Meaning and Lyrics of Snow Song by Adrianne Lenker

Song Lyrics meaning of Snow Song by Adrianne Lenker

About Adrianne Lenker

Adrianne Lenker is a talented musician known for her intimate and introspective songwriting. Born on July 9, 1991, in Indianapolis, Lenker rose to fame as the lead vocalist and guitarist of the indie rock band Big Thief. She has also pursued a successful solo career, releasing critically acclaimed albums like “abysskiss” and “songs”. Lenker’s music is characterized by her haunting vocals and emotive lyrics that captivate listeners. One of her notable compositions is Snow Song, a poignant track that showcases Lenker’s captivating storytelling and delicate guitar work. Her music often delves into themes of love, loss, and the beauty of life’s fleeting moments, resonating with audiences around the world.

Meaning of Snow Song by Adrianne Lenker

“Snow Song” by Adrianne Lenker is a profound and evocative piece that delves into themes of isolation, despair, and a sense of being overwhelmed by the weight of one’s own emotions. The song paints a vivid emotional landscape through its poignant lyrics and melancholic melody.

In the intro, the protagonist is immediately struck by the arrival of another person, causing them to freeze in place, paralyzed by a lack of will and a fear of breaking under the pressure. This sets the tone for the internal struggle and vulnerability that will be explored further in the song.

The first verse paints a stark imagery of being trapped within oneself, with the metaphor of dying inside a bitter shell on a frozen lake. The speaker feels on the brink of collapse, with the weight of their existence threatening to consume them, symbolized by the snow painting around their spilled blood.

The chorus reflects a deep sense of disconnect and desolation, acknowledging that the speaker’s timing in life is off-kilter and the world around them is worn to its core. The imagery of a tired, burning sea pulling the speaker towards the bottom like a stone evokes a feeling of sinking into hopelessness.

In the second verse, the speaker finds solace in pouring their feelings onto paper, using words to shield and express their anguish until the bitter end. The act of writing becomes a form of defense mechanism against the overwhelming emotions that threaten to engulf them.

The repeated chorus underscores the speaker’s awareness of their own misalignment with the world and the relentless pull of despair that seems inescapable. The imagery of sinking alone emphasizes the profound sense of solitude and helplessness that permeates the song.

The outro brings the song full circle, with the repeated refrain of sinking alone echoing the protagonist’s isolation and internal struggle. The somber repetition of this line drives home the deep emotional resonance of the song, leaving the listener with a haunting sense of melancholy and reflection.

Overall, “Snow Song” is a poignant exploration of inner turmoil, existential dread, and the human experience of grappling with one’s own vulnerabilities and isolation. Adrianne Lenker’s poetic lyrics and haunting melody combine to create a haunting and introspective piece that resonates with raw emotion and introspection.

Lyrics of Snow Song by Adrianne Lenker

When you walked in, I just stood still
I said I'm sorry, love, I have no will
If I try to move, I'll break and spill
What's left of me, my weight will kill

Verse 1
If I die inside this bitter shell
It will be upon a frozen lake
My knees will break, my breath will swell
The snow around my blood will paint

Lord, I know my timing's off
And all the earth is ragged to the bone, oh, oh
Tired is the burning sea
That calls me to the bottom like a stone, oh oh

And I'm sinking alone

Verse 2
Now inside this blinded bend
I'll pour the ink down through my pen
In sentences that will defend
My misery until the end

Lord, I know my timing's off
And all the earth is ragged to the bone, oh, oh
Tired is the burning sea
That calls me to the bottom like a stone, oh oh

And I'm sinking alone
I'm sinking alone
I'm sinking alone

Discography Adrianne Lenker

Bright Future

Release: 2024-03-22
Label: 4AD
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Real House
2. Sadness As A Gift
3. Fool
4. No Machine
5. Free Treasure
6. Vampire Empire
7. Evol
8. Candleflame
9. Already Lost
10. Cell Phone Says
11. Donut Seam
12. Ruined
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Release: 2020-10-23
Label: 4AD
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. two reverse
2. ingydar
3. anything
4. forwards beckon rebound
5. heavy focus
6. half return
7. come
8. zombie girl
9. not a lot, just forever
10. dragon eyes
11. my angel
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Release: 2020-10-22
Label: 4AD
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. music for indigo
2. mostly chimes
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Upcoming Events for Adrianne Lenker

Adrianne Lenker

Price Range: $30 – 65
Date: 2024-06-28
Location: The Chicago Theatre

Adrianne Lenker

Price Range: $46 – 46
Date: 2024-11-23
Location: The Anthem

Adrianne Lenker

Price Range: $35 – 60
Date: 2024-06-29
Location: State Theatre
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Bright Future

Release: 2024-03-22
Label: 4AD
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Real House
2. Sadness As A Gift
3. Fool
4. No Machine
5. Free Treasure
6. Vampire Empire
7. Evol
8. Candleflame
9. Already Lost
10. Cell Phone Says
11. Donut Seam
12. Ruined
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2020-10-23
Label: 4AD
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. two reverse
2. ingydar
3. anything
4. forwards beckon rebound
5. heavy focus
6. half return
7. come
8. zombie girl
9. not a lot, just forever
10. dragon eyes
11. my angel
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2020-10-22
Label: 4AD
Popularity: 👏
1. music for indigo
2. mostly chimes
Tracklist Collapse
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