Meaning and Lyrics of Sial by Mahalini

Song Lyrics meaning of Sial by Mahalini

Meaning of Sial by Mahalini

“Sial” by Mahalini expresses the deep emotions of heartbreak and betrayal in a romantic relationship. The lyrics reflect the pain and confusion felt when love turns out to be fleeting and deceptive.

In the first verse, the singer regrets giving their feelings to someone who did not reciprocate them adequately. They question their own judgment for believing in someone whose words did not live up to their promises. The vulnerability and disappointment are palpable as they acknowledge the imperfections in the relationship.

The pre-chorus hints at a sense of resignation and bitterness. The singer realizes that knowing the ultimate outcome of the relationship would have prevented them from investing in a love that was destined to be futile. There is a refusal to accept fleeting affections that offer nothing substantial.

The chorus encapsulates the core emotion of the song. The singer laments being deeply in love with someone who only brought hopes that were soon shattered. The heartache caused by the sudden departure and neglect is overwhelming, leaving the narrator broken and abandoned without any closure. The repeated refusal to accept a love that is temporary underscores the depth of the emotional turmoil.

In the second verse, the singer reiterates the feeling of regret and self-doubt about their choices. They rue not trusting their instincts earlier, indicating a sense of betrayal by beautifully articulated but insincere words.

The bridge intensifies the anguish by describing the encounter with a false love as a curse (“sial”). The deception and manipulation in the relationship are highlighted, with a poignant question posed about whether the person they loved took pleasure in causing them pain.

The final chorus brings the song full circle, emphasizing the ongoing struggle with the aftermath of loving someone who only brought fleeting moments of happiness. The heartbreak, unanswered questions, and lack of closure are powerfully conveyed, solidifying the theme of refusing to accept a love that was insincere and temporary.

Overall, “Sial” by Mahalini is a poignant ballad that delves deep into the emotional turmoil of unreciprocated love, betrayal, and the struggle to come to terms with a relationship that ultimately left the protagonist shattered and disillusioned.

Lyrics of Sial by Mahalini

Lirik "Sial"

Verse 1
Sampai saat ini tak terpikir olehku
Aku pernah beri rasa pada orang sepertimu
Seandainya sejak awal tak kuyakinkan diriku
Tutur kata yang sempurna, tak sebaik yang kukira

Andai 'ku tahu semua akan sia-sia
Takkan kut'rima cinta sesaatmu

Bagaimana dengan aku terlanjur mencintaimu?
Yang datang beri harapan, lalu pergi dan menghilang
Tak terpikirkan olehmu, hatiku hancur kar'namu
Tanpa sedikit alasan, pergi tanpa berpamitan
Takkan kut'rima cinta sesaatmu

Verse 2
Seandainya sejak awal tak kuyakinkan diriku
Tutur kata yang sempurna, tak sebaik yang kukira

Andai 'ku tahu semua akan sia-sia
Takkan kut'rima cinta sesaatmu

Bagaimana dengan aku terlanjur mencintaimu?
Yang datang beri harapan, lalu pergi dan menghilang
Tak terpikirkan olehmu, hatiku hancur kar'namu
Tanpa sedikit alasan, pergi tanpa berpamitan
Tak akan kut'rima cinta sesaatmu

Sial-sialnya 'ku bеrtemu dengan cinta semu
Tеrtipu tutur dan caramu
Seolah cintaiku (Cintaiku)
Puas kaucurangi aku?

Bagaimana dengan aku terlanjur mencintaimu? (Cintaimu)
Yang datang beri harapan, lalu pergi dan menghilang
Tak terpikirkan olehmu, hatiku hancur kar'namu
Tanpa sedikit alasan, pergi tanpa berpamitan
Takkan kut'rima cinta sesaatmu

Discography Mahalini


Release: 2023-01-23
Label: HITS Records
Popularity: đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź
1. Ini Laguku
2. Buru-Buru
3. Bawa Dia Kembali
4. Putar Waktu
5. Bohongi Hati
6. Melawan Restu
7. Sial
8. Sisa Rasa
9. Pecahkan Hatiku
10. Kisah Sempurna
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Live At SRN: Pop Party

Release: 2021
Label: HITS Records
Popularity: đź‘Źđź‘Ź
1. Sahabat Jadi Cinta – Live at SRN Pop Party
2. Kenangan Terindah – Live at SRN Pop Party
3. Melawan Restu – Live at SRN Pop Party
4. Peri Cintaku – Live at SRN Pop Party
5. Berharap Tak Berpisah – Live at SRN Pop Party
6. Firasat – Live at SRN Pop Party
7. Sisa Rasa – Live at SRN Pop Party
8. Aku Yang Salah – Live at SRN Pop Party
9. Kangen – Live at SRN Pop Party
10. Malaikat Juga Tahu – Live at SRN Pop Party
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