Meaning and Lyrics of Psychedelic Orgasm by Kim Gordon

Song Lyrics meaning of Psychedelic Orgasm by Kim Gordon

About Kim Gordon

Kim Gordon
Kim Gordon is an American musician, singer, songwriter, and visual artist, best known as a founding member of the iconic alternative rock band Sonic Youth. Born on April 28, 1953, in Rochester, New York, she has been a leading figure in the underground music scene for decades. Gordon’s distinctive vocals and bass playing have been influential in shaping the sound of indie and alternative rock music. One example of her work is the song Psychedelic Orgasm, a track that showcases Gordon’s experimental and boundary-pushing approach to music. With her band Sonic Youth, she has released numerous critically acclaimed albums and has remained a respected figure in the music industry. In addition to her music career, Gordon is also known for her work as a visual artist and writer, making her a multifaceted and influential figure in contemporary culture.

Meaning of Psychedelic Orgasm by Kim Gordon

“Psychedelic Orgasm” by Kim Gordon is a song that delves into the vibrant and chaotic atmosphere of Los Angeles, particularly focusing on the surreal experiences and sensations one might encounter in the city. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a day in L.A, capturing the eclectic mix of culture, art, and mind-altering substances that define the city’s essence.

In the first verse, the narrator seems to be on a routine trip to the store, but the surroundings are anything but ordinary. The reference to Tik-Toking kids and expensive potatoes hints at both the youthful energy and the materialistic nature of L.A. The repetition of “Wish I knew what they were cookin’ up” suggests a desire to understand the city and its inhabitants better, emphasizing a sense of mystery and intrigue.

The refrain, “L.A. is an art scene,” is reiterated throughout the song, underscoring the creative and avant-garde spirit that permeates the city. It serves as a reminder of the vibrant cultural landscape that L.A. embodies.

Moving into the second verse, the imagery becomes more intense, with references to tongues hanging out, zombie meditation, and a drive-by situation. These lines evoke a sense of disorientation and surrealism, reflecting the frenetic pace and disconnected realities that coexist in L.A.

The third verse delves into a darker and psychedelic realm, with mentions of drugs like LSD, MDMA, and magic mushrooms. The setting “underneath the freeway” conjures a sense of urban decay and underground subcultures, hinting at a hidden world beneath the glitzy façade of the city.

The refrain is repeated once more, emphasizing the refrain that L.A. is indeed an art scene, but one that encompasses a wider spectrum of experiences beyond what meets the eye.

The outro, with its raw and provocative mention of a “Psychedelic orgasm,” adds a final touch of rebelliousness and hedonism to the song, urging the listener to embrace the wild and untamed aspects of L.A.

Overall, “Psychedelic Orgasm” offers a kaleidoscopic journey through the multifaceted landscape of Los Angeles, capturing its contradictions, allure, and chaotic beauty in a raw and unapologetic manner.

Lyrics of Psychedelic Orgasm by Kim Gordon

Verse 1
Going to the store
Gonna cook it up
Passing all the kids
Tik-Toking around
Sipping on the smoothies
Wish I knew what
They were cookin'
They were cookin’ up
Wish I knew what
Wish I knew what
Picking out potatoes
$20 each
Picking out potatoes
L.A., L.A. is an art scene

L.A. is an art scene
L.A. is an art scene

Verse 2
Tongues hanging out
Bodies on the sidewalk
Driving down, sunset
Zombie meditation
Getting caffeinated
People lining up
Drive-by situation
Route 68

L.A. is an art scene
L.A. is an art scene
Drive by situation

Verse 3
Undеrneath the freeway
(Undernеath the freeway)
Night burning, the fires begin
Magic (?)
Magic mushrooms, magic

L.A. is an art scene
L.A. is an art scene

Psychedelic orgasm
Psychadelic orgasm
(Open up your legs!)
Psychadelic orgasm
Psychadelic orgasm

Discography Kim Gordon

The Collective

Release: 2024-03-08
Label: Matador
Popularity: 👏👏
2. The Candy House
3. I Don’t Miss My Mind
4. I’m A Man
5. Trophies
6. It’s Dark Inside
7. Psychedelic Orgasm
8. Tree House
9. Shelf Warmer
10. The Believers
11. Dream Dolla
Tracklist Collapse

At Issue

Release: 2022-01-05
Label: Matador
1. Movement 1
2. Movement 2
3. Movement 3
4. Movement 4
5. Movement 5
6. Movement 6
7. Movement 7
8. Movement 8
Tracklist Collapse

No Home Record

Release: 2019-10-11
Label: Matador
1. Sketch Artist
2. Air BnB
3. Paprika Pony
4. Murdered Out
5. Don’t Play It
6. Cookie Butter
7. Hungry Baby
8. Earthquake
9. Get Yr Life Back
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Kim Gordon

Ohana Festival - Sunday Admission - Charity

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-09-29
Location: Doheny State Beach

Ohana Festival - Weekend Admission - Charity

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-09-27
Location: Doheny State Beach

Ohana Festival - Weekend Admission - Charity

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-06-14
Location: Union Transfer
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The Collective

Release: 2024-03-08
Label: Matador
Popularity: 👏👏
2. The Candy House
3. I Don’t Miss My Mind
4. I’m A Man
5. Trophies
6. It’s Dark Inside
7. Psychedelic Orgasm
8. Tree House
9. Shelf Warmer
10. The Believers
11. Dream Dolla
Tracklist Collapse

At Issue

Release: 2022-01-05
Label: Matador
1. Movement 1
2. Movement 2
3. Movement 3
4. Movement 4
5. Movement 5
6. Movement 6
7. Movement 7
8. Movement 8
Tracklist Collapse

No Home Record

Release: 2019-10-11
Label: Matador
Popularity: 👏
1. Sketch Artist
2. Air BnB
3. Paprika Pony
4. Murdered Out
5. Don’t Play It
6. Cookie Butter
7. Hungry Baby
8. Earthquake
9. Get Yr Life Back
Tracklist Collapse
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