Meaning and Lyrics of Please Don’t Be by Hazlett

Song Lyrics meaning of Please Don’t Be by Hazlett

Meaning of Please Don't Be by Hazlett

“Hazlett’s song ‘Please Don’t Be’ reflects on themes of love, desire, and emotional complexity through its poetic lyrics. In the first verse, the imagery of a typhoon moving and a flame burning sets the tone for a contrast between powerful forces and delicate fragility. The references to golden empires, queens burning sage, and hearts in a cage evoke a sense of longing, beauty, and imprisonment, suggesting a struggle within relationships.

The chorus, repeating the plea “Please don’t be in love with someone else,” emphasizes the fear of losing someone’s affection to another, highlighting insecurities and vulnerability in love. The repetition of “else” resonates with a sense of desperation and uncertainty.

Moving to the second verse, the lyrics depict a desire to bury answers, burn proof, and navigate through emotions, hinting at a sense of escapism or avoidance. The line “If all is so damn fair why does somebody always lose?” delves into the paradox of fairness in love and the inevitability of someone getting hurt.

In the third verse, the concept that ‘love’s not a game’ contradicts the earlier imagery of hearts in a cage, indicating a shift in perspective. The references to being a contestant and seeking fame suggest a dynamic of competition and recognition in relationships. The closing lines with ‘To hell with my desires, they were the cage’ convey a sense of liberation from personal constraints but also suggest a sacrifice or loss in the quest for love.

Overall, ‘Please Don’t Be’ by Hazlett seems to explore the complexities of longing, uncertainty, and the risks involved in opening oneself up to love, ultimately portraying a nuanced and introspective view on the intricacies of human emotions and relationships.”

Lyrics of Please Don't Be by Hazlett

Verse 1
Move like a typhoon
I’m just a flame
Smokey by nature
Charmingly sane

See golden empires
Queens burning sage
Boys with their desires
Hearts in a cage

Please don’t be
In love with someone else
Please don’t be
In love with someone, love with someone else
Else, else, else

Verse 2
Bury the answers
Burn all the proof
Fly by my feelings
Land on your moon

I’m going back home
To tell them the news
If all is so damn fair why does
Somebody always lose?

Please don’t be
In love with someone else
Please don’t be
In love with someone, love with someone else
Else, else, else

Verse 3
‘Yes’ was the answer
Love’s not a game
You’re the contestant
He was the fame

I found a new tone
You left your sage
To hell with my desires
They were the cage

Discography Hazlett

Bloom Mountain

Release: 2023-01-13
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Please Don’t Be
2. Even If It’s Lonely
3. My Skin
4. Everybody Hates Me
5. Skeletons
6. Oh Downhill
7. Part Time Lovers
8. Hesitate
9. Tell Me What You Dream About
10. To Sleep in a King Alone
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Hazlett


Price Range: $21.25 – 21.25
Date: 2024-11-24
Location: The Grand Social

Hazlett - 2024-11-24

Price Range: $21.25 – 21.25 EUR
Location: The Grand Social, Dublin

Hazlett - 2024-11-24

Price Range: $Price not available
Location: Glad Cafe, Glasgow
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