Meaning and Lyrics of Storm by Honors

Song Lyrics meaning of Storm by Honors

About Honors

Honors is a Canadian indie-pop outfit that has been carving out a unique space in the modern music landscape with their eclectic sound and emotionally charged lyrics. The band, which formed in Toronto, is known for its atmospheric production and evocative melodies, toeing the line between alt-pop and electronic genres. Honors gained a substantial following with their blend of lush instrumentation and haunting vocals, creating a soundscape that is both expansive and intimate. One standout track in their discography is “Storm.” This song showcases the group’s ability to fuse ethereal synths with driving beats, all while maintaining poignant lyrical themes. “Storm” captures the tumultuous nature of human emotions, portraying feelings of inner conflict and resolution through a dynamic musical composition. The track exemplifies Honors’ talent for creating immersive auditory experiences that resonate deeply with listeners. Bringing their distinctive sound to life in live performances, Honors continues to push the boundaries of contemporary music, making them a compelling act to watch in the evolving genres of indie and electronic pop.

Meaning of Storm by Honors

“Storm” by Honors reflects themes of struggle, temptation, and inner turmoil. The protagonist in the song describes their nocturnal tendencies, feeling imprisoned by their thoughts and unable to shake them off. The repetition of coming out at night symbolizes a sense of escapism or indulgence in vices that haunt them.

The pre-chorus embodies a sense of longing for freedom but being trapped in a cycle of destructive behavior. The protagonist wishes for an escape, acknowledging their reliance on substances or habits as a means of coping with their emotions. The inner conflict is highlighted as they question their choices and battle with their conscience, seeking solace in fleeting moments.

The chorus, with the repetition of “chasing the storm,” signifies a constant pursuit of chaos or turbulence in their life. They are drawn to the destructive aspects rather than seeking peace or stability. This chase represents a cycle of self-destructive behavior that they are unable to break free from.

In the second verse, the struggle intensifies as the protagonist reflects on their efforts to salvage a deteriorating situation. Despite their attempts, they feel overwhelmed by their demons, and the challenge only seems to escalate. The reference to every day feeling like summertime suggests a sense of stagnation or never-ending struggle, with their inner turmoil only growing more intense.

The pre-chorus elaborates on the difficulty of confronting emotions and the desire to numb the pain. The protagonist seeks to avoid facing their feelings, choosing instead to bury them beneath distractions or unhealthy coping mechanisms. The internal battle is emphasized by the imagery of seeing things through distorted perspectives, feeling isolated in their struggles.

The instrumental break signifies a pause in the lyrical narrative, perhaps hinting at a moment of reflection or contemplation amidst the chaos. It allows for a brief respite before the intensity of the emotional turmoil resumes.

Overall, “Storm” by Honors delves into the complexities of inner struggles, self-destructive tendencies, and the constant pursuit of turmoil as a means of escape. The song captures the torment of grappling with personal demons and the cyclical nature of seeking solace in destructive patterns.

Lyrics of Storm by Honors

Verse 1
I only come out at night
It's got me and holds me tight
I can't get it off my mind
I promise, just one more time

I wish I could fly, this town's feeling dry
Ooh, and I said goodbye, oh, why do I try?
This ain't nothin' nice, this drink is my vice
And God is my witness, I swore I'd think twice
Demeanor is cold, your presence is warm
But I–

I just keep chasin' the storm
I just keep chasin' the storm

Verse 2
You don't know how long I've tried
To ease us this downward slide
Since every day's summertime
My demons just multiplied

Let's link up and hide from feelings inside
No love on my mind, these thoughts are my eyes
Stuck on this ride, alone on my side
The grass, it looks greener to me all the time
It never gets old, just know you've been warned
And I–

I just keep chasin' the storm
I just keep chasin' the storm

Instrumental Break

I just keep chasin' the storm
I just keep chasin' the storm

Upcoming Events for Honors

9th Annual Black Music Honors - 2024-05-18

Price Range: $34.5 – 89.5 USD
Location: Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, Atlanta

THE ENTHRONE ENTERTAINMENT HONORS "Celebrating Our Unsung Heroes" - 2024-06-30

Price Range: $30 – 30 USD
Location: Catalina Bar & Grill, Hollywood

THE ENTHRONE ENTERTAINMENT HONORS "Celebrating Our Unsung Heroes" - 2024-06-30

Price Range: $Price not available
Location: Santa Anita Park, Arcadia
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