12-17
Label: Nuclear Blast
1. Evoe (Live)
2. Wolves Ov Siberia (Live)
3. Prometherion (Live)
4. From the Pagan Vastlands (Live)
5. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel (Live)
6. Antichristian Phenomenon (Live)
7. Conquer All (Live)
8. Lucifer (Live)
9. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer (Live)
10. Satan’s Sword (I Have Become) (Live)
11. Ov Fire and the Void (Live)
12. Chwala Mordercom Wojciecha (Live)
13. As Above so Below (Live)
14. Slaves Shall Serve (Live)
15. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 E.V. (Live)
16. Sculpting the Throne Ov Seth (Live)
17. Bartzabel (Live)
18. Decade Ov Therion (Live)
19. O Father O Satan O Sun! (Live)
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I Loved You at Your Darkest

Release: 2018-10-05
Label: Nuclear Blast
Popularity: đź‘Ź
1. Solve
2. Wolves ov Siberia
3. God = Dog
4. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
5. Bartzabel
6. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough…
7. Angelvs XIII
8. Sabbath Mater
9. Havohej Pantocrator
10. Rom 5:8
11. We Are the Next 1000 Years
12. Coagvla
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