Meaning and Lyrics of lucy~ by Corbon Amodio

Song Lyrics meaning of lucy~ by Corbon Amodio

About Corbon Amodio

Cobon Amodio is an emerging musician known for his distinct blend of electronic and indie influences. His innovative soundscapes often explore deep emotional themes, creating a unique auditory experience for his listeners. Although relatively new to the music scene, Amodio has quickly garnered attention for his creative approach to composition and production. One example of Amodio’s captivating work is his song “Lucy”. This track showcases his ability to fuse melodic elements with intricate electronic beats, resulting in a compelling and memorable piece that resonates with fans. Cobon Amodio continues to evolve as an artist, consistently pushing the boundaries of modern music and establishing himself as a noteworthy figure in the industry.

Meaning of lucy~ by Corbon Amodio

The song “Lucy~” by Corbon Amodio weaves a poetic tapestry of emotions, capturing a moment of profound introspection and affection. Let’s dive into a detailed interpretation of the lyrics.

Verse 1 sets the scene with a tranquil yet introspective tone. The phrase “Lucy laid on her back” evokes an image of calmness and repose. Lucy, perhaps a symbol of innocence or a carefree spirit, lies in a state of relaxation, suggesting a moment of peaceful contemplation. The narrator’s head “spun off the track,” indicating a sense of disorientation or overwhelming emotions. The contrast between Lucy’s stillness and the narrator’s mental turmoil creates a dynamic tension. The imagery of laying still on the grass grounds this experience in nature, amplifying the sense of fleeting time with the line “When did days move so damn fast?” This rhetorical question underscores a realization of life’s swift passage, eliciting a sense of urgency and perhaps nostalgia.

The Bridge, with its simple yet evocative “Ooh, ah” refrain, serves as an emotional punctuation, a brief moment of reflection that transitions us deeper into the narrative. This vocalization can be seen as an embodiment of unspoken feelings, a universal language that resonates with the listeners on an emotional level.

Verse 2 delves further into the narrator’s emotional state. The phrase “Hearing the words that I want” suggests a moment of affirmation or validation, yet the continuation “but was still caught so off guard” indicates unexpected vulnerability. This duality highlights the unpredictability of emotions. The “Sunny sky, stiff smile” juxtaposes external brightness with internal conflict, suggesting that despite a seemingly perfect setting, the narrator experiences an inner turmoil. The “beats race in my heart” conveys the intensity of these emotions, possibly tied to love or anxiety, driving the narrative forward with a palpable sense of urgency.

The Chorus is a heartfelt declaration of love and desire. The repetitive “Bingo, Bingo, baby” evokes a sense of excitement and triumph, akin to the feeling of hitting a jackpot. It emphasizes the narrator’s realization of love, described as “crazy” to underline its profound impact. The statement “I want you, I want you over again” expresses an enduring, almost obsessive desire, reinforcing the depth of the narrator’s feelings. This chorus encapsulates the highs of falling in love, with its repetitive structure echoing the persistent and ever-present nature of these emotions.

The Outro mirrors the bridge’s simplicity with its “Oh-oh, yeah-yeah” refrain, providing a cyclical closure to the song. This repetition of vocalizations, devoid of specific words, allows listeners to project their own emotions onto the music, making it a universal conclusion to a deeply personal narrative.

In summary, “Lucy~” by Corbon Amodio is a poignant exploration of emotional complexity, framed within a moment of serene contemplation. The interplay between the serene imagery and the narrator’s internal turmoil paints a vivid picture of love’s multifaceted nature. Through its evocative lyrics and emotional resonance, the song captures the essence of fleeting yet impactful moments in life, making it a compelling piece for listeners to connect with on a personal level.

Lyrics of lucy~ by Corbon Amodio

Verse 1
Lucy laid on her back
While my head spun off the track
Laying still on the grass
When did days move so damn fast?

Ooh, ah
Ooh, ah

Verse 2
Hearing the words that I want
But was still caught so off guard
Sunny sky, stiff smile
While the beats race in my heart

Bingo, Bingo, baby
I love you, ain't that crazy?
I want you, I want you over again
Bingo, Bingo, baby
I love you, ain't that crazy?
I want you, I want you over again

Oh-oh, yeah-yeah
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah
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