Meaning and Lyrics of On the Train Ride Home by The Paper Kites

Song Lyrics meaning of On the Train Ride Home by The Paper Kites

About The Paper Kites

The Paper Kites: An Indie Folk Odyssey
Hailing from the creatively fertile grounds of Melbourne, Australia, The Paper Kites have emerged as one of the most evocative indie folk bands of the last decade. Formed in 2010, the quintet consists of Sam Bentley, Christina Lacy, Dave Powell, Sam Rasmussen, and Josh Bentley. Their sound is a carefully crafted mosaic of rich harmonies, haunting melodies, and intricately layered instrumentation. Early Beginnings and Career Trajectory
Their debut EP, Woodland, released in 2011, encapsulated the raw and unpolished sincerity of their early work, garnering a devoted following. Tracks like “Bloom” showcased their ability to create immersive auditory landscapes. Fast forward to 2013, their debut full-length album, States, elevated their artistry, blending folk roots with experimental undertones. Fastidiously evolving with each release, albums such as Twelvefour (2015) – a conceptual project based on the peculiar inspiration that strikes between midnight and 4 AM – saw them pushing the boundaries of their genre. This was followed by On the Train Ride Home (2018), an introspective collection of songs that highlighted their maturity both lyrically and musically. Artistry and Influence
The Paper Kites’ music often feels like a pensive journey through twilight vistas and foggy memories, drawing comparisons to acts like Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes. Their ability to balance melancholic introspection with hopeful optimism sets them apart in the crowded indie folk arena. “On the Train Ride Home”: A Sonic Snapshot
One of their standout offerings, “On the Train Ride Home,” is a delicate yet potent example of their sonic signature. The song captures the transient emotions and muted revelations experienced during solitary travels. With Sam Bentley’s gentle falsetto cradled by melancholic guitar strums and understated percussion, it feels like a private conversation between the listener and the unspoken poetry of everyday life. In essence, The Paper Kites are modern-day troubadours, weaving tales that resonate on a deeply personal level while exploring universal themes of love, loss, and the quiet beauty of life’s fleeting moments. Their evolution is not just a testament to their skill but a reflection of their unwavering commitment to authentic storytelling through music.

Meaning of On the Train Ride Home by The Paper Kites

The Paper Kites’ “On the Train Ride Home” is a hauntingly melancholic yet profoundly beautiful meditation on life’s quiet desperation and the perennial search for contentment. Written in an era where instant gratification often overshadows genuine fulfillment, this track captures the emotional subtleties of modern existential angst.

Verse 1 opens with imagery that is stark and almost cinematic: *”Waiting down at the station / I don’t remember, I think it was late then.”* The nondescript setting and the sense of timelessness speak to a state of limbo, a place we’ve all found ourselves—waiting for something to happen, unsure of what that something is. The mention of “elevators, filled up with strangers” extends this metaphor, suggesting a sense of isolation even when surrounded by people. The lyrics adeptly capture the numbing effect of routine and the unsettling stillness that often accompanies it.

In Chorus 1, the line *”No sound, no Hallelujahs / Still I was praying on the train ride home”* is profoundly impactful. It’s a plea for grounding, for moments of clarity amidst the chaos. The juxtaposition of prayer without its usual exultation underscores the silent, internalized struggles we face. The repetition of *”If I can’t get the things I want / If I can’t get the things I want / Just give me what I need”* is a humble admission that our desires often eclipse our needs, and perhaps, recognizing this distinction is crucial for finding true peace.

Verse 2 poetically elaborates on the futility of words and promises in our lives: *”Our words fill up the pages / Fill up the days with songs for the ages.”* Here, words are likened to page-fillers, simultaneously elevating and diluting their value. Just as songs can capture timeless truths, they can also become repetitive, losing their meaning through overuse. The stark realism of *”Still those vows that we all speak / We break them like concrete and just make our words cheap”* highlights a universal disillusionment. Promises are shattered easily and often, making our grand declarations feel hollow.

Chorus 2 shifts slightly in its focus, embracing a deeper desire for lasting connections and simplicity: *”I want someone to grow with / Songs I can sing to and a family to cling to.”* It’s an aspirational vision grounded in tangible elements. The repetition of the need vs. want dichotomy reiterates the theme of emotional and spiritual minimalism, emphasizing that our true needs are far simpler and more profound than our wants.

The instrumentation of “On the Train Ride Home” is sparse, which enhances its lyrical introspection. Soft guitar strums and ambient sounds create a serene yet somber atmosphere, making the listener feel as if they, too, are on that solitary train ride, lost in thought. The band’s adept use of minimalism in both arrangement and delivery provides ample space for the listener to project their own experiences onto the song.

In a broader cultural context, “On the Train Ride Home” is a quiet rebellion against the incessant noise of contemporary life. It encourages introspection and a realignment of one’s priorities, subtly criticizing how societal pressures often divert us from what truly matters. The song’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to voice the often-unspoken anxieties that resonate within us all.

In conclusion, The Paper Kites have crafted a poignant, introspective piece with “On the Train Ride Home.” Its lyrical depth and minimalist composition make it a compelling listen, one that invites the audience to ponder their own journey towards fulfilling their needs amidst a cacophony of desires. It’s a humbling reminder of the quiet strength found in acceptance and the simple beauty of understanding what we genuinely need to find peace and contentment in life.

Lyrics of On the Train Ride Home by The Paper Kites

Verse 1
Waiting down at the station
I don’t remember, I think it was late then
Standing, always so quiet
We’re like elevators, filled up with strangers

Chorus 1
No sound, no Hallelujahs
Still I was praying on the train ride home
If I can't get the things I want
If I can't get the things I want
Just give me what I need

Verse 2
Our words fill up the pages
Fill up the days with songs for the ages
Still those vows that we all speak
We break them like concrete and just make our words cheap

Chorus 2
I want someone to grow with
Songs I can sing to and a family to cling to
But if I can't get the things I want
If I can't get the things I want
Just give me what I need
Just give me what I need

Discography The Paper Kites

At the Roadhouse

Release: 2023-09-01
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Midnight Moon
2. Till the Flame Turns Blue
3. Black & Thunder
4. Marietta
5. Rolling on Easy
6. Hurts so Good
7. Good Nights Gone
8. Burn the Night Away
9. June’s Stolen Car
10. Maria, It’s Time
11. Green Valleys
12. The Sweet Sound of You
13. I Don’t Want to Go That Way
14. Pocket Full of Rain
15. Mercy
16. Darkness at My Doo
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2021-03-12
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Walk Above the City
2. Climb on Your Tears
3. Dearest
4. Steal My Heart Away
5. Without Your Love
6. Crossfire
7. Lonely
8. Take Me Home
9. For All You Give
10. By My Side
Tracklist Collapse

On the Corner Where You Live

Release: 2018-09-21
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. A Gathering on 57th
2. Give Me Your Fire, Give Me Your Rain
3. Deep Burn Blue
4. Mess We Made
5. Flashes
6. Red Light
7. On the Corner Where You Live
8. Midtown Waitress
9. When It Hurts You
10. Does It Ever Cross Your Mind
11. Don’t Keep Driving
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for The Paper Kites

Stephen Sanchez with Special Guest The Paper Kites

Price Range: $29.5 – 79.5
Date: 2024-10-23
Location: MGM Music Hall at Fenway

Stephen Sanchez with Special Guest The Paper Kites

Price Range: $49.5 – 95
Date: 2024-10-17
Location: The Anthem

Stephen Sanchez with Special Guest The Paper Kites

Price Range: $55 – 115
Date: 2024-10-27
Location: Hard Rock Live
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At the Roadhouse

Release: 2023-09-01
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Midnight Moon
2. Till the Flame Turns Blue
3. Black & Thunder
4. Marietta
5. Rolling on Easy
6. Hurts so Good
7. Good Nights Gone
8. Burn the Night Away
9. June’s Stolen Car
10. Maria, It’s Time
11. Green Valleys
12. The Sweet Sound of You
13. I Don’t Want to Go That Way
14. Pocket Full of Rain
15. Mercy
16. Darkness at My Doo
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2021-03-12
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Walk Above the City
2. Climb on Your Tears
3. Dearest
4. Steal My Heart Away
5. Without Your Love
6. Crossfire
7. Lonely
8. Take Me Home
9. For All You Give
10. By My Side
Tracklist Collapse

On the Corner Where You Live

Release: 2018-09-21
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏👏
1. A Gathering on 57th
2. Give Me Your Fire, Give Me Your Rain
3. Deep Burn Blue
4. Mess We Made
5. Flashes
6. Red Light
7. On the Corner Where You Live
8. Midtown Waitress
9. When It Hurts You
10. Does It Ever Cross Your Mind
11. Don’t Keep Driving
Tracklist Collapse
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