Meaning and Lyrics of Sadness Is Rebellion by Lebanon Hanover

Song Lyrics meaning of Sadness Is Rebellion by Lebanon Hanover

About Lebanon Hanover

Lebanon Hanover is a cold wave duo that has been haunting the fringes of the modern post-punk scene since their formation in 2010. Comprised of Swiss vocalist and guitarist Larissa Iceglass and British bassist William Maybelline, the band has carved out a distinctive niche with their minimalist yet atmospheric sound characterized by moody vocals, reverb-drenched guitars, and echoing drum machines. Sadness Is Rebellion, one of their standout tracks, encapsulates the band’s aesthetic perfectly. This song oozes melancholic defiance, with Iceglass’s deadpan, haunting voice delivering lyrics that explore themes of alienation and existential dread. The sparse yet evocative composition relies heavily on melodramatic basslines and shimmering guitar riffs, effectively creating a soundscape that feels both nostalgic and eerily timeless. Since their debut album, “The World Is Getting Colder” (2012), Lebanon Hanover has released several critically acclaimed records, including “Tomb For Two” (2013) and “Let Them Be Alien” (2018). Each release has showcased their ability to meld dark, introspective lyrics with chillingly beautiful instrumentation, solidifying their place in the pantheon of contemporary darkwave artists. Their music isn’t just a throwback to the 80s goth scene; it’s a reinvention, a somber reflection on modern disenchantment. Lebanon Hanover has cultivated a cult following, and their influence can be seen in the resurgence of minimalist post-punk aesthetics in underground music circles. If you’re looking for a soundtrack to your melancholia, Lebanon Hanover offers a transcendent journey into the dark recesses of emotion.

Meaning of Sadness Is Rebellion by Lebanon Hanover

Sadness Is Rebellion” by Lebanon Hanover is a stark and compelling piece that elegantly merges the cold minimalism of post-punk with poignant, deeply existential themes. The track delves into the dualities of emotion, societal constructs, and the human condition—in typical Lebanon Hanover fashion, it doesn’t shy away from the bleakness of our modern existence.

The opening lines, “You say nostalgia is negation / It can’t go on like that, it will all end,” set the tone for an introspective journey. Nostalgia here is presented as a form of denial or rejection. It’s almost a philosophical paradox, suggesting that living in the past can negate progress and ultimately lead to existential doom. The notion that “it can’t go on like that” alludes to a breaking point, a critical juncture where introspection might be crushing but necessary.

The lyric “Contentment to be in nature / And kindness is still so hard to find” grounds the narrative in the eternal struggle of finding simplicity and compassion in a convoluted world. Nature here is an archetype of purity and primordial peace, starkly contrasted with the human inability to uphold kindness—a theme that threads through Lebanon Hanover’s discography, capturing the perennial disillusionment of humanity.

Sadness is rebellion / And self-hate only respect” is a line rich in subversion and defiance. Rather than seeing sadness as a weakness, Lebanon Hanover glorifies it as an act of rebellion. It suggests that in a conformist society obsessed with superficial happiness, embracing one’s sadness is a radical act of self-awareness and authenticity. Self-hate being equated to respect furthers this morose mantra. It implies that in recognizing and confronting one’s flaws and inner turmoil, there is a profound respect and understanding of the self—a dark yet enlightening revelation.

The repetition of the phrase “There is waves, waves of resistance” serves as a somber rallying cry. The metaphor of “waves” evokes an almost unstoppable natural force, yet there’s a touch of melancholy in the subsequent lines, “Somewhere out there, but there’s not enough of them,” highlighting the scarcity of critical, resistant voices in a complacent society.

In the verse, “Those graves are such a temptation / If we don’t press rewind, it will all end,” the imagery of graves as a temptation likely alludes to an ever-present awareness of mortality and the seductive allure of giving up. The imperative to “press rewind” hints at a need to revisit, reexamine, and perhaps rectify past mistakes to avoid a tragic end—a recurring theme in their work, where the past constantly haunts the present.

You say popular music is contamination / It won’t stop if the public is too blind” continues their critique of contemporary culture. In an industry driven by profit and facile tendencies, Lebanon Hanover positions themselves as the antithesis of mainstream contamination. Their music is a form of resistance against the numbing triviality that permeates pop culture. The blindness of the public represents a passive acceptance, a failure to question or seek depth, which perpetuates the status quo.

Sensitivity — almost a sensation / In a world of cruel and simple minds” paints a disquieting picture. Sensitivity, almost treated as a lost art or rare sensation, contrasts sharply with a world that’s largely desensitized, cruel, and simplistic in thought—a perspective that reeks of modern-day nihilism, underscored by the band’s characteristic minimalism and raw, haunting delivery.

Finally, “May teardrops be our revolution / In confusion, we will connect” culminates the song’s thematic arc with a sense of unorthodox hope. Here, teardrops—symbols of vulnerability and sadness—are heralded as instruments of change. Amidst the chaos and confusion, there’s a profound, almost spiritual connection to be found—a rare yet potent form of unity through collective emotional experience.

In essence, “Sadness Is Rebellion” by Lebanon Hanover is not just a song, but a manifesto. It’s an audacious declaration that confronts societal complacency and superficiality with a raw and unfiltered emotional truth. Through their minimalist yet impactful composition, the track captures the essence of a generation searching for meaning in an increasingly insipid world. This song, with its stark lyrics and somber tone, cements Lebanon Hanover’s place as poignant provocateurs in the post-punk landscape—a dissonant yet symbiotic relationship with their disenchanted audience.

Lyrics of Sadness Is Rebellion by Lebanon Hanover

You say nostalgia is negation
It can’t go on like that, it will all end
Contentment to be in nature
And kindness is still so hard to find
Sadness is rebellion
And self hate only respect

There is waves, waves of resistance
Somewhere out there, but there’s not enough of them
Those graves are such a temptation
If we don’t press rewind, it will all end

You say popular music is contamination
It won’t stop if the public is too blind
Sensitivity — almost a sensation
In a world of cruel and simple minds
May teardrops be our revolution
In confusion, we will connect

There is waves, waves of resistance
I can feel them but I never hear of them
There is waves, waves of resistance
The critical minds there is not enough of them

Discography Lebanon Hanover

Sci-Fi Sky

Release: 2020-10-20
Label: Fabrika Records
Popularity: 👏
1. Living on the Edge
2. Golden Child
3. Garden Gnome
4. Digital Ocean
5. The Last Thing
6. Angel Face
7. Hard Drug
8. Third Eye in Shanghai
9. Your Pure Soul
10. Come Kali Come
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Let Them Be Alien

Release: 2018-04-02
Label: Fabrika Records
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Alien
2. Gravity Sucks
3. Kiss Me Until My Lips Fall Off
4. My Favorite Black Cat
5. Lavender Fields
6. Du Scrollst
7. True Romantics
8. The Silent Choir
9. Ebenholz
10. Petals
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Besides the Abyss

Release: 2015-03-03
Label: Fabrika Records
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Hollow Sky
2. The Crater
3. Fall Industrial Wall
4. The Chamber
5. The Well
6. The Moor
7. Broken Characters
8. Chimerical
9. Dark Hill
10. Spirals
11. If Bernhard Could See Us
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Sci-Fi Sky

Release: 2020-10-20
Label: Fabrika Records
Popularity: 👏
1. Living on the Edge
2. Golden Child
3. Garden Gnome
4. Digital Ocean
5. The Last Thing
6. Angel Face
7. Hard Drug
8. Third Eye in Shanghai
9. Your Pure Soul
10. Come Kali Come
Tracklist Collapse

Let Them Be Alien

Release: 2018-04-02
Label: Fabrika Records
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Alien
2. Gravity Sucks
3. Kiss Me Until My Lips Fall Off
4. My Favorite Black Cat
5. Lavender Fields
6. Du Scrollst
7. True Romantics
8. The Silent Choir
9. Ebenholz
10. Petals
Tracklist Collapse

Besides the Abyss

Release: 2015-03-03
Label: Fabrika Records
Popularity: 👏
1. Hollow Sky
2. The Crater
3. Fall Industrial Wall
4. The Chamber
5. The Well
6. The Moor
7. Broken Characters
8. Chimerical
9. Dark Hill
10. Spirals
11. If Bernhard Could See Us
Tracklist Collapse
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