Meaning and Lyrics of MURDER MY FEELINGS by Lala Sadii

Song Lyrics meaning of MURDER MY FEELINGS by Lala Sadii

Meaning of MURDER MY FEELINGS by Lala Sadii

The song “MURDER MY FEELINGS” by Lala Sadii delves into the complex emotions of heartbreak, longing, and the struggle to let go of someone who has a profound impact on the protagonist’s life. The lyrics portray a deep sense of conflict and inner turmoil as the protagonist grapples with intense feelings for someone who may not reciprocate those emotions.

In the Intro, the repeated phrase “I wanna murder my feelings” sets the tone of the song, indicating a desire to eradicate the overwhelming emotions that are causing distress. The use of strong imagery like “take an axe to your name” and “starting a fire where you live in my brain” in the Chorus conveys a sense of wanting to destroy the connection and memories associated with this person.

The verses describe a sense of being lost in a daydream and losing self-control upon encountering the object of the protagonist’s affection. The internal struggle is evident in lines like “But I try running and you find me” in Verse 2, portraying a futile attempt to escape from the emotional entanglement.

The Pre-Chorus highlights the protagonist’s internal conflict, acknowledging the need to break free from the emotional prison caused by their feelings for the other person. The repeated phrases emphasize the struggle to maintain distance and control over the overwhelming emotions.

The repetition of the desire to “murder my feelings” throughout the song underscores the intensity of the protagonist’s emotions and the desperate need to overcome the attachment that is causing pain. The Post-Chorus further emphasizes this internal struggle, with the repetition of “I wanna murder my feelings” serving as a mantra for the protagonist’s attempt to detach and move on.

Overall, “MURDER MY FEELINGS” explores the intricate battle between love and self-preservation. The lyrics poignantly capture the inner conflict, longing, and desire to break free from the emotional turmoil caused by unreciprocated emotions, making it a raw and relatable portrayal of the complexities of human relationships.

Lyrics of MURDER MY FEELINGS by Lala Sadii

(I wanna murder my feelings)
(Murder my feelings)

Verse 1
There I go, chopped inside a daydream
One look and you made me
Lose my self-contro-o-ol
There you go, hitting all the right notes
Loving you I might go super psy-y-cho-o-o

And I can't live with my heart in the prison
But I-I-I let myself fall
Past the limit, keep your distance

I wanna murder my feelings, take an axe to your name
Yeah, I'm starting a fire where you live in my brain
I wanna kill these emotions, roll 'em all in a grave
I wanna murder my feelings, murder my feelings

I-I-I, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
I wanna murder my feelings
Murder my feelings

Verse 2
Kept it in, kept it all a secret
There's too many reasons why I should let you go-o-o
But I try running and you find me
My thoughts are gonna drive me
Drive me off the ro-o-oad

Oh, I can’t live with my heart in the prison
But I-I-I let myself fall
Past the limit, keep your distance

I wanna murder my feelings
Take an axe to your name
Yeah I’m starting a fire
Where you live in my brain
I wanna kill these emotions
Roll em’ all in a grave
I wanna murder my feelings
Murder my feelings

I-I-I, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
I-I-I, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
I wanna murder my feelings, murder my feelings

Take an axe to your name
Yeah, I'm starting a fire where you live in my brain
I wanna kill these emotions, roll 'em all in a grave
I wanna murder my feelings, murder my feelings

I-I-I, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
I-I-I, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
I wanna murder my feelings
Murder my feelings
I-I-I, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
I-I-I, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
I wanna murder my feelings
Murder my feelings
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