Meaning and Lyrics of How? by Dhruv

Song Lyrics meaning of How? by Dhruv

About Dhruv

Dhruv is a rising star in the indie pop scene, known for his introspective lyrics and mellow, bedroom pop sound. Born in London and raised in Singapore, this young artist has quickly garnered attention with his soulful voice and relatable songwriting.

His breakout single “double take” went viral on TikTok in 2021, catapulting him into the spotlight and earning him millions of streams across platforms. The track’s success led to a deal with RCA Records, marking a significant milestone in his burgeoning career.

Dhruv’s music often explores themes of love, longing, and self-discovery, resonating deeply with Gen Z listeners. His song “How?” is a perfect example of his signature style, blending vulnerable lyricism with dreamy production.

While still early in his career, Dhruv has already demonstrated a knack for crafting emotionally charged pop gems that feel both intimate and universal. His debut EP “rapunzel” further solidified his position as an artist to watch in the indie pop landscape.

Meaning of How? by Dhruv

The song “How?” by Dhruv presents a detailed and emotional reflection on love, relationships, and self-discovery. Let’s delve into the interpretation of the lyrics:

– In the first verse, the singer reflects on the deteriorating state of their relationship, where signs of trouble are evident despite attempts to ignore them. The reference to “vacant eyes and dead-end conversations” paints a picture of a disconnect between the two individuals, with one person feeling like they are fading from the other’s thoughts.

– The pre-chorus highlights the struggle to hold onto the relationship despite the challenges. The plea to not be let go and the mention of being bad at loneliness indicate a fear of abandonment and the comfort that the relationship provides.

– The chorus captures the desperation and confusion of the singer in trying to understand what it takes to make their partner love them. The questioning tone and the repeated line “How do I make you love me?” express a deep longing for affection and validation in the face of uncertainty.

– The second verse reminisces about the early stages of the relationship when everything felt magical and full of promise. The nostalgic imagery of “Starry eyes and faded jeans” contrasts with the current reality of a fading connection, highlighting the longing to recapture the spark that once existed.

– The bridge section introduces a sense of resignation and acceptance that despite efforts to save the relationship, the singer feels lost and unrecognizable. The line “You could get away but you still don’t know me” speaks to the disconnect between the two individuals even though they are physically present together.

– The outro, with its repeated questioning of “How?”, emphasizes the central theme of the song: the search for answers on how to navigate the complexities of love, loss, and self-identity within a relationship.

Overall, “How?” by Dhruv delves into the emotional turmoil and introspection that comes with experiencing a challenging relationship, asking profound questions about love, self-worth, and the effort required to sustain a connection.

Lyrics of How? by Dhruv

Verse 1
Don't need a crystal ball to make sense of our situation
The little signs, your vacant eyes and dead-end conversations
See me slipping from your mind
Paint it over in white lies
You say it's love, is that the answer or is that the question?

Don't, don't let me go
I've been around for you
Think, 'bout leaving me 'lone
'Cause it's no honeymoon
Take, the step out the door
And I'll cling on to you
Say, boy how do I make you love me?

Feel it coming but I'm runnin' from my destiny
Tell me what I got to lose to keep you next to me
How do I make you love mе?
How do I make you love me?

Verse 2
I rеst my head against your chest and hear the lazy rhythm
Remember when your heart would race the chase at the beginning?
Winding through cobbled streets
Starry eyes and faded jeans
The lengths I'd go to make the world spin like it did back then, oh

Don't, don't let me go
I'm bad at loneliness
Don't know, who I've become
If you weren't in the picture
Said, you know what you want
Well, if I'm far from that then
Boy, how do I make you love me?

Feel it coming but I'm runnin' from my destiny
Tell me what I got to lose to keep you next to me
How do I make you love me?
How do I make you love me? (How do I make you love me?)

All things considered
I would've given my all
To get us through the Winter
But now I barely recognize me in the mirror
You could get away but you still don't know me
How do I make you love me?


Discography Dhruv


Release: 2022-01-21
Label: Little Worry/RCA Records
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. retrograde
2. moonlight
3. double take
4. airplane thoughts
5. vulnerable
6. what’s wrong with me?
7. stable life
8. grateful
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