Meaning and Lyrics of Power Trip by Chimaira

Song Lyrics meaning of Power Trip by Chimaira

About Chimaira

Chimaira emerged from the industrial wasteland of Cleveland, Ohio, like a sonic tornado in 1998, bringing with them a ferocious blend of groove metal and metalcore that pulverized heavy music norms. Founded primarily by lead vocalist Mark Hunter, the band’s lineup has seen a myriad of changes, but Hunter’s guttural roars and razor-sharp lyrics have remained the spine of the outfit. The band’s early work, particularly their 2001 breakout album Pass Out of Existence, solidified their place in the metal ecosystem. However, it was the 2003 album The Impossibility of Reason that catapulted them to new heights. This record showcased a fusion of blistering riffs, machine-gun drumming, and atmospheric interludes, reflecting a more mature sonic palette that resonated deeply within the heavier echelons of metal fandom. One standout track from this album is Power Trip, a three-minute blitzkrieg of aggression and technical prowess. The song opens with a throaty scream, catapulting the listener into a maelstrom of thrashy guitar riffs and double bass drum patterns that rarely let up. Lyrically, it delves into themes of betrayal and vengeance, embodied in lines like “I’m tired of your complaints, you haven’t done a thing for me.” The song exemplifies Chimaira’s knack for blending raw fury with intricate musicianship, a technique that has undoubtedly influenced bands emerging in the post-millennial metal landscape. Over their tumultuous career, Chimaira released seven full-length albums, each evolving yet retaining the aggressive core that won them a loyal following. Despite numerous lineup changes and eventual disbandment in 2014, the group’s impact on the metal scene persists. Their raw energy, technical skill, and unapologetically brutal approach make them a cornerstone of early 2000s metal and a continual point of reference for heavy music enthusiasts.

Meaning of Power Trip by Chimaira

Chimaira’s “Power Trip” is an unapologetically aggressive track that delves into themes of betrayal, empowerment, and resistance against oppressive forces. Let’s dissect this blistering piece both structurally and thematically to grasp its intense narrative and sonic landscape.

Verse 1:

The song kicks off with “Face to face / No time to waste”, immediately setting a confrontational tone. This is a call to arms, a moment of reckoning. The lyrics “This is the time for revenge” indicate a long-brewing conflict reaching its peak. The subject, a nemesis who prides themselves on “crushing dreams”, symbolizes the myriad of entities or individuals who exert control through destructive means. The line “Your control has no hold on me” signifies a critical moment of defiance and liberation, stripping away the shackles of manipulation.

Verse 2:

Chimaira intensifies the emotional palette with “I hate the way / You have no shame / You act like nothing’s happened”. This exposes the hypocritical, shameless attitude of the antagonist, who seems oblivious or indifferent to the damage they’ve caused. “It’s time to rise / The final fight / This is the last time” serves as a rallying cry, a declaration that the protagonist’s tolerance has hit its limit. The stakes are clear: this is the definitive showdown.


The chorus is a cathartic release, a manifesto of resilience: “I will not fail again / I will not let you win / f**k your power trip”. It’s repetitive yet necessary, hammering home the protagonist’s steadfast resolution to resist and overcome the oppressive force. The expletive adds an edgy, raw layer to the message, underscoring the depth of frustration and determination.

Verse 3:

Here, the lyrics “I’ll throw away / The wasted days / The chance for revenge” acknowledge past mistakes or missed opportunities. It’s a moment of introspection – recognizing the futility of dwelling on vengeance. However, “My claim to fame / Ended in vain / This was the last time” conveys a nuanced resignation. There’s a tragic acceptance that despite best efforts, the quest for retribution might have been in vain. Nonetheless, this doesn’t diminish the resolve coursing through the lyrics.


“You are the one who’s forsaken us all / Nothing has changed so together we fall” moves from personal vendetta to collective disillusionment. It’s an indictment of leadership or systems that betray collective trust. The bridge shifts perspectives slightly, suggesting that “I am the one who’s led us to believe / You can’t change me” brings the narrative full circle, illustrating a complex interplay between personal agency and broader structural failures.


The outro, a refrained “f**k your power trip”, acts as a final, potent statement that encapsulates the song’s spirit. It’s a no-holds-barred dismissal of the very concept of the oppressor’s power, reinforcing the chorus’s declaration of autonomy.

From a compositional standpoint, Chimaira combines visceral guitar riffs, pounding drums, and Mark Hunter’s guttural vocals to craft an atmosphere that’s both chaotic and controlled. The intensity of the music mirrors the lyrical content perfectly, amplifying the sense of urgency and rebellion.

In cultural context, “Power Trip” channels the ethos of the early 2000s metalcore and nu-metal scenes, where themes of personal strife and opposition to oppressive entities were prevalent. Bands like Slipknot, Lamb of God, and Killswitch Engage similarly explored these motifs, resonating with audiences fed up with societal and personal constraints.

In conclusion, “Power Trip” is a rallying cry against oppression, a visceral rebellion rendered through the lens of metalcore. It’s a track that speaks to the disenfranchised, encouraging not just resistance, but the reclamation of power from those who misuse it. Chimaira has composed more than just a song; they’ve created a sonic exorcism of frustration and a declaration of unyielding spirit.

Lyrics of Power Trip by Chimaira

Verse 1
Face to face
No time to waste
This is the time for revenge
Your claim to fame
Of crushing dreams
Your control has no hold on me
Has no hold on me

Verse 2
I hate the way
You have no shame
You act like nothing's happened
It's time to rise
The final fight
This is the last time

I will not fail again
I will not let you win
f**k your power trip

Verse 3
I'll throw away
The wasted days
The chance for revenge
My claim to fame
Ended in vain
This was the last time

I will not fail again
I will not let you win
f**k your power trip
I will not fail again
I will not let you win
f**k your power trip

You are the one who's forsaken us all
Nothing has changed so together we fall
I am the one who's led us to believe
You can't change me

I will not fail again
I will not let you win
f**k your power trip
I will not fail again
I will not let you win
f**k your power trip

f**k your power trip

Discography Chimaira

Pass Out Of Existence 20th Anniversary (Deluxe Edition)

Release: 2022-05-20
Label: Roadrunner Records
1. Let Go
2. Dead Inside
3. Severed
4. Lumps
5. Pass out of Existence
6. Abeo
7. Sp Lit
8. Painting the White to Grey
9. Taste My….
10. Rizzo
11. Sphere
12. Forced Life
13. Options
14. Jade – 2021 Edit
15. Without Moral Restraint
16. Severed – 2021 Remix
17. Sp Lit – 2021 Remix
18. Painting the White to Grey – 2021 Remix
19. Taste My… – Prev. Unreleased Demo
20. Fascination Street
21. Let it Go – Live Orlando 2002
22. Lumps – Live Orlando 2002
23. Severed – Live Orlando 2002
24. Sp Lit – Live Orlando 2002
25. Silence – Live Orlando 2002
26. Forced Life – Live Orlando 2002
27. Dead Inside – Live Orlando 2002
28. This Present Darkness – Live Orlando 2002
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Crown of Phantoms

Release: 2013-08-09
Label: Roadrunner Records
1. The Machine
2. No Mercy
3. All That’s Left Is Blood
4. I Despise
5. Plastic Wonderland
6. The Transmigration
7. Crown Of Phantoms
8. Spineless
9. Kings Of The Shadow World
10. Wrapped In Violence
11. Love Soaked Death
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The Age of Hell (Bonus Track Version)

Release: 2011-08-26
Label: SPV
1. The Age Of Hell
2. Clockwork
3. Losing My Mind
4. Time Is Running Out
5. Year Of The Snake
6. Beyond The Grave
7. Born In Blood
8. Stoma
9. Powerless
10. Trigger Finger
11. Scapegoat
12. Samsara
13. Clockwork (Remix)
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Pass Out Of Existence 20th Anniversary (Deluxe Edition)

Release: 2022-05-20
Label: Roadrunner Records
1. Let Go
2. Dead Inside
3. Severed
4. Lumps
5. Pass out of Existence
6. Abeo
7. Sp Lit
8. Painting the White to Grey
9. Taste My….
10. Rizzo
11. Sphere
12. Forced Life
13. Options
14. Jade – 2021 Edit
15. Without Moral Restraint
16. Severed – 2021 Remix
17. Sp Lit – 2021 Remix
18. Painting the White to Grey – 2021 Remix
19. Taste My… – Prev. Unreleased Demo
20. Fascination Street
21. Let it Go – Live Orlando 2002
22. Lumps – Live Orlando 2002
23. Severed – Live Orlando 2002
24. Sp Lit – Live Orlando 2002
25. Silence – Live Orlando 2002
26. Forced Life – Live Orlando 2002
27. Dead Inside – Live Orlando 2002
28. This Present Darkness – Live Orlando 2002
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Crown of Phantoms

Release: 2013-08-09
Label: Roadrunner Records
1. The Machine
2. No Mercy
3. All That’s Left Is Blood
4. I Despise
5. Plastic Wonderland
6. The Transmigration
7. Crown Of Phantoms
8. Spineless
9. Kings Of The Shadow World
10. Wrapped In Violence
11. Love Soaked Death
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The Age of Hell (Bonus Track Version)

Release: 2011-08-26
Label: SPV
1. The Age Of Hell
2. Clockwork
3. Losing My Mind
4. Time Is Running Out
5. Year Of The Snake
6. Beyond The Grave
7. Born In Blood
8. Stoma
9. Powerless
10. Trigger Finger
11. Scapegoat
12. Samsara
13. Clockwork (Remix)
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