Meaning and Lyrics of Shut Me Up by Nicky Youre

Song Lyrics meaning of Shut Me Up by Nicky Youre

Meaning of Shut Me Up by Nicky Youre

The song “Shut Me Up” by Nicky Youre dives into the complexities of relationships and the inner turmoil that comes with overthinking and uncertainty.

In the first verse, the singer expresses hesitation about the connection with the other person, questioning if it’s worth the emotional investment. The fear of falling through and the need for reassurance are prominent themes here.

The pre-chorus highlights the singer’s tendency to overthink, seeking help in navigating the swirling thoughts and doubts that cloud their mind.

Moving into the chorus, the plea to “kiss my lips and shut me up” symbolizes a desire for a distraction from the incessant mental chatter. The need for therapy indicates a deep longing for emotional clarity and a way to silence the overwhelming thoughts that plague the singer. The refrain “I think too much” encapsulates the internal struggle of analyzing every aspect of the relationship.

In the second verse, the singer grapples with feelings of inadequacy and the fear of not being enough for the other person. The self-doubt and overcomplication of emotions lead to a plea for honesty and clear communication from the partner.

The repetition of the pre-chorus emphasizes the ongoing battle with overthinking, showcasing the singer’s vulnerability and the yearning for understanding and support.

As the song progresses, the chorus resurfaces, emphasizing the desperation to quiet the mind and find solace in the simplicity of physical connection. The repeated plea to “shut me up” indicates a longing for a respite from the mental noise and a chance to just be in the moment without the burden of overanalyzing.

The outro brings the song to a poignant conclusion, underscoring the overwhelming nature of overthinking and the desire for a moment of peace and clarity. The repetition of “pull me in” echoes the need for closeness and reassurance in the face of internal chaos.

Overall, “Shut Me Up” delves into the internal struggles of overthinking, insecurity, and the search for connection and understanding in a relationship, encapsulating a universal yearning for simplicity and emotional respite.

Lyrics of Shut Me Up by Nicky Youre

Verse 1
What do we call it? When am I calling you?
I'm scared that falling just feels like falling through
But this connection is worth the worrying
So I'm just checking, should I go all in?

'Cause I, I'm overthinking
I, so help me out

Just kiss my lips and shut me up
Just pull me in, it's obvious
I need some therapy
'Cause knowing me, I think too much
Jumpstart my heart and make it stay
I'm running out of ways to say
I'm sick of overthinking
Kiss my lips and shut me up

Verse 2
Maybe you love me, but maybe not enough
Maybe you need me, or maybe I'm too much
I'm overcomplicated, I can't explain it, I tell myself that
You might not feel the same and that's killing me, so spell it out

'Cause I, I'm overthinking
I, so help me out

Just kiss my lips and shut mĐ” up
Just pull me in, it's obvious
I need some therapy
'CausĐ” knowing me, I think too much
Jumpstart my heart and make it stay
I'm running out of ways to say
I'm sick of overthinking
Kiss my lips and shut me up
Shut me up
Kiss my lips and shut me up

Pull me in, pull me in
I'm overthinking
Yeah, yeah
So kiss my lips and shut me up

Discography Nicky Youre

Good Times Go

Release: 2023-06-09
Label: Thirty Knots/Columbia
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. Sunroof
2. Good Times Go
3. Eyes On You
4. Shut Me Up
5. Never Go Wrong
6. Sex and Lemonade (feat. LAIKI)
7. Sunroof – Loud Luxury Remix
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