Meaning and Lyrics of SLOW DOWN by Jessica Baio

Song Lyrics meaning of SLOW DOWN by Jessica Baio

Meaning of SLOW DOWN by Jessica Baio

The song “Slow Down” by Jessica Baio is a poignant reflection on the passage of time and the desire to cherish moments with a loved one. The lyrics in the first verse convey a sense of realization that time is fleeting, as the narrator acknowledges the rapid passing of months and the inevitability of growing older. The line “There’s no life where I don’t want you closer” emphasizes the significance of the relationship and the longing for intimacy with the partner.

In the pre-chorus, the lyrics depict a sense of being fully present in the moment when with the loved one, letting go of worries about the future or past. The narrator finds solace and joy in the companionship, expressing a willingness to embrace the uncertainty of the future as long as they are together.

The chorus encapsulates the central theme of the song, with an earnest plea to slow down and savor the current moment. It highlights the desire to fully experience and appreciate the presence of the loved one, acknowledging the depth of emotions and the shared journey that encapsulates their relationship. The repetition of “So can we slow down?” underscores the urgency and vulnerability in the narrator’s plea.

In the second verse, the lyrics delve into the electrifying sensation of being with the loved one, describing it as magical and cinematic. Despite the fear of the unknown and the impermanence of things, the narrator finds comfort and joy in the love shared with their partner.

The outro serves as a somber yet hopeful reminder of the importance of slowing down and treasuring the present moments with the loved one. The repetition of “Slow down” reinforces the longing for a deeper connection and a more profound experience of the relationship.

Overall, “Slow Down” by Jessica Baio is a heartfelt expression of the fleeting nature of time, the yearning for a deeper connection, and the importance of cherishing every moment with the person you love.

Lyrics of SLOW DOWN by Jessica Baio

Verse 1
I knew when I saw you it was over
Middle of October, now it's almost June and I swear
I just blinked and I can see us getting older
There's no life where I don't want you closer

'Cause when you're with me
I'm not thinkin' ahead (I do that) or tryna forget (All my past)
'Cause lookin' at you I don't care how it all ends
And as time's flying by (Watch it go), as fast as it is (Yeah, I know)
It's hard to take all of it in

So can we slow down?
Live in this moment for now
'Cause somehow
I wanna feel everything when you're around
Look where we are
Put my whole world into your bleedin' heart
So can we slow down?
Slow down

Verse 2
I swear when I touched you there was static
Kinda felt like magic, how'd I get so used to that feeling?
'Cause, boy, loving you is cinematic
Want something everlastin', but nothing's ever lasted

And I'm scared of
Thinkin' ahead (I do that) or tryna forget (All my past)
But lookin' at you I don't care how it all ends
And as time's flying by (Watch it go), as fast as it is (Yeah, I know)
It's hard to take all of it in

So can we slow down?
Live in this moment for now
'Cause somehow
I wanna feel everything when you're around
Look where we are
Put my whole world into your bleedin' heart
So can we slow down?
Slow down

Uh-uh-uh, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh
So can we slow down?
Slow down

Discography Jessica Baio


Release: 2023-03-10
Popularity: 👏👏👏
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