Meaning and Lyrics of Schism by TOOL

Song Lyrics meaning of Schism by TOOL

Meaning of Schism by TOOL

“Schism” by TOOL is a poignant exploration of the breakdown in communication within a relationship. The lyrics discuss watching the pieces of a once harmonious connection fall away, leading to a sense of disintegration and emotional turmoil. The repetition of “I know the pieces fit” emphasizes the singer’s deep understanding of the relationship’s dynamics despite its unraveling.

The verses allude to the fundamental differences and conflicting intentions that lead to the deterioration of the bond between two individuals. The imagery of “watching them fall away, mildewed and smoldering” conveys a sense of decay and neglect. The verses also touch on the frustration and challenges of trying to maintain communication in the face of growing discord.

The bridges in the song highlight the impact of misunderstandings and lack of communication on the relationship. The metaphor of a “burned hole between us” symbolizes a barrier preventing reconciliation and resolution. The reference to “crippling our communication” underscores the detrimental effects of miscommunication and unresolved issues.

The lyrics delve into themes of blame, desire for reconciliation, and the struggle to rebuild what has been lost. The acknowledgment that the “pieces fit” but have tumbled down with no fault or blame expresses a sense of acceptance and a desire to move forward. The lines about “strangled by our coveting” suggest that possessiveness and self-interest have contributed to the relationship’s downfall.

The song also reflects on the beauty that can be found in discord and conflict, hinting at the potential for growth and understanding through overcoming challenges. The complexities of relationships are explored through imagery of “the poetry that comes from the squaring off” and the appreciation of dissonance as a source of beauty and growth.

Overall, “Schism” by TOOL serves as a deep meditation on the breakdown of communication, the consequences of misinterpretation, and the necessity of introspection and growth in relationships. The repetition of the phrase “I know the pieces fit” throughout the song underscores the singer’s awareness of the underlying truths of the relationship, even as they struggle to navigate its complexities.

Lyrics of Schism by TOOL

Verse 1
I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering
Fundamental differing
Pure intention juxtaposed
Will set two lovers' souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes
Testing our communication

The light that fueled our fire then
Has burned a hole between us so
We cannot seem to reach an end
Crippling our communication

Verse 2
I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame
It doesn't mean I don't desire
To point the finger, blame the other
Watch the temple topple over
To bring the pieces back together
Rediscover communication

The poetry that comes from
The squaring off between
And the circling is worth it
Finding beauty in the dissonance

Verse 3
There was a time that the pieces fit
But I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering
Strangled by our coveting
I've done the math enough to know
The dangers of our second-guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow
And strengthen our communication

Cold silence has a tendency to
Atrophy any sense of compassion
Between supposed lovers
Between supposed lovers

I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
And I know the pieces fit

Discography TOOL

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Label: RCA Records Label
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1. The Grudge
2. Eon Blue Apocalypse
3. The Patient
4. Mantra
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6. Parabol
7. Parabola
8. Ticks & Leeches
9. Lateralus
10. Disposition
11. Reflection
12. Triad
13. Faaip De Oiad
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