Meaning and Lyrics of Smooth by Matt Stell

Song Lyrics meaning of Smooth by Matt Stell

About Matt Stell

Matt Stell is an emerging force in the world of country music, renowned for his rich baritone voice and emotionally resonant songwriting. Born on April 19, 1984, in Center Ridge, Arkansas, Stell’s journey to musical prominence is nothing short of compelling. His early years were marked by a love for basketball, but it was his passion for storytelling through song that eventually won out. Stell made the decisive move to Nashville, bringing with him a fresh perspective and a resilience honed through years of experience off the beaten path. He broke into the mainstream with his hit single “Prayed for You,” a poignant anthem that showcases his knack for blending heartfelt lyrics with contemporary country sounds. The song quickly ascended the charts, establishing him as a significant new voice in the genre. Beyond “Prayed for You,” Stell’s catalog includes a variety of tunes that highlight his versatility. One standout track is “Smooth”, a song that effortlessly melds catchy melodies with his signature vocal warmth. This track exemplifies his ability to craft music that is both polished and organically connected to the traditions of country storytelling. Stell’s career continues to blossom, marked by relentless touring and the release of well-received EPs and singles. He’s not just a musician but a storyteller, bringing authenticity and a modern touch to every song he creates. In an industry often dominated by fleeting trends, Matt Stell emerges as a grounded artist with staying power, beloved by fans for both his relatable lyrics and engaging performances.

Meaning of Smooth by Matt Stell

The song “Smooth” by Matt Stell conveys a poignant reflection on the changing landscape of rural America and the impact of progress on traditional ways of life. The narrator laments the loss of his family’s farm, which was sold to make way for a Walmart. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a once-thriving farming community that has been replaced by impersonal developments and a loss of connection to the land.

The lyrics touch on themes of nostalgia, regret, and the harsh realities of modern economic pressures. The narrator grapples with feelings of betrayal, blaming various factors for the demise of his family’s farm, from the declining price of cattle to the pressures of a changing economy. The loss of the farm symbolizes a larger loss of identity and connection to the land, as the narrator trades in his work boots for loafers and faces an uncertain future.

The song’s imagery evokes a sense of longing for a simpler time when life revolved around hard work, faith, and community. The contrast between the past and the present is stark, as the narrator describes the loss of familiar landscapes, replaced by soulless developments and a sense of disconnection from his roots.

Ultimately, “Smooth” is a reflection on the price of progress and the sacrifices that are made in the name of economic growth. It serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our heritage and history, and the significance of holding onto our roots even as the world changes around us. The song carries a bittersweet resonance, capturing the melancholy of lost traditions and the struggle to find meaning in a world that often values convenience over authenticity.

Lyrics of Smooth by Matt Stell

If the deed was still in my grandpa's hands
His farm would be where this Walmart stands
But he's as gone as the good old days
‘Fore the whitetail left and the progress came

To the front door saying, "Name your price"
Your neighbors all sold, so we thought you might
Want to cut the kind of deal that'd change your life
Man they were right

I could blame my family for wanting to sell
Blame the price of cattle for going to hell
Blame that banker and call him a crook
Blame Uncle Sam for the cut he took

When they cut the trees down and dug up my roots
Now I'm stressed in loafers instead of sweating in boots
The price per acre can't change the truth
My life got rough when my hands got smooth

It was up with the dawn
It was praying for rain
And if it was sunny, we were making hay

The diesel was high, but the smiles were cheap
Like tailgate beers and a good night's sleep
Now the daily grind it never stops
I got an empty soul and a full inbox

Orange bottles 'round the bathroom sink
To catch a few restless wings

I could blame my family for wanting to sell
Blame the price of cattle for going to hell
Blame that banker and call him a crook
Blame Uncle Sam for the cut he took

When they cut the trees down and dug up my roots
Now I'm stressed in loaders instead of sweating in boots
The price per acre can't change the truth
My life got rough when my hands got smooth

Now groceries get delivered where they used to get grown
Replaced all of our neighbors with strangers on phones
They keep paving, adding lanes but there ain’t no way to make it back home

I could blame my family for wanting to sell
Blame the price of cattle for going to hell
Blame that banker and call him a crook
Blame Uncle Sam for the cut he took

When they cut the trees down and dug up my roots
Now I'm stressed in loaders instead of sweating in boots
The price per acre can't change the truth
My life got rough when my hands got smooth

Discography Matt Stell

Born Lonely

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Records/Columbia
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Built by Broken Hearts
2. Breakin’ in Boots
3. Born Lonely
4. Girl Gets Gone
5. Into the Sunrise
6. Smooth
7. The Hard Stuff
8. What We Do Best
9. Take the Girl
10. One Cold Beer at a Time
Tracklist Collapse

Everywhere But On

Release: 2019-10-25
Label: Records/Columbia
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Last Habit
2. Better I Drink
3. Everywhere But On
4. Home in a Hometown
5. I Bet Whiskey Would
6. Prayed For You
7. Reason Why
8. God is a woman
Tracklist Collapse

A River Through It

Release: 2013-03-19
Label: 124 Records
1. Gameday Dress
2. Grass Looks Greener
3. The Best Thing
4. Memphis on the River
5. Ain’t Too Good
6. Tell Me
7. Break Me Down
8. Shirt
9. A River Through It
10. Faste
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Matt Stell

99.5 WYCD Hoedown Feat Luke Bryan: Mind of a Country Boy Tour 2024

Price Range: $69.75 – 219.75
Date: 2024-06-29
Location: Pine Knob Music Theatre

Froggy Summer Concert Series

Price Range: $29 – 49
Date: 2024-09-13
Location: CFSB Center

Froggy Summer Concert Series

Price Range: $Price not available
Location: The Midland Theatre – MO, Kansas City
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Born Lonely

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Records/Columbia
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Built by Broken Hearts
2. Breakin’ in Boots
3. Born Lonely
4. Girl Gets Gone
5. Into the Sunrise
6. Smooth
7. The Hard Stuff
8. What We Do Best
9. Take the Girl
10. One Cold Beer at a Time
Tracklist Collapse

Everywhere But On

Release: 2019-10-25
Label: Records/Columbia
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Last Habit
2. Better I Drink
3. Everywhere But On
4. Home in a Hometown
5. I Bet Whiskey Would
6. Prayed For You
7. Reason Why
8. God is a woman
Tracklist Collapse

A River Through It

Release: 2013-03-19
Label: 124 Records
1. Gameday Dress
2. Grass Looks Greener
3. The Best Thing
4. Memphis on the River
5. Ain’t Too Good
6. Tell Me
7. Break Me Down
8. Shirt
9. A River Through It
10. Faste
Tracklist Collapse
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