Meaning and Lyrics of strange by hanbee

Song Lyrics meaning of strange by hanbee

About hanbee

Hanbee is an enigmatic figure in the realm of indie pop and experimental electronica, having carved out a unique niche with a sound that defies easy categorization. Emerging from the vibrant South Korean underground music scene, Hanbee has been quietly revolutionizing how we think about genre boundaries and sonic textures. The artist’s creative journey is marked by an inclination toward blending traditional instrumentation with cutting-edge electronic production techniques. With a discography that ventures into various thematic and sonic territories, Hanbee’s work is a testament to versatility and innovation. Their debut album garnered critical acclaim for its intricate compositions and emotive storytelling, setting the stage for subsequent projects that further pushed the envelope. A standout track from Hanbee’s compelling oeuvre is “Strange,” a song that embodies the artist’s ability to juxtapose ethereal melodies with pulsating electronic beats. In “Strange,” Hanbee’s haunting vocals float over a lush soundscape of synths and fragmented drum patterns. The song’s structure is an adventurous journey through shifts in tempo and mood, creating a disorienting but captivating listening experience. Culturally, Hanbee’s music resonates with a generation that is increasingly exploring themes of identity, technology, and alienation. The artist’s influence extends beyond just their sonic output; Hanbee represents a wave of musicians who are redefining what it means to be an artist in the digital age. Through their experimental approach, both in the studio and on stage, Hanbee is not just making music but is also contributing to a broader dialogue about the future of the indie and electronic music scenes. In summary, Hanbee is more than just a musician; they are a visionary, challenging conventions and inspiring listeners to embrace the strange and the beautiful in the constantly evolving landscape of modern music.

Meaning of strange by hanbee

In Hanbee’s plaintive track “Strange,” the artist navigates the treacherous terrain of a deteriorating relationship with an almost lyrical resignation. The song’s lyrics — drenched in melancholic reflection and regret — blend with its hauntingly sparse production to craft an intense emotional experience.

Verse 1 plunges us directly into the heartache. The opening line, _”Haven’t seen you in a week,”_ captures the abrupt yet familiar disconnection in breakups, while _”Kept your picture in my pocket / Doesn’t that mean something?”_ offers a poignant juxtaposition of lingering attachment against looming separation. This verse is a master class in showing rather than telling, as Hanbee’s deliberate attention to detail, like wearing the ex’s sweater to bed, suggests a desperate clinging to the past.

Moving into the Pre-Chorus, the plea _”Can we go back to say you’re mine?”_ strikes incredibly close to the bone for anyone who’s wrestled with post-breakup boundaries. The vulnerability escalates as Hanbee admits, _”Can’t be your friend / I can’t pretend that I’m fine.”_ This might be one of the most compelling acknowledgments in contemporary breakup poetry — the line in the sand between genuine emotional healing and the façade of indifference.

The Chorus wraps it all in a bittersweet melody, echoing with the inevitability of change:

_”Too late to fight it, who’s gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers.”_

These lines encapsulate the song’s main metaphor — the natural transition from one season to another, illustrating the unavoidable drift from intimacy to unfamiliarity. The repetition of “we turn to strangers” hits hard, reinforcing that sense of inescapable loss. The imagery of walls crumbling is particularly potent, symbolizing the breakdown of emotional barriers that once shielded their connection.

Verse 2 expands the temporal scope, now it’s been a month, heightening the desperation. Hanbee’s _”Wonder if you’re missing me”_ is a universal pang, a question that reverberates through the empty spaces of broken relationships. Despite the urge for communication, there’s also an existential wrestling with the futility of running; _”Aren’t you tired of running free?”_ speaks to the exhausting chase of newfound freedom post-breakup.

The Bridge crescendos toward an ultimate realization. _”Oh, I know that it hurts / But we’re making it worse if we get any closer”_ creates an unsettling contradiction — the pain of separation versus the greater pain of prolonging the inevitable. The profound line, _”the fire say we turn to dust,”_ suggests that their once-passionate relationship has burned out, leaving only ashes and the impossible task of rekindling a flame from them.

Returning to the Chorus for the final acts, the repetition cements the song’s themes, transforming melancholy into a kind of cathartic acceptance. Each rendition of _”too late to fight it”_ underscores a resigned acknowledgment that some distances can’t be bridged and some fights can’t be won.

“Strange” is not just a breakup song; it’s an elegy for the faded intimacy and the relentless march of time. Hanbee delivers an unfiltered portrayal of loss, portraying heartache as a naturally recurring season in the human experience. This track is an anthem for anyone whose love has turned estranged, providing both solace and solidarity in the shared understanding of relational erosion. It’s a beautifully tortured ballad that speaks its truth without pretense, harmonizing the inherent sorrow of parting with the profound relief of acceptance.

Lyrics of strange by hanbee

Verse 1
Haven't seen you in a week
I thought I needed time to think
Kept your picture in my pocket
Doesn't that mean something?
Baby, tell me if it's too late
Too late to end and stop this fire
Kept your sweater, I still wear it
Sleeping in it every night

Can we go back to say you're mine?
Can't be your friend
I can't pretend that I'm fine
Seeing you with another love
Do you ever think of us?

Too late to fight it, who's gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers
Too late to fight it, who's gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers

Verse 2
Haven't seen you in a month now
Wonder if you're missing me
Would you ever break the silence?
Aren't you tired of running free?

Can we go back to say you're mine?
Can't be your friend
I can't pretend that I'm fine
Seeing you with another love
Do you ever think of us?

Too late to fight it, who's gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers
Too late to fight it, who's gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers

Oh, I know that it hurts
But we're making it worse if we get any closer
Yeah, I know that it hurts
But we can't make it work 'cause the fire say we turn to dust

Too late to fight it, who's gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
(We turn to strangers)
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers
Too late to fight it, who's gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers
Too late to fight it, who's gonna save this?
And just like summer turns to fall we turn to strangers
Our story changes, we turn the pages
As our walls come tumbling down we turn to strangers

Discography hanbee

small love

Release: 2024-07-12
Label: hanbee
Popularity: 👏
1. maybe baby
2. park
3. days months years
4. strange
5. lovers
6. deeper
7. sandcastles
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