Meaning and Lyrics of River Days by South Summit

Song Lyrics meaning of River Days by South Summit

Meaning of River Days by South Summit

“River Days” by South Summit is a poignant and introspective song that delves into themes of struggle, self-reflection, and the search for salvation.

The lyrics describe a sense of being lost and overwhelmed, walking in a straight line but admitting to feelings of falling and being unable to heal properly. The protagonist seems to be hurting those they love while losing energy and searching for something more.

The repeated plea to be saved from the waters that threaten to take them away symbolizes a desire for rescue and protection from forces that feel overwhelming. There’s an acknowledgment of being guided by wrong signs and replacing what truly matters, leading to a feeling of drowning alive as things pull closer beyond their control.

The imagery of floating and losing grip to the ground portrays a sense of helplessness and detachment from reality. The search for the “extra love” could represent a longing for something deeper and more meaningful that yet eludes them.

The chorus, with its repeated appeal to be saved from the river, underscores a cry for deliverance from the turmoil and chaos that surrounds them. The acceptance of floating astray and letting go of the pain suggests a relinquishing of control and a willingness to release the burdens that weigh them down.

Overall, “River Days” explores the internal struggles of the protagonist, their yearning for solace, and the hope of being rescued from the overwhelming currents threatening to engulf them. The song captures a sense of vulnerability, introspection, and a quest for salvation amidst the turbulent waters of life.

Lyrics of River Days by South Summit

Walking in a straight line
How can I admit to the feeling, starting to fall
Never in the right mind
How can I commit to the healing, I'm losing it all
Hurting all the ones I love
Taking all the energy from me
Oh I'm searching for the extra love

So will you save me
From the waters that'll take me all away
Save me from the river
Save me from the river
So will you save me
From the waters that'll take me all away
Save me from the river
Save me from the river

Guided by the wrong signs
Replacing all the things that matter
It's drowning me alive yeah
It's drowning me alive
When it's pulling me closer
I can't control it
Losing my grip to the ground
Still searching for that extra love

So will you save me
From the waters that'll take me all away
Save me from the river
Save me from the river
So will you save me
From the waters that'll take me all away
Save me from the river
Save me from the river

When I float astray
I can't feel the pain
That's tumbles down
I let go
When I float astray
I can't feel the pain
That's tumbles down
I let go

So will you save me
From the waters that'll take me all away
Save me from the river
Save me from the river
So will you save me
From the waters that'll take me all away
Save me from the river
Save me from the river
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