Meaning and Lyrics of Superstar by Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Song Lyrics meaning ofΒ Superstar by Rainbow Kitten Surprise

About Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Rainbow Kitten Surprise is an indie rock band from North Carolina, known for their unique blend of folk, rock, and alternative styles. The band was formed in 2013 by Sam Melo, Darrick β€œBozzy” Keller, Ethan Goodpaster, Jess Haney, and Charlie Holt. Their music often features introspective lyrics and catchy melodies, earning them a dedicated fan base. One of their popular songs is β€œSuperstar,” which showcases the band’s energetic sound and emotive vocals. The song combines thoughtful lyrics with a dynamic musical arrangement, showcasing the band’s ability to create compelling and memorable music. Rainbow Kitten Surprise continues to captivate audiences with their innovative sound and powerful performances.

Meaning of Superstar by Rainbow Kitten Surprise

β€œSuperstar” by Rainbow Kitten Surprise is a song that delves into themes of love, self-doubt, confidence, and the dynamics of relationships. The speaker reflects on a past relationship, possibly with a sense of regret but also with a hint of defiance and self-assurance.

In the first verse, the tone is somewhat introspective, with the speaker acknowledging past mistakes and the complexities of human interactions. There is a sense of resignation and acceptance that things may not always go as planned, but there is a determination to move forward nonetheless. The mention of climbing a ladder and meeting upstairs could signify reaching a higher level of understanding or maturity.

The chorus and post-chorus highlight a conflicting message within the relationship. On one hand, the speaker is being uplifted and praised as a β€œsuperstar” by the other person, feeling loved and above the rest. However, there is also an underlying uncertainty expressed in the repetition of β€œI can’t be nothing less,” which could indicate the pressure to live up to certain expectations or fears of falling short.

In the second verse, there is a sense of longing and nostalgia as the speaker recalls moments shared with the other person. The idea of losing the key and buying into what was sold could symbolize a loss of control or being influenced by external forces, adding a layer of complexity to the relationship.

The bridge introduces a moment of vulnerability and reflection, with the speaker hoping for validation and acknowledgment from the other person. The plea to β€œsay it out loud” and β€œsay you’re proud of me” hints at a desire for recognition and support, especially during tough times.

The final chorus brings a resolution of sorts, with a mix of conflicting emotions. The speaker acknowledges past insecurities and moments of doubt but ultimately asserts their worth and ability to come out on top. The repetition of being a β€œsuperstar” reinforces a sense of self-affirmation and resilience, even in the face of uncertainties.

Overall, β€œSuperstar” portrays a complex emotional journey of love, self-discovery, and empowerment, with layers of vulnerability and strength woven throughout the lyrics. It captures the nuances of human relationships and the internal struggles that come with navigating them.

Lyrics of Superstar by Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Verse 1
Running right back to where we all got started
Got your fingers running through my hair
Tell me on the tracks that we all die someday
I don't ever flinch, who's scared?
Maybe just a little, caught up to my friends
And they're saying looking better than I did
Still a bad taste when you try to save face
Knowing damn well what we did
Doesn't even matter, I'ma kick it, it's a habit
Not a ladder, but we'll climb it and I'll see you upstairs
Someday I'm your ex and I'll text you, "Say less"
And all you wanna do is cry, remember you said

You told me you loved mΠ΅, baby
I'm your superstar again
I was always gonna win
I was so above the rΠ΅st
In your eyes, in your mind
In your heart, in your head
I'm your superstar
I'm your superstar
I can't be nothing less

I can't be nothing less
I can't be nothing

Verse 2
Fell asleep, you're on repeat, now this is one I know
I hear you sing it all the time and, fellas, it's a showstopper
Telling me we're meant to be, it's like we cracked the code
I lost the key and, baby, I bought everything you sold me

Well, you told me you loved me, baby
I'm your superstar again
I was always gonna win
I was so above the rest
In your eyes, in your mind
In your heart, in your head
I'm your superstar
I'm your superstar
I can't be nothing less

I can't be nothing less
I can't be nothing

Sound, sound, sound
Oh, won't you say it out loud?
Won't you say you're damn proud
Of me just when I'm down?
Someday when it counts
I'm gonna beat the buzzer, babe
The scream is because of me
Do you remember when you told me

Well, you told me you loved me, baby
I'm your superstar again
I was always second best
I would always second guess
And I try as I might
But in my head, in my head
I was losing you
I was losing it
'Til you told me you loved me, baby
I'm your superstar again
I was always gonna win
I was so above the rest
In your eyes, in your mind
In your heart, in your head
I'm your superstar
I'm your superstar
I can't be nothing less

Discography Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Love Hate Music Box

Release: 2024-05-10
Label: Elektra (NEK)
Popularity: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
1. Peter Pan
2. Sickset
3. Finalist
4. LOL
5. Lucky
6. Meticulous
7. Hot Pink Ice Cube
8. SVO
9. Code Blue
10. Overtime (feat. Kacey Musgraves)
11. Ghoul
12. John Woo
13. Low as we Go
14. Bearwalk
15. Superstar
16. Cinderella
17. Best Man
18. Rabbit Run
19. Daddy Yankee
20. Re-entry
21. No Occasion
22. Thanks for Coming
Tracklist Collapse

RKS! Live From Athens Georgia

Release: 2021-08-13
Label: Elektra (NEK)
Popularity: πŸ‘
1. Mission to Mars – Live from Athens Georgia
2. When It Lands – Live from Athens Georgia
3. Counting Cards – Live from Athens Georgia
4. All’s Well That Ends – Live from Athens Georgia
5. Cold Love – Live from Athens Georgia
6. Moody Orange – Live from Athens Georgia
7. Shameful Company – Live from Athens Georgia
8. Our Song – Live from Athens Georgia
9. Matchbox – Live from Athens Georgia
10. Cocaine Jesus – Live from Athens Georgia
11. Devil Like Me – Live from Athens Georgia
12. Seven – Live from Athens Georgia
13. First Class – Live from Athens Georgia
14. Heart – Live from Athens Georgia
15. No Vacancy – Live from Athens Georgia
16. Painkillers – Live from Athens Georgia
17. Goodnight Chicago – Live from Athens Georgia
18. It’s Called: Freefall – Live from Athens Georgia
19. Fever Pitch – Live from Athens Georgia
20. Hide – Live from Athens Georgia
21. That’s My Shit – Live from Athens Georgia
22. Possom Queen – Live from Athens Georgia
23. Polite Company – Live from Athens Georgia
24. Recktify – Live from Athens Georgia
25. Run – Live from Athens Georgia
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How to: Friend, Love, Freefall

Release: 2018-04-06
Label: Elektra (NEK)
Popularity: πŸ‘
1. Pacific Love
2. Mission to Mars
3. Fever Pitch
4. It’s Called: Freefall
5. Holy War
6. Matchbox
7. Moody Orange
8. Hide
9. When It Lands
10. Painkillers
11. Recktify
12. Possum Queen
13. Polite Company
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Love Hate Music Box

Release: 2024-05-10
Label: Elektra (NEK)
Popularity: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
1. Peter Pan
2. Sickset
3. Finalist
4. LOL
5. Lucky
6. Meticulous
7. Hot Pink Ice Cube
8. SVO
9. Code Blue
10. Overtime (feat. Kacey Musgraves)
11. Ghoul
12. John Woo
13. Low as we Go
14. Bearwalk
15. Superstar
16. Cinderella
17. Best Man
18. Rabbit Run
19. Daddy Yankee
20. Re-entry
21. No Occasion
22. Thanks for Coming
Tracklist Collapse

RKS! Live From Athens Georgia

Release: 2021-08-13
Label: Elektra (NEK)
Popularity: πŸ‘
1. Mission to Mars – Live from Athens Georgia
2. When It Lands – Live from Athens Georgia
3. Counting Cards – Live from Athens Georgia
4. All’s Well That Ends – Live from Athens Georgia
5. Cold Love – Live from Athens Georgia
6. Moody Orange – Live from Athens Georgia
7. Shameful Company – Live from Athens Georgia
8. Our Song – Live from Athens Georgia
9. Matchbox – Live from Athens Georgia
10. Cocaine Jesus – Live from Athens Georgia
11. Devil Like Me – Live from Athens Georgia
12. Seven – Live from Athens Georgia
13. First Class – Live from Athens Georgia
14. Heart – Live from Athens Georgia
15. No Vacancy – Live from Athens Georgia
16. Painkillers – Live from Athens Georgia
17. Goodnight Chicago – Live from Athens Georgia
18. It’s Called: Freefall – Live from Athens Georgia
19. Fever Pitch – Live from Athens Georgia
20. Hide – Live from Athens Georgia
21. That’s My Shit – Live from Athens Georgia
22. Possom Queen – Live from Athens Georgia
23. Polite Company – Live from Athens Georgia
24. Recktify – Live from Athens Georgia
25. Run – Live from Athens Georgia
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How to: Friend, Love, Freefall

Release: 2018-04-06
Label: Elektra (NEK)
Popularity: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
1. Pacific Love
2. Mission to Mars
3. Fever Pitch
4. It’s Called: Freefall
5. Holy War
6. Matchbox
7. Moody Orange
8. Hide
9. When It Lands
10. Painkillers
11. Recktify
12. Possum Queen
13. Polite Company
Tracklist Collapse
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