Meaning and Lyrics of Honesty by Axel Flóvent

Song Lyrics meaning of Honesty by Axel Flóvent

About Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent is a name that has been making significant waves in the indie folk scene. Hailing from the stark, rugged landscapes of Iceland, Flóvent’s music is imbued with an ethereal quality that mirrors his homeland’s dramatic beauty. Emerging in the mid-2010s, Flóvent carved out a unique niche with his delicate vocal delivery, introspective lyricism, and emotive acoustic arrangements. Flóvent’s journey into the world of music is deeply personal, marked by a deep connection to nature and an acute sense of introspection. His early work, including his breakthrough EP “Forest Fires,” showcases his knack for blending hushed melodies with rich, atmospheric production. This body of work quickly established him as a noteworthy figure in the indie folk circuit, drawing comparisons to the likes of Bon Iver and Sufjan Stevens. One quintessential example of Flóvent’s artistry is the song “Honesty”. This track is a sonic embodiment of his style: a serene, melancholic melody underpinned by gentle guitar strums and his signature haunting vocals. “Honesty” resonates with an emotional depth, offering a raw, unfiltered look into Flóvent’s soul. The minimalistic arrangement allows his poignant songwriting to shine, with lyrics that speak to themes of vulnerability and the search for sincerity in human connections. Flóvent’s music is not merely about sound. It’s an experience that invites listeners into his world—a world that is as introspective and serene as the Icelandic landscapes that inspire it. Whether through his studio albums or live performances, Axel Flóvent continues to captivate audiences with his profound and thoughtful approach to music. He’s an artist whose work demands not just to be heard, but to be felt.

Meaning of Honesty by Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent’s “Honesty” is a masterclass in understated emotional expression—a genuineness that’s both evocative and poignant. This track delves into the core of human vulnerability, using minimalistic instrumentation to frame a potent lyrical narrative.

Verse 1 sets the stage with a reflection on the defensiveness inherent in comparing oneself to others. The imagery of “dying in this head” conjures a somber sense of mental unrest, detailing an existential search for truth—a theme perpetually relevant in the age of social media-fueled self-comparison. The line “Something you did when you were drunk / You don’t want anyone to find out” is a stark portrayal of hidden guilt, the kind that’s often festering beneath a composed exterior, further pushing the concept of being an “open book” while fearing exposure.

In the Pre-Chorus 1, Flóvent’s poignant delivery urges the listener to relax, subtly challenging societal norms of judgment with “No one cares what you do.” This is a compelling reminder that our perceived flaws and mistakes often matter less to others than we imagine. The admonition that “you didn’t even say what was on your mind” underscores the theme of repressed truths—how withholding our authentic selves can be more damaging than the potential backlash of honesty.

The Chorus poses profound questions about self-awareness and solitude. “Do you know what makes you burn again?” taps into the essence of passion—what fuels it, what reignites it. The juxtaposition of “All the things that drive you somewhere you can sleep instead” versus the desire to “love again” encapsulates the inner conflict between retreating into safety and yearning for connection. The phrase “Always cutting your honesty / Always neglecting your honesty” serves as a stark critique against self-censorship, emphasizing the corrosive effects of perpetual inauthenticity.

Verse 2 shifts to a more personal reflection, where expectations of change clash with reality. The imagery of the world turning “upside down” while trying to “catch my breath” evokes a sense of overwhelming pressure—emotional turbulence that feels almost insurmountable. Flóvent’s mention of “A feeling that feels a bit untrue” and “A road to nowhere with memories” poignantly captures the introspective journey of reconciling with one’s past—a labyrinth of fleeting moments and enduring regrets.

Pre-Chorus 2 reintroduces the idea of attempting to recover from this emotional mire, but once again, embarrassment hinders authentic expression. This repetition solidifies the cycle of repressed honesty, an ongoing struggle to articulate one’s inner truths.

The repetition of the Chorus doesn’t just restate the main themes; it reinforces them, each iteration driving the message further home. The consistent questioning forces introspection, compelling the listener to confront their own experiences with honesty and vulnerability.

Axel Flóvent’s “Honesty” isn’t just a song; it’s a reflective mirror, one that exposes the listener’s own struggles with truth and self-acceptance. The minimalist arrangement—marked by gentle acoustic instrumentation and subdued percussion—allows Flóvent’s voice and lyrics to take center stage, amplifying the intimacy of the message. In a world filled with noise and pretense, “Honesty” is a resonant ode to the quiet strength found in being authentically, unapologetically oneself.

Lyrics of Honesty by Axel Flóvent

Verse 1
Always on defensive scores
Comparing all individuals
Scared of dying in this head
That never found the truth
Looking for the reason there
Something you did when you were drunk
You don't want anyone to find out
That you're an open book

Pre-Chorus 1
So try to relax
No one cares what you do
You're so embarrassed
But you didn't even say what was on your mind

Do you know what makes you burn again?
All the things that drive you somewhere you can sleep instead
Does it make you want to love again?
Are you choosing now to be alone instead of somеone you can't stand?
Always cutting your honesty
Always neglеcting your honesty

Verse 2
I thought it would be different now
And the world would not turn upside down
While I'm just trying to catch my breath
And you are wondering
Something I'm not telling you
A feeling that feels a bit untrue
A road to nowhere with memories
That you will want to forget

Pre-Chorus 2
So try to come back
You feel good, it's not bad
You're just embarrassed
And you can't really say what is on your mind

Do you know what makes you burn again?
All the things that drive you somewhere you can sleep instead
Does it make you want to love again?
Are you choosing now to be alone with someone you can't stand?
Always cutting your honesty
Always neglecting your honesty

Discography Axel Flóvent

Away From This Dream

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Moonlight
2. Don’t Wait For Summer
3. Have This Dance
4. Wash It Away
5. Chasing The Night
6. This Feeling
7. When the Sun Goes Down
8. Asymmetry
9. Honesty
10. Away From This Dream
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea (Deluxe)

Release: 2022-09-09
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
13. Moonstone
14. Sea Creatures
15. Tomorrow Will Be Gone
16. Fireworks – Night Version
17. Driving Hours – SCayos & Annie Elise Remix
18. Sea Creatures – Nightshifts Remix
19. Driving Hours – musclecars “Call Me” Mix
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea

Release: 2021-01-15
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
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Away From This Dream

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Moonlight
2. Don’t Wait For Summer
3. Have This Dance
4. Wash It Away
5. Chasing The Night
6. This Feeling
7. When the Sun Goes Down
8. Asymmetry
9. Honesty
10. Away From This Dream
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea (Deluxe)

Release: 2022-09-09
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
13. Moonstone
14. Sea Creatures
15. Tomorrow Will Be Gone
16. Fireworks – Night Version
17. Driving Hours – SCayos & Annie Elise Remix
18. Sea Creatures – Nightshifts Remix
19. Driving Hours – musclecars “Call Me” Mix
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea

Release: 2021-01-15
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
Tracklist Collapse
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