Meaning and Lyrics of Must Be Dreaming by Frou Frou

Song Lyrics meaning of Must Be Dreaming by Frou Frou

Meaning of Must Be Dreaming by Frou Frou

“Frou Frou’s song ‘Must Be Dreaming’ captures a sense of surrealism and intense emotions through its lyrics. The song seems to delve into the experience of being overwhelmed by a powerful connection or feeling, almost to the point of questioning reality.

In the first verse, there is a sense of disorientation and confusion as the narrator talks about not being in the right universe and feeling taken by surprise by the intensity of a relationship. The imagery of a ‘fireball’ and being ‘careful with that there’ adds to the volatile and unexpected nature of the situation.

The chorus reflects a sense of disbelief and astonishment at the depth of emotions involved. The repetition of ‘I must be dreaming’ suggests a feeling of being swept away or almost in a trance-like state, unable to fully grasp the intensity of falling in love. The mention of ‘undeniably yours’ hints at a deep emotional connection that defies rational explanation.

In the second verse, the lyrics become more sensual and evocative, with references to ‘incendiary glance’ and ‘sugar rushing.’ These lines suggest a heightened sense of passion and desire, where the narrator feels consumed by their emotions and the intensity of the moment.

The bridge introduces a sense of euphoria mixed with a feeling of being overwhelmed. The repeated line ‘I can’t take any more of you’ hints at a point of emotional saturation, where the intensity of the relationship becomes almost too much to handle.

The post-chorus and outro repeat the phrase ‘I’m losing it’ multiple times, emphasizing a sense of being lost in the overwhelming emotions or experiences described in the song. The repetition of ‘I must be dreaming’ at the end brings the song full circle, reinforcing the idea of being in a state of disbelief or unreality.

Overall, ‘Must Be Dreaming’ by Frou Frou is a complex and evocative exploration of intense emotions, surreal experiences, and the profound impact of falling in love.”

Lyrics of Must Be Dreaming by Frou Frou

Verse 1
Pay close attention
Don't listen to me from now
George'll be flying this one
And it's anyone's guess how he does
This is the right turn, wrong universe
And taking me in full bloom
Fireball, careful with that there
See what you made me do?

Chorus 1
I must be dreaming or
We're on to something
I must be dreaming for
I don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming or
Pinch me to waking
So undeniably yours
As long as I'm losing it so completely

Verse 2
Incendiary glance
Become and collide in me
Zoom in, enhance
Hold while I go helplessly
Sky high, magic eye
Sugar rushing, don't stop

Chorus 2
I must be dreaming or
We're onto something
Hey, just what d'you make me for?
I don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming or
Pinch me to waking
So undeniably yours
As long as I'm losing it so completely

I can't take, any more of you
I can't take, any more of you
I'm losing it

Chorus 2
I must be dreaming or
We're onto something
Hey, just what d'you make me for?
I don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming or
Pinch me to waking
So undeniably yours
As long as I'm losing

I'm losing it
I'm losing it here
I'm losing it
I'm losing it here
I must be dreaming
I'm losing it here
I must be dreaming
I'm losing it here

I must be dreaming

Discography Frou Frou

Details (20th Anniversary Edition)

Release: 2022-10-28
Label: UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)
Popularity: 👏
1. Let Go
2. Breathe In
3. It’s Good To Be In Love
4. Must Be Dreaming
5. Psychobabble
6. Only Got One
7. Shh
8. Hear Me Out
9. Maddening Shroud
10. Flicks
11. The Dumbing Down Of Love
12. Old Piano
13. Close Up
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Release: 2002-01-01
Label: UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Let Go
2. Breathe In
3. It’s Good To Be In Love
4. Must Be Dreaming
5. Psychobabble
6. Only Got One
7. Shh
8. Hear Me Out
9. Maddening Shroud
10. Flicks
11. The Dumbing Down Of Love
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