Meaning and Lyrics of High Civilization by Bee Gees

Song Lyrics meaning of High Civilization by Bee Gees

About Bee Gees

Bee Gees The Bee Gees, a name synonymous with the rhythmic pulse of the ’70s disco era, were much more than just purveyors of dance-floor anthems. Comprising the multi-talented Gibb brothers—Barry, Maurice, and Robin—the trio carved out a versatile musical legacy that transitioned from melancholy rock ballads to infectious disco bangers. Born on the Isle of Man but raised in Manchester, the brothers moved to Australia in the late ’50s, where their music career began to take shape. In the mid-’60s, the Bee Gees hit their stride with emotive tracks like “Massachusetts,” displaying their ability to craft intricate harmonies and poignant lyrics. However, it was their seminal 1977 soundtrack for “Saturday Night Fever” that catapulted them into the stratosphere of pop culture. Tracks like “Stayin’ Alive” and “Night Fever” not only defined the disco era but also showcased Barry’s iconic falsetto, a vocal signature that would become a hallmark of their sound. Throughout their career, the Bee Gees were chameleons of the music industry, effortlessly shifting their style to stay relevant. They enjoyed renewed success in the ’80s and ’90s, continually proving their knack for reinvention. Example Song: “High Civilization” “High Civilization,” a track from their 1991 album of the same name, exemplifies the Bee Gees’ ability to adapt and innovate. The song offers a polished blend of synth-pop and rock elements, reflecting the early ’90s musical landscape. With its infectious hooks and layered production, “High Civilization” is a testament to the Bee Gees’ enduring relevance and artistic prowess. The album itself, although not as commercially successful as their previous works, received critical acclaim for its bold experimentation and cohesive production, cementing the Bee Gees’ status as timeless musical architects.

Meaning of High Civilization by Bee Gees

The song “High Civilization” by the Bee Gees, off their 1991 album *High Civilization*, offers a dynamic critique and reflection on the state of modern society. This album marked a fascinating evolution in the Bee Gees’ discography, pushing their sound further into contemporary territory by incorporating elements of electronic and rock textures that permeated the early ’90s soundscape.

“Cryin’ in the streets / They run for their lives” sets the stage with a stark, almost apocalyptic scene that immediately grabs the listener’s attention. This line, married with the urgency of the song’s pulsating beats, suggests a world in chaos, perhaps invoking imagery reminiscent of a dystopian thriller. The Bee Gees seem to draw a bleak picture of societal breakdown, mirroring the existential anxieties and unrest of the time.

“How can you lead them to heaven / They don’t realize” shows a dissonance between the promises of a utopian ideal — “heaven” — and the harsh reality that people face. It’s a potent commentary on the often unattainable, glorified visions that leaders sell to the masses, only for those promises to crumble under scrutiny.

“Children of the night / How far can we fall” could be interpreted as a nod to the vulnerable and disenfranchised, who are often the most affected when societal structures fail. The use of “children” metaphorically accentuates innocence tainted by the failings of the “civilization” surrounding them.

The recurring mantra, “My high civilization”, presents a provocative contradiction. The ideal of a “high civilization” suggests progress, enlightenment, and advanced society. However, juxtaposed against the imagery of “cryin’ in the streets” and “thunder of the guns” points to the dissonance between the ideal and the reality, almost as if the Bee Gees are questioning whether such a civilization truly exists or if it’s merely a façade.

“Everything for us to see / The ultimate society” and “Reach out for each other when / The world goes cold” reflect an ongoing yearning for connection and unity in the face of adversity. Despite the turmoil described, there’s an undercurrent of hope and resilience — the ultimate society could be achievable if there’s mutual support and empathy.

“Keeper of the sword / You fight for your rights” touches on the human spirit’s defiance and struggle against oppression. This line doubles down on the theme of resistance against overwhelming odds, reinforcing the song’s message about the ongoing battle between oppressive forces and personal freedoms.

A particularly poignant verse is “Dyin’ in the streets / Your number your name / All that which keeps us together / Is bringing us the pain”. It laments the dehumanization and loss of individuality (“your number your name”), suggesting that what once united society (“all that keeps us together”) now only serves to perpetuate suffering.

The Bee Gees don’t shy away from globalizing their critique, listing cities “New York, Paris, Tokyo / Vienna to Berlin” to emphasize the universal nature of their concerns. This move transcends the song from being merely a local or national critique to a global one, emphasizing that the trials faced are widespread and not confined by geographical boundaries.

“Minutes into seconds are you ready / For the end” ominously suggests the rapid acceleration towards some kind of cataclysmic conclusion. The countdown imbues the song with a heightened sense of urgency and inevitability, making it clear that the crisis described isn’t one for future generations to deal with but is imminently encroaching on the present.

Ultimately, “High Civilization” serves as both a critical reflection and a cautionary tale. While the Bee Gees expertly layer their critique within an engaging, pulsating musical framework, they also leave room for listeners to interpret and reflect upon the challenges of their world, urging them to consider their actions and the part they play within this “high civilization”.

Lyrics of High Civilization by Bee Gees

Cryin' in the streets
They run for their lives
How can you lead them to heaven
They don't realize
Children of the night
How far can we fall
That which we say is forever
Ain't no time at all

Father and the son
Not too young to be old
Reach out for each other when
The world goes cold
Feel so good to be home
Are you ready for

My high civilization
Are you ready for
My high civilization
Are you ready for
My high civilization

Everything for us to see
The ultimate society

Keeper of the sword
You fight for your rights
How can you live for the hour
When there's no yesterday
Dyin' in the streets
Your number your name
All that which keeps us together
Is bringing us the pain

Thunder of the guns
Comes the criminal mind
Working for the power of
The evil eye
We are never alone

My high civilization
Are you ready for
My high civilization
Are you ready for
My high civilization

New York, Paris, Tokyo
Vienna to Berlin
Baby don't know you
L.A., Rome, Afghanistan
Cairo to Iran
No city can hold you
There's no one in Avalon to show you
Minutes into seconds are you ready
For the end

My high civilization
Are you ready for
My high civilization
Are you ready for
My high civilization

Discography Bee Gees

Vaults - 24 Original Tracks - Early Years

Release: 2022-06-10
Popularity: 👏
1. Three Kisses of Love – Live
2. Could It Be
3. Claustrophobia
4. Everyday I Have to Cry Some
5. Wine & Women
6. Second Hand People
7. You Wouldn’t Know
8. Glasshouse
9. Turn Around
10. Spicks And Specks
11. Monday’s Rain
12. I Am the World
13. Big Chance
14. How Many Birds
15. The Battle of the Blue and Grey
16. Follow The Wind
17. I Don’t Know Why I Boter With Myself
18. I Dont Think Its Funny
19. I Want Home
20. I Was a Lover
21. Playdown
22. Theme from Jamie McPheeters
23. To Be or Not to Be
24. And The Children Lauching
Tracklist Collapse

Spick And Span

Release: 2019-04-05
1. New York Mining Disaster 1941
2. Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
3. Words
4. Gilbert Green
5. Turn of the Century
6. To Love Somebody
7. Holiday
8. In My Own Time
9. Morning of My Life
10. Massachusetts
11. Spicks and Specks
12. World
Tracklist Collapse

This Is Where I Came In

Release: 2001-01-01
Label: Bee Gees Catalog
1. This Is Where I Came In
2. She Keeps On Coming
3. Sacred Trust
4. Wedding Day
5. Man In The Middle
6. Déjà Vu
7. Technicolor Dreams
8. Walking On Air
9. Loose Talk Costs Lives
10. Embrace
11. The Extra Mile
12. Voice In The Wilderness
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Bee Gees

The Legend of the Bee Gees

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-11-15
Location: Le Forum

Bee Gees Gold - 2024-10-19

Price Range: $35 – 69 USD
Location: Andiamo Celebrity Showroom, Warren

Bee Gees Gold - 2024-10-19

Price Range: $29 – 39 USD
Location: Sound Waves at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, Atlantic City
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Vaults - 24 Original Tracks - Early Years

Release: 2022-06-10
Popularity: 👏
1. Three Kisses of Love – Live
2. Could It Be
3. Claustrophobia
4. Everyday I Have to Cry Some
5. Wine & Women
6. Second Hand People
7. You Wouldn’t Know
8. Glasshouse
9. Turn Around
10. Spicks And Specks
11. Monday’s Rain
12. I Am the World
13. Big Chance
14. How Many Birds
15. The Battle of the Blue and Grey
16. Follow The Wind
17. I Don’t Know Why I Boter With Myself
18. I Dont Think Its Funny
19. I Want Home
20. I Was a Lover
21. Playdown
22. Theme from Jamie McPheeters
23. To Be or Not to Be
24. And The Children Lauching
Tracklist Collapse

Spick And Span

Release: 2019-04-05
1. New York Mining Disaster 1941
2. Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
3. Words
4. Gilbert Green
5. Turn of the Century
6. To Love Somebody
7. Holiday
8. In My Own Time
9. Morning of My Life
10. Massachusetts
11. Spicks and Specks
12. World
Tracklist Collapse

This Is Where I Came In

Release: 2001-01-01
Label: Bee Gees Catalog
Popularity: 👏👏
1. This Is Where I Came In
2. She Keeps On Coming
3. Sacred Trust
4. Wedding Day
5. Man In The Middle
6. Déjà Vu
7. Technicolor Dreams
8. Walking On Air
9. Loose Talk Costs Lives
10. Embrace
11. The Extra Mile
12. Voice In The Wilderness
Tracklist Collapse
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