Meaning and Lyrics of Ivy by Frank Ocean

Song Lyrics meaning of Ivy by Frank Ocean

About Frank Ocean

Frank Ocean is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer known for his introspective and emotive music. Born on October 28, 1987, in Long Beach, California, he started his music career as a ghostwriter before gaining recognition for his mixtape “Nostalgia, Ultra” in 2011. Ocean’s debut studio album, “Channel Orange,” earned critical acclaim and a Grammy Award. His unique blend of R&B and soul has garnered a dedicated fan base. One of Frank Ocean’s popular songs is “Ivy,” from his album “Blonde.” “Ivy” showcases his soulful vocals and poignant lyricism, reflecting themes of heartbreak and self-discovery. The song’s minimalist production and intimate storytelling have resonated with listeners worldwide, solidifying Frank Ocean’s reputation as a boundary-pushing artist in the music industry.

Meaning of Ivy by Frank Ocean

“Ivy” by Frank Ocean is a song that delves into the complexities of love, regret, and the passage of time. The haunting melody and introspective lyrics depict a journey of emotions, ranging from disbelief to acceptance.

The first verse seems to reflect on a past relationship that the singer views with a mixture of nostalgia and disillusionment. The line “If I could see through walls, I could see you’re faking” suggests a sense of betrayal and the inability to fully understand the intentions of the other person. The mention of being in a “safe rental like an armored truck” hints at seeking protection and escape from the harsh realities of the world. The nostalgia for carefree days with friends and the acknowledgment of growing up and changing paint a picture of a bittersweet past.

In the chorus, the singer grapples with conflicting emotions. The disbelief at being loved paired with the realization of the relationship’s end creates a sense of confusion. The lines “Ooh, I could hate you now, It’s quite alright to hate me now” illustrate the complexity of love and the acceptance of its inevitable complications.

The second verse continues the theme of reminiscing about the past, with a focus on intimate moments shared in a hotel. The mention of ivory being illegal could symbolize the forbidden nature of their connection or allude to the deterioration of something once precious. The passage of time and the changes in the dynamics between the two individuals are poignantly depicted.

The bridge showcases the aftermath of a heartbreak, with a hint of detachment and resignation. The singer acknowledges the pain caused but also the fleeting nature of emotions. The line “Screamin’ my name, the feeling deep down is good” encapsulates the conflicting nature of relationships, where pain and pleasure intertwine.

The outro wraps up the song with a sense of longing and contemplation. The repetition of “I’ve been dreaming of you” suggests a sense of yearning for the past, for what could have been. The reflective tone and the agony of unspoken words and actions left unsaid create a poignant finale to the emotional journey presented in the song.

Overall, “Ivy” by Frank Ocean is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the complexities of relationships, leaving the listener with a sense of introspection and emotional depth.

Lyrics of Ivy by Frank Ocean

I thought that I was dreamin' when you said you love me
The start of nothin'
I had no chance to prepare, I couldn't see you comin'
The start of nothin'
Ooh, I could hate you now
It's quite alright to hate me now
When we both know that deep down
The feeling still deep down is good

Verse 1
If I could see through walls, I could see you're faking
If you could see my thoughts, you would see our faces
Safe in my rental like an armored truck back then
We didn't give a f**k back then
I ain't a kid no more
We'll never be those kids again
We'd drive to Syd's
Had the X6 back then, back then
No matter what I did, my waves wouldn't dip back then
Everything sucked back then, we were friends

I thought that I was dreamin' when you said you love me
The start of nothin'
I had no chance to prepare, I couldn't see you comin'
The start of nothin'
Ooh, I could hate you now
It's quite alright to hate me now
But we both know that deep down
The feeling still deep down is good

Verse 2
In the halls of your hotel
Arm around my shoulder so I could tell
How much I meant to you, meant it sincere back then
We had time to kill back then
You ain't a kid no more, we'll never be those kids again
It's not the same, ivory's illegal, don't you remember?

I broke your heart last week
You'll probably feel better by the weekend
Still remember, had you going crazy
Screamin' my name, the feeling deep down is good

I thought that I was dreamin' when you said you love me
The start of nothin'
Had no chance to prepare, couldn't see you comin'
And we started from nothin'
Ooh, I could hate you now
It's alright to hate me now
We both know that deep down
The feeling still deep down is good

All the things I didn't mean to say, I didn't mean to do
There were things you didn't need to say, did you mean to? Mean to?
I've been dreamin' of you, dreamin' of you
I've been dreamin' of you, dreamin' of you
I've been dreamin', dreamin'

Discography Frank Ocean


Release: 2016-08-20
Label: Boys Don’t Cry
Popularity: đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź
1. Nikes
2. Ivy
3. Pink + White
4. Be Yourself
5. Solo
6. Skyline To
7. Self Control
8. Good Guy
9. Nights
10. Solo (Reprise)
11. Pretty Sweet
12. Facebook Story
13. Close To You
14. White Ferrari
15. Seigfried
16. Godspeed
17. Futura Free
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channel ORANGE

Release: 2012-07-10
Label: Boys Don’t Cry
Popularity: đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź
1. Start
2. Thinkin Bout You
3. Fertilizer
4. Sierra Leone
5. Sweet Life
6. Not Just Money
7. Super Rich Kids
8. Pilot Jones
9. Crack Rock
10. Pyramids
11. Lost
12. White
13. Monks
14. Bad Religion
15. Pink Matter
16. Forrest Gump
17. End
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