Meaning and Lyrics of He Woke Me Up Again by Sufjan Stevens

Song Lyrics meaning of He Woke Me Up Again by Sufjan Stevens

About Sufjan Stevens

Sufjan Stevens is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist known for his eclectic and often deeply personal music. Born on July 1, 1975, in Detroit, Michigan, Stevens’s work spans a variety of genres, including folk, indie rock, and baroque pop. He is renowned for his intricate compositions, rich lyrical content, and unique thematic albums. Stevens gained prominence with his ambitious project to create an album for each of the 50 states, although he has since described the endeavor as more of a promotional gimmick than a serious plan. His 2005 album, Illinois, received widespread critical acclaim and brought him to the forefront of the indie music scene. One example song by Sufjan Stevens is He Woke Me Up Again, which showcases his ability to blend introspective lyrics with intricate melodies, creating a deeply moving musical experience. Throughout his career, Stevens has also been involved in various collaborative projects and film scores, further cementing his reputation as a versatile and innovative artist.

Meaning of He Woke Me Up Again by Sufjan Stevens

“He Woke Me Up Again” by Sufjan Stevens is a deeply spiritual and contemplative song, rich with imagery and emotional depth. Let’s delve into a detailed interpretation of the song’s lyrics.

The opening lines, “He was, he was in the churchyard / My father was in the first part,” introduce a figure who seems to be a spiritual or religious presence, potentially alluding to Christ or a divine being. The mention of the churchyard and a “father” situates the narrative within a religious context, possibly indicating a sermon or a spiritual gathering.

“He came, he came to my bedroom / But I was asleep / He woke me up again to say: / Halle, Halle, Hallelujah / Holy, holy is the sound,” describes a divine visitation in a deeply personal space — the bedroom. The act of being awakened from sleep signifies a call to consciousness, awareness, or enlightenment. The repetition of “Halle, Halle, Hallelujah” emphasizes a holiness and reverence, signifying an important message or awakening that transcends ordinary experience.

In the following lines, “And I hope, I hope you are tired out / And I know, I know there is joy endowed,” there is a sense of exhaustion and the promise of joy. The speaker appears to be in a state of weariness, both physically and spiritually. This exhaustion contrasts with the divine joy that is promised, implying a journey or transformation that is both challenging and rewarding.

“But I was asleep / And he woke me up again,” reiterates the theme of being woken from a somnolent state. This repeated awakening suggests an ongoing process of spiritual consciousness and growth, rather than a single moment of revelation.

“Hold on, hold on to your old ways / Or put off, put off every old face,” presents a dichotomy between clinging to familiar, possibly outdated beliefs and behaviors, or embracing transformation and change. This struggle between past habits and new ways of being is a common human experience, highlighting the difficulty of true spiritual or personal growth.

“And I know, I know you are changed now / I hope, I hope you’re arranged out,” acknowledges that change has occurred, albeit imperfectly or incompletely. The phrase “arranged out” could imply finding one’s place or harmony within this new state of being. It suggests a wish for the changes to be properly integrated and balanced within the person’s life.

“But I’m still asleep / And you woke me up again,” underscores the recurring nature of this awakening. It implies that spiritual awakening is not a one-time event, but a continuous process requiring repeated calls to awareness.

“And I’m still asleep / But you woke me up to be holy,” concludes the song on a powerful note. Despite feeling unready or unawakened, there is an impetus towards holiness, towards a higher state of being. This final line encapsulates the tension between human imperfection and the divine call towards holiness.

In summary, “He Woke Me Up Again” is a poignant exploration of spiritual awakening, the struggle between old habits and new growth, and the continuous, often tiring journey towards a higher state of consciousness and holiness. It speaks to the human condition of being in a state of perpetual transformation, constantly called upon to wake up, be conscious, and move closer to the divine.

Lyrics of He Woke Me Up Again by Sufjan Stevens

He was, he was in the churchyard
My father was in the first part
He came, he came to my bedroom
But I was asleep
He woke me up again to say:

Halle, Halle, Hallelujah
Holy, holy is the sound

And I hope, I hope you are tired out
And I know, I know there is joy endowed
But I was asleep
And he woke me up again
And he woke me up again to say:

Hold on, hold on to your old ways
Or put off, put off every old face
And I know, I know you are changed now
I hope, I hope you're arranged out
But I'm still asleep
And you woke me up again
And I'm still asleep
But you woke me up to be holy

Discography Sufjan Stevens

Seven Swans (Deluxe Edition)

Release: 2024-06-21
Label: Asthmatic Kitty
Popularity: 👏👏
1. All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands
2. The Dress Looks Nice on You
3. In the Devil’s Territory
4. To Be Alone With You
5. Abraham
6. Sister
7. Size Too Small
8. We Won’t Need Legs To Stand
9. A Good Man Is Hard to Find
10. He Woke Me Up Again
11. Seven Swans
12. The Transfiguration
13. I Went Dancing With My Sister – Bonus Track
14. Waste of What Your Kids Won’t Have – Bonus Track
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Release: 2023-10-06
Label: Asthmatic Kitty
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Goodbye Evergreen
2. A Running Start
3. Will Anybody Ever Love Me?
4. Everything That Rises
5. Genuflecting Ghost
6. My Red Little Fox
7. So You Are Tired
8. Javelin (To Have And To Hold)
9. Shit Talk
10. There’s A World
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Release: 2023-05-19
Label: Asthmatic Kitty
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Ekstasis
2. Revanche
3. Euphoros
4. Mnemosyne
5. Rodinia
6. Reflexion
7. And I Shall Come To You Like A Stormtrooper In Drag Serving Imperial Realness
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Seven Swans (Deluxe Edition)

Release: 2024-06-21
Label: Asthmatic Kitty
Popularity: 👏👏
1. All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands
2. The Dress Looks Nice on You
3. In the Devil’s Territory
4. To Be Alone With You
5. Abraham
6. Sister
7. Size Too Small
8. We Won’t Need Legs To Stand
9. A Good Man Is Hard to Find
10. He Woke Me Up Again
11. Seven Swans
12. The Transfiguration
13. I Went Dancing With My Sister – Bonus Track
14. Waste of What Your Kids Won’t Have – Bonus Track
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Release: 2023-10-06
Label: Asthmatic Kitty
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Goodbye Evergreen
2. A Running Start
3. Will Anybody Ever Love Me?
4. Everything That Rises
5. Genuflecting Ghost
6. My Red Little Fox
7. So You Are Tired
8. Javelin (To Have And To Hold)
9. Shit Talk
10. There’s A World
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Release: 2023-05-19
Label: Asthmatic Kitty
Popularity: 👏
1. Ekstasis
2. Revanche
3. Euphoros
4. Mnemosyne
5. Rodinia
6. Reflexion
7. And I Shall Come To You Like A Stormtrooper In Drag Serving Imperial Realness
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