Meaning and Lyrics of String Theocracy by Mili

Song Lyrics meaning of String Theocracy by Mili

About Mili

Mili is a multifaceted music group that has carved a unique niche in the modern music landscape. Known for their ethereal soundscapes, intricate compositions, and a genre-defying approach, Mili seamlessly blends elements of classical music, electronica, and contemporary pop. Formed in 2012, Mili is led by the enigmatic vocalist and composer Cassie Wei. The group often collaborates with a revolving cast of talented musicians and artists, collectively crafting a sound that is both otherworldly and deeply introspective. Their lyrics often explore themes of mythology, fantasy, and the human condition, resonating with a diverse and devoted fanbase. One exemplary song that encapsulates Mili’s distinctive style is “String Theocracy”. This track is a complex tapestry of lush string arrangements, haunting vocals, and innovative electronic elements. It eloquently showcases Mili’s ability to weave intricate narratives through their music, creating an immersive experience for listeners. Mili’s work extends beyond traditional album releases; they have also made significant contributions to the world of video game music, earning acclaim for their involvement in popular games such as “Deemo” and “Cytus.” With their ever-evolving sound and visionary approach, Mili continues to push the boundaries of contemporary music, captivating audiences worldwide with their spellbinding artistry.

Meaning of String Theocracy by Mili

“String Theocracy” by Mili delves into themes of control, self-identity, rebellion, and the complexities of human relationships. The song opens with an invitation to witness an experiment, likening the experience to a bizarre and intriguing novel like “A Clockwork Orange.” This sets the stage for a narrative that challenges the listener to explore different aspects of their identity and society.

The lyrics in the verses prompt introspection, questioning which version of oneself is truly authentic and urging the listener to break away from societal expectations. The references to mirrors, dogs, and freedom allude to the internal struggles and choices individuals face in defining themselves.

The chorus paints a picture of a world dominated by convenient ideologies and controlled by unseen forces, where individuals are merely puppets on a string. It highlights the danger of blind loyalty and the need for individuals to assert their independence and uniqueness. The song questions the nature of control and power dynamics, suggesting that if one must be controlled, at least make it entertaining and thought-provoking.

As the song progresses, the imagery of being a marionette and the mention of human sins suggest a deep reflection on the flaws and complexities of human nature. The emotional turmoil expressed in the verses reflects a struggle with inner conflicts and the search for meaning in a world filled with manipulation and struggles for authenticity.

The outro brings a sense of hope and renewal, emphasizing the importance of curiosity, self-discovery, and the pursuit of happiness. The mention of the electric sheep alludes to Philip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” and may symbolize the quest for genuine emotional connection and fulfillment in a mechanized world.

Overall, “String Theocracy” by Mili presents a multi-layered narrative that invites listeners to question the systems of control, define their own identities, and seek meaning and love amidst chaos and manipulation.

Lyrics of String Theocracy by Mili

Open the curtains
Lights on
Don't miss a moment of this experiment
Oh, the book is strange
Like clockwork orange
Keep your eyes buttered till the end

Verse 1
Which "you" are you going to be?
Hmm, inside the mirror do you see (Ha)
Someone else in that body?

Verse 2
Dance for me, one and two and three and turn around
Sit like a doggy till I finish my read

Cut it off, cut down your loss
All that stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed
In a world built on convenient theories
For the puppets on TV
There is comfort in the strings
If you're gonna control me
At least make it interesting theatrically

Verse 3
How does it feel to be free?
Hmm, "why don't you try it yourself?" (Ha)
The gate opened on me

Verse 4
So I leaped down, down, and down I go
I tell myself I'm a tough girl
Down, down, and down I go
I could never, ever, ever touch the soil
My heart goes right, my head goes left
And end up on your bed, huh

Verse 5
Sure I'll be your marionette
Here, tug on my thread
Spread me open for dolly pink, Snow White, artificial beauty
Maybe we're all cold machines
Stuffed in the human skin
With human sins sewed up by the gods of city

Cut it off, you've already lost
All that precious bravery is gonna get you hurt
In a world that feeds on the minority
May that self-centered belief lead you to peace
If you're gonna replace me
At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly

Verse 6
When does it end for me?
Hmm, I think I am done with everything (Ha)
Now I'm ready to leave

Verse 7
Dragging out one line, two lines, three lines
Connect our hands
When I no longer can live on knowledge alone

You gave me strength
Hopeful curiosity
Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery
What's the colour of the electric sheep you see?
And if you love me
Can you love your everything too, for me?

Discography Mili

Key Ingredient (Instrumental)

Release: 2022-06-03
Label: Saihate Records
Popularity: 👏
1. A Turtle’s Heart – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
2. world.execute(me); – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
3. Iron Lotus – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
4. RTRT – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
5. TOKYO NEON – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
6. Rubber Human – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
7. Birthday Kid – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
8. String Theocracy – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
9. Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
10. Lemonade – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
11. Summoning 101 – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
12. From a Place of Love – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
13. Chocological – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
Tracklist Collapse

Key Ingredient

Release: 2022-06-03
Label: Saihate Records
Popularity: 👏
1. A Turtle’s Heart – Key Ingredient ver.
2. world.execute(me); – Key Ingredient ver.
3. Iron Lotus – Key Ingredient ver.
4. RTRT – Key Ingredient ver.
5. TOKYO NEON – Key Ingredient ver.
6. Rubber Human – Key Ingredient ver.
7. Birthday Kid – Key Ingredient ver.
8. String Theocracy – Key Ingredient ver.
9. Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery – Key Ingredient ver.
10. Lemonade – Key Ingredient ver.
11. Summoning 101 – Key Ingredient ver.
12. From a Place of Love – Key Ingredient ver.
13. Chocological – Key Ingredient ver.
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To Kill a Living Book -for Library Of Ruina-

Release: 2021-10-29
Label: Saihate Records
Popularity: 👏
1. String Theocracy
2. From a Place of Love
3. And Then is Heard No More
4. Iron Lotus
5. Children of the City
6. Gone Angels
7. Poems of a Machine
8. Salt, Pepper, Birds, and the Thought Police
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Key Ingredient (Instrumental)

Release: 2022-06-03
Label: Saihate Records
Popularity: 👏
1. A Turtle’s Heart – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
2. world.execute(me); – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
3. Iron Lotus – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
4. RTRT – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
5. TOKYO NEON – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
6. Rubber Human – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
7. Birthday Kid – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
8. String Theocracy – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
9. Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
10. Lemonade – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
11. Summoning 101 – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
12. From a Place of Love – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
13. Chocological – Key Ingredient ver. – Instrumental
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Key Ingredient

Release: 2022-06-03
Label: Saihate Records
Popularity: 👏
1. A Turtle’s Heart – Key Ingredient ver.
2. world.execute(me); – Key Ingredient ver.
3. Iron Lotus – Key Ingredient ver.
4. RTRT – Key Ingredient ver.
5. TOKYO NEON – Key Ingredient ver.
6. Rubber Human – Key Ingredient ver.
7. Birthday Kid – Key Ingredient ver.
8. String Theocracy – Key Ingredient ver.
9. Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery – Key Ingredient ver.
10. Lemonade – Key Ingredient ver.
11. Summoning 101 – Key Ingredient ver.
12. From a Place of Love – Key Ingredient ver.
13. Chocological – Key Ingredient ver.
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To Kill a Living Book -for Library Of Ruina-

Release: 2021-10-29
Label: Saihate Records
Popularity: 👏👏
1. String Theocracy
2. From a Place of Love
3. And Then is Heard No More
4. Iron Lotus
5. Children of the City
6. Gone Angels
7. Poems of a Machine
8. Salt, Pepper, Birds, and the Thought Police
Tracklist Collapse
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