Meaning and Lyrics of Speed of Light by Dhruv

Song Lyrics meaning of Speed of Light by Dhruv

Meaning of Speed of Light by Dhruv

“Speed of Light” by Dhruv appears to narrate a story of heartbreak and the swift nature of moving on after a relationship ends. The lyrics suggest a feeling of being blindsided by the speed at which the singer’s former partner finds someone new, likened to the rapid pace of light. The song expresses a sense of betrayal and disappointment at how quickly the ex-lover has seemingly forgotten about the narrator.

In the verses, the singer reflects on the suddenness of the breakup, feeling the weight of wasted time and emotional investment that now seems to have been discarded effortlessly. The chorus emphasizes the rapidity of the ex-partner’s rebound and the contrast between the promises made during the relationship and the quick shift to a new romantic interest.

The post-chorus further explores the theme of moving forward swiftly, leaving the narrator feeling overlooked and forgotten, leading to a sense of regret and longing. The lyrics in the post-chorus portray the singer’s desire for more consideration and a slower pace in the aftermath of the breakup.

The bridge introduces a plea for more empathy and reflection from the ex-lover, suggesting that waiting for the tears to dry and acknowledging the past could have been more respectful and humane. The reference to “moving at the speed of light” reinforces the theme of quick changes and emotional detachment.

The outro concludes the song with a poignant realization that the idea of “forever” is not always true, hinting at the impermanence of love and the harsh reality of relationships ending abruptly. Overall, “Speed of Light” by Dhruv delves into the complexities of heartbreak, the rapid pace of moving on, and the lingering emotions of betrayal and loss.

Lyrics of Speed of Light by Dhruv

Verse 1
Now that I'm over the hardest part
I sit by myself, turn the TV on, and I think about it all
Years down the drain, almost over night
So easily rinsed me out your life like

Damn, you’re wasting no time
Found yourself somebody new at the speed of light
Said a "First love is forever" when you kissed me goodbye
That was quick, that was quick

Moving at the speed of light
That was quick, that was quick
Guess I didn't cross your mind
Shame I didn't cross your mind

Verse 2
Now how I wish I could press fast forward (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
To the day that I’m holding my brand new lover on his motorbike
You walk the pavement on your own (On your own)
Pass you by, and leave you in the smoke
('Cause I had spent these last few weeks getting all sentimental)
(Held onto the souvenirs and reread all the letters)

But damn, you're wasting no time
Found yourself somebody new at the speed of light
Said a "First love is forever" when you kissed me goodbye
That was quick, that was quick

Moving at the speed of light
That was quick, that was quick
Guess I didn't cross your mind (Guess I didn't cross your mind)
Shame I didn't cross your mind

Oh, you could have waited for my tears to dry (Dry)
And you could have spared a thought and looked behind
Moving at the speed of light

But damn, you're wasting no time
Found yourself somebody new at the speed of light
Said a "First love is forever" when you kissed me goodbye
That was quick, that was quick

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
That was quick
Forever's a lie

Discography Dhruv


Release: 2022-01-21
Label: Little Worry/RCA Records
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. retrograde
2. moonlight
3. double take
4. airplane thoughts
5. vulnerable
6. what’s wrong with me?
7. stable life
8. grateful
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