Meaning and Lyrics of Marbles by John Grant

Song Lyrics meaning of Marbles by John Grant

About John Grant

John Grant is an American singer-songwriter known for his captivating lyrics and unique blend of indie rock, pop, and electronic music. Born in 1968, he first gained recognition as the frontman of the band The Czars before launching a successful solo career. One of his notable songs, “Marbles,” showcases Grant’s introspective songwriting style and emotive vocals. The track is a poignant exploration of personal struggles and resilience, set to a haunting melody that resonates with listeners. Grant’s music has garnered critical acclaim for its honesty and vulnerability, touching on themes of identity, love, and the human experience. His distinct voice and powerful storytelling have earned him a dedicated fan base and solidified his place in the alternative music scene.

Meaning of Marbles by John Grant

“Marbles” by John Grant is a song that delves into the experience of overwhelming emotions and vulnerability in a relationship. The lyrics in the song paint a vivid picture of the speaker’s feelings of inadequacy, confusion, and intense love towards the person they are addressing.

In the first verse, the speaker describes themselves with self-deprecating humor, likening their poise to that of a newborn giraffe and their behavior to that of an uncoordinated Komodo dragon. This imagery sets the tone for the song, portraying the speaker’s feelings of clumsiness and insecurity in the presence of their love interest.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the impact this person has on the speaker, causing them to “lose their marbles” and become emotionally overwhelmed. The use of the phrase “all wooded up into a lather” suggests a state of agitation and excitement, showcasing the intense emotions stirred by this relationship.

In the second verse, the speaker admits that the person they love has disarmed their defenses and brought out their vulnerability. They feel as though they are losing control and experiencing emotional turmoil, unable to rely on their usual cynicism as a coping mechanism. The mention of taking up macramé to deal with the “backlash” indicates a desire to find solace and distraction in creative pursuits amidst this emotional chaos.

The instrumental break in the song allows for a moment of reflection before leading back into the chorus, where the speaker reiterates the overwhelming impact their love interest has on them.

The outro of repeated declarations of love reinforces the depth of the speaker’s feelings, emphasizing the strong emotional connection they have with this person.

Overall, “Marbles” by John Grant is a poignant exploration of the complexities of love and vulnerability, capturing the rollercoaster of emotions that come with being deeply involved in a relationship. The lyrics convey a sense of raw honesty and emotional intensity, making the song a heartfelt and relatable portrayal of human connection.

Lyrics of Marbles by John Grant

Verse 1
I‘ve got the poise
Of a newborn giraffe
And I feel like I've
Fallen off the wagon
My moves are quite clearly
My comportment like
Of a Komodo dragon

You make me lose my marbles
You get me all wooded up into a lather
My words are coming out in
Fits and garbles
There's no one on this Earth
With whom I'd rather

Verse 2
You deactivate
My defense mechanisms
I think I'm coming unglued
I have emotional whiplash
I cannot brandish my trademark
Aloof cynicism
I've taken up macramé
Just to deal with the backlash

You make me lose my marbles
You get me all wooded up into a lather
My words are coming out in
Fits and garbles
There's no one on this Earth
With whom I'd rather

Instrumental break

You make me lose my marbles
You get me all wooded up into a lather
My words are coming out in
Fits and garbles
There's no one on this Earth
With whom I'd rather

I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

Discography John Grant

The Art of the Lie

Release: 2024-06-14
Label: Bella Union
Popularity: 👏👏
1. All That School For Nothing
2. Marbles
3. Father
4. Mother And Son
5. Twistin Scriptures
6. Meek AF
7. It’s A Bitch
8. Daddy
9. The Child Catcher
10. Laura Lou
11. Zeitgeist
Tracklist Collapse

Yawning Abyss

Release: 2023-06-16
Label: Bella Union
1. The Bellows
2. Moneyback
3. Yawning Abyss
4. Matinee
5. Wise
6. Yahtzee!
7. Bungalow
8. Steak Diane
9. The Bellows Reprise
Tracklist Collapse

Boy from Michigan

Release: 2021-06-25
Label: Bella Union
1. Boy from Michigan
2. County Fair
3. The Rusty Bull
4. The Cruise Room
5. Mike and Julie
6. Best In Me
7. Rhetorical Figure
8. Just So You Know
9. Dandy Star
10. Your Portfolio
11. The Only Baby
12. Billy
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Upcoming Events for John Grant

John Grant - The Art of the Lie Tour

Price Range: $ –
Date: 2024-10-17
Location: Hackney Church

John Grant - The Art of the Lie Tour

Price Range: $ –
Date: 2024-10-18
Location: Hackney Church

John Grant - The Art of the Lie Tour

Price Range: $33.9 – 33.9
Date: 2024-10-21
Location: Barrowland Ballroom
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The Art of the Lie

Release: 2024-06-14
Label: Bella Union
Popularity: 👏👏
1. All That School For Nothing
2. Marbles
3. Father
4. Mother And Son
5. Twistin Scriptures
6. Meek AF
7. It’s A Bitch
8. Daddy
9. The Child Catcher
10. Laura Lou
11. Zeitgeist
Tracklist Collapse

Yawning Abyss

Release: 2023-06-16
Label: Bella Union
1. The Bellows
2. Moneyback
3. Yawning Abyss
4. Matinee
5. Wise
6. Yahtzee!
7. Bungalow
8. Steak Diane
9. The Bellows Reprise
Tracklist Collapse

Boy from Michigan

Release: 2021-06-25
Label: Bella Union
1. Boy from Michigan
2. County Fair
3. The Rusty Bull
4. The Cruise Room
5. Mike and Julie
6. Best In Me
7. Rhetorical Figure
8. Just So You Know
9. Dandy Star
10. Your Portfolio
11. The Only Baby
12. Billy
Tracklist Collapse
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