Meaning and Lyrics of Good Times by Tripolism

Song Lyrics meaning of Good Times by Tripolism

About Tripolism

Tripolism is a multi-talented musician known for their unique blend of electronic, pop, and alternative rock music. Hailing from the vibrant music scene of Los Angeles, Tripolism has garnered a dedicated fanbase for their catchy hooks and emotive lyrics. Their music captures the essence of modern life, with themes of love, self-discovery, and overcoming obstacles prevalent in their songs. One of Tripolism’s standout tracks is “Good Times,” a pulsating anthem that showcases their signature style. With infectious beats and captivating vocals, “Good Times” is a testament to Tripolism’s ability to create music that resonates with audiences from all walks of life.

Meaning of Good Times by Tripolism

Tripolism’s “Good Times” is a euphoric anthem that captures the essence of collective joy and shared experiences. The song’s repetitive structure and simple lyrics create a hypnotic effect, mirroring the cyclical nature of a night out or a celebratory gathering. The opening lines “Everybody’s here / Together right now” immediately establish a sense of unity and presence. This speaks to the human desire for connection and the power of music to bring people together. The phrase “We’re finally here” suggests a long-awaited moment, perhaps alluding to the anticipation leading up to a concert or festival. The repeated refrain of “It’s a good time” serves as a mantra, reinforcing the positive atmosphere. This repetition is reminiscent of the house music genre, where simple, catchy phrases are often used to create an immersive experience on the dancefloor. “Music fills the air” is a pivotal line, emphasizing the all-encompassing nature of sound in these moments. It paints a picture of an environment completely saturated with rhythm and melody, where the music becomes almost tangible. The song’s structure, with its cyclical verses and lack of a traditional chorus, creates a sense of timelessness. This mirrors the feeling of losing oneself in a moment of celebration, where time seems to stand still or loop endlessly. Tripolism’s approach in “Good Times” is reminiscent of minimalist electronic music, where subtle variations on a theme can create a trance-like state. The repetition serves not just as a musical device, but as a thematic reinforcement of the cyclical nature of good times – they come, they go, and they come again. The lack of specific details in the lyrics allows listeners to project their own experiences onto the song. This universality is part of what makes “Good Times” so relatable and potentially powerful in a live setting. It’s not about a particular party or event, but about the shared human experience of celebration. In the broader context of dance music culture, “Good Times” taps into the ethos of PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) often associated with rave culture. The emphasis on togetherness and the present moment aligns with this philosophy. While the lyrics are straightforward, their power lies in their ability to evoke a mood and atmosphere. The song serves as a soundtrack to moments of collective effervescence, those rare times when a group of people are unified in a shared positive experience. In conclusion, “Good Times” by Tripolism is more than just a catchy dance track. It’s a distillation of the euphoria found in shared experiences and the transformative power of music. Its simplicity is its strength, allowing it to serve as a blank canvas for listeners to paint with their own memories and emotions of good times past, present, and future.

Lyrics of Good Times by Tripolism

Everybody's here
Together right now
It's a good time, good time
Music fills the air
We're finally here
It's a good time, good time
It's a good time, good time
We're finally here

It's a good time, good time
It's a good time, good time
It's a good time, good time

Everybody's here
Together right now
It's a good time, good time
Music fills the air
We're finally here
It's a good time, good time
It's a good time, good time
We're finally here
It's a good time, good time
Together right now

It's a good time, good time
It's a good time, good time
It's a good time, good time

Music fills the air
We're finally here
It's a good time, good time
Together right now

Discography Tripolism

Absolute Dope

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Ultra Records, LLC
Popularity: đź‘Ź
1. Good Times
2. Luna Love
3. CHI
4. Whatever We Call It
5. Soultrain
6. SUN (feat. IBANI)
7. Appreciate (feat. IBANI & FEY)
8. Ras In France
9. Dope Dance
10. Spektraum (feat. IBANI)
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