Meaning and Lyrics of The One by Cade Thompson

Song Lyrics meaning of The One by Cade Thompson

Meaning of The One by Cade Thompson

“The One” by Cade Thompson is a powerful song that conveys a message of redemption, grace, and unconditional love. The lyrics draw parallels between the singer’s own life and biblical stories, emphasizing the theme of being pursued and saved by a loving God.

In the first verse, the singer relates to the biblical parable of the prodigal son, highlighting the journey from feeling lost and afraid to finding solace in the embrace of a forgiving and welcoming father. This narrative sets the tone for the rest of the song, emphasizing the theme of being sought after and embraced by an unwavering love.

The second verse references the story of the thief on the cross, who despite his past sins, receives unmerited grace and redemption. This verse echoes the idea that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love and forgiveness, emphasizing the transformative power of grace.

The chorus reinforces the message that God relentlessly pursues and saves the one who is lost, emphasizing the singer’s personal experience of being found and redeemed by divine love. The recurring phrase “the one, the one, the one” underscores the significance of every individual to God and the lengths to which He goes to bring them back into His fold.

In the bridge, the singer reflects on their own transformation and the tangible evidence of God’s grace at work in their life. The lyrics speak to the profound impact of divine love in bringing about change, renewal, and new life, serving as a testament to the inclusive and boundless nature of God’s mercy.

The song concludes with a powerful outro that reinforces the singer’s testimony of being saved, changed, and brought back to life through God’s grace. The repeated refrain “Leaves no one left behind” serves as a reminder of the all-encompassing reach of God’s love and the assurance that no one is beyond His saving grace.

Overall, “The One” by Cade Thompson is a moving and heartfelt reflection on the relentless pursuit of love and redemption by a God who never gives up on the lost and broken. The song serves as a beacon of hope and assurance that no matter how far we may stray, we are always sought after, cherished, and embraced by a love that knows no bounds.

Lyrics of The One by Cade Thompson

Verse 1
I love the story of the prodigal
'Cause it sounds a lot like mine
From scared and alone to coming back home
To a father's arms open wide

Verse 2
I love the story of the thief on the cross
He was guilty and the whole world knew
But the arms of grace stretched out that day
And said, "I'm doing this for you"

There is one who leaves the ninety-nine
And He won't stop searching 'til He finds
The one, the one, the one
Ask me how I know that kind of love
And that there's a God who won't give up
On the one, the one, the one
'Cause praise God I was the one
(Praise God I was the one)

Verse 3
When I've fallen for the one millionth time
And even when I give up looking for me
I lift up my head and see You again
Your mercy reminding me

There is one who leaves the ninety-nine
And He won't stop searching 'til He finds
The one, the one, the one
Ask me how I know that kind of love
And that there's a God who won't give up
On the one, the one, the one
'Cause praise God I was the one

That He saved, that He changed
That His love brought back to life
And I'm proof that grace
Leaves no one left behind
I'm saved, I'm changed
And this heart's come back to life
Now I'm proof that grace
Leaves no one left behind

There is one who leaves the ninety-nine
And He won't stop searching 'til He finds
The one (The one)
The one (The one)
The one (The one)
Ask me how I know that kind of love
And that there's a God who won't give up
On the one (The one)
The one (The one)
The one (The one)
'Cause praise God I was the one

That He saved (The one)
That He changed (The one)
That His love brought back to life
And I'm proof (The one)
That grace (The one)
Leaves no one left behind (The one)
I'm saved (The one)
I'm changed (The one)
And this heart's come back to life (The one)
Now I'm proof (The one)
That grace (The one)
Leaves no one left behind

Discography Cade Thompson

Empty Room

Release: 2023-04-14
Label: Red Street Records, LLC
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Empty Room
2. Good God
3. One Prayer Away
4. Arms of Jesus
5. See You Soon
6. The One
7. Mercy
8. Lost Without You
9. You Can
10. Tears
11. Look Around
12. Mom Like You
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Bigger Story

Release: 2021-09-10
Label: Red Street Records, LLC
Popularity: 👏
1. Every Step of the Way
2. Never Too Late
3. Source of Life
4. Voices
5. Bigger Story
6. New Beginnings
7. Provider
8. Anything Yet
9. New Normal
10. Eyes of God
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