Meaning and Lyrics of My Fun by Suki Waterhouse

Song Lyrics meaning of My Fun by Suki Waterhouse

Meaning of My Fun by Suki Waterhouse

The song “My Fun” by Suki Waterhouse seems to portray a relationship filled with excitement, playfulness, and passion. The lyrics depict a sense of freedom and joy that the singer finds in their partner. Let’s break down the interpretation of the song:

In the first verse, there is a reference to blood, which could symbolize intensity and rawness in the relationship. The mention of seeking peace and nostalgia suggests a longing for comfort and happiness.

The pre-chorus talks about putting on someone else’s shoes, indicating empathy and understanding in the relationship. Climbing to the top of the sun might symbolize reaching new heights together and feeling empowered by the connection.

The chorus emphasizes the importance of being loved in a way that matches the singer’s love for having fun, suggesting a mutual understanding and appreciation for each other’s personalities.

The second verse describes an adventurous and carefree attitude, with imagery of skinny dipping and enjoying simple pleasures like sitting under a cherry tree. It conveys a sense of escape and happiness found in each other’s company.

In the third verse, the admiration for the partner’s beauty is evident, along with a feeling of being desired and accepted. The reference to being turned on could signify both physical and emotional attraction.

The bridge challenges the notion of being too wild or unpredictable, highlighting how the partner sees and values the singer’s authenticity. The sweetness and love received from the partner are cherished, leading the singer to contemplate a deeper connection.

The chorus repeats the theme of being loved in a way that aligns with the singer’s carefree and fun-loving nature, creating a sense of harmony and reciprocated affection.

The outro serves as a reaffirmation of the partner’s worth and importance, suggesting a strong bond and mutual appreciation in the relationship.

Overall, “My Fun” by Suki Waterhouse appears to celebrate a relationship that is exciting, liberating, and deeply fulfilling, where both partners embrace each other’s individuality and find joy in shared experiences.

Lyrics of My Fun by Suki Waterhouse

Verse 1
Blood on the grass, blood on my knees
Waited so long to find some peace
Call up the past, scream on the breeze
You make me laugh, you bless my sneeze

Take off my shoes and put yours on
They feel heavy, but I feel strong
Take a hike up to the top of the sun
God, it feels good to find someone

Who loves me
Who loves me like I love my fun

Verse 2
So strip off your clothes, step into the sea
Skinny dip tripping where no one sees
Back in the arms of make-believe
Back to the shade of the cherry tree
Building fires, jumping planes
Nothing to do and nothing to say

But love me like I love my fun

Verse 3
God, you're so pretty I fell to the floor
You helped me back up and kissed my lips sore
Pack up your bags and head out the door
Never felt so damn turned on before

Everyone said I'm too crazy to keep
But you're the one who sweeps me off of my feet
Babe, you give me honey that keeps me sweet
Lately, I've been thinking you're the one for me

'Cause you love me
'Cause you love me like I love my fun

You got a good woman
Yeah, babe, you got a good woman
You got a good woman
Yeah, babe, you got a good woman
You got a good woman
Yeah, babe, you got a good woman
You got a good woman
Yeah, babe, you got a good woman
You got a good woman
Yeah, babe, you got a good woman

Discography Suki Waterhouse

I Can't Let Go

Release: 2022-05-06
Label: Sub Pop Records
Popularity: đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź
1. Moves
2. Devil I Know
3. Melrose Meltdown
4. Put Me Through It
5. My Mind
6. Bullshit on the Internet
7. Wild Side
8. On Your Thumb
9. Slip
10. Blessed
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Suki Waterhouse


Price Range: $65.5 – 185
Date: 2024-09-21
Location: Moda Center

Suki Waterhouse with Special Guest Bully

Price Range: $47.5 – 87.5
Date: 2024-12-07
Location: Brooklyn Paramount

Suki Waterhouse with Special Guest Bully

Price Range: $40 – 75
Date: 2024-12-11
Location: The Anthem
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