Meaning and Lyrics of Friends by Eliza and the Bear

Song Lyrics meaning of Friends by Eliza and the Bear

About Eliza and the Bear

Eliza and the Bear burst onto the indie rock scene in 2011, hailing from Essex, England. The band, originally consisting of James Kellegher, Callie Noakes, Martin Dukelow, Chris Brand, and Paul Kevin Jackson, quickly gained attention for their upbeat, anthemic sound.

Their infectious single “Friends” showcased their knack for crafting catchy, feel-good tunes with soaring choruses and folk-tinged instrumentation. This track helped propel them into the spotlight, earning them spots on major festival lineups and support slots for bands like Paramore.

Eliza and the Bear released their self-titled debut album in 2016, which featured a polished version of their signature sound. Despite initial success, the band faced challenges and underwent lineup changes. They eventually disbanded in 2018, but not before leaving their mark on the UK indie scene with their energetic live performances and optimistic, life-affirming lyrics.

Their music, characterized by driving rhythms, jangly guitars, and sing-along choruses, continues to resonate with fans of indie pop-rock, serving as a nostalgic reminder of the mid-2010s British music landscape.

Meaning of Friends by Eliza and the Bear

“Friends” by Eliza and the Bear seems to convey themes of companionship, resilience, and the importance of relationships. The lyrics suggest a sense of solidarity and support among friends and family in the face of challenges.

The introductory lines emphasize the singer’s appreciation for the presence of friends and family in their life, setting the tone for the rest of the song.

In the first verse, the mention of “kids” being described as diseased could symbolize societal outcasts or individuals facing hardships. Despite the difficulties, the message of having love to share and the determination to keep moving forward showcases a hopeful outlook.

The chorus repeatedly reinforces the idea of having friends and family, indicating a strong sense of belonging and the importance of these relationships as sources of strength and comfort.

The second verse depicts a scene of sleeping on beaches and swimming from shore to shore, possibly symbolizing a journey or an adventure shared with a friend. This reinforces the idea of being there for each other through different experiences.

The bridge with the imagery of being cut down to firewood and carving names may represent a lasting connection or memory shared with loved ones, suggesting a desire to immortalize relationships and experiences.

The outro restates the singer’s gratitude for the presence of friends and family, underscoring the central theme of togetherness and support throughout the song.

Overall, “Friends” by Eliza and the Bear can be interpreted as a celebration of the bonds formed with loved ones, highlighting the value of companionship and shared experiences in navigating life’s challenges.

Lyrics of Friends by Eliza and the Bear

I've got friends, I've got family here

Verse 1
They say these kids are diseased
But we've got love to share
Cause God knows where we've been
But not where we're going
And if the water is too deep to swim
We still swim

Because I've got friends, I've got family here
I've got friends, I've got family here

Verse 2
I will sleep down on the beaches
And you will swim from shore to open shore

Because I've got friends, I've got family here
I've got friends, I've got family here
I've got friends, I've got family here
I've got friends, I've got family here

Cut me down to firewood
And carve our names
Cut me down to firewood
And carve our names

I've got friends, I've got family here
I've got friends, I've got family here
I've got friends, I've got family here

Discography Eliza and the Bear

Group Therapy

Release: 2018-11-02
Label: Be-Known
1. Group Therapy
2. I Wanna Feel It
3. Holding You
4. Real Friends
5. Winter in New York
6. Higher
7. First Aid
8. Diamond Magic
9. Re-run
10. Digital Desire
11. Sweat out the Small Stuff
Tracklist Collapse

Eliza And The Bear (Deluxe)

Release: 2016-04-08
Label: Be-Known
1. Friends
2. Where Have You Been
3. Make It On My Own
4. Lion’s Heart
5. Cruel
6. Light It Up
7. It Gets Cold
8. Oxygen
9. Upon The North
10. Brother’s Boat
11. I’m On Your Side
12. Talk
13. I Hope You Know
14. Natives
15. Thief
Tracklist Collapse

Eliza And The Bear

Release: 2016-04-08
Label: Capitol
1. Friends
2. Where Have You Been
3. Make It On My Own
4. Lion’s Heart
5. Cruel
6. Light It Up
7. It Gets Cold
8. Oxygen
9. Upon The North
10. Brother’s Boat
11. I’m On Your Side
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Group Therapy

Release: 2018-11-02
Label: Be-Known
1. Group Therapy
2. I Wanna Feel It
3. Holding You
4. Real Friends
5. Winter in New York
6. Higher
7. First Aid
8. Diamond Magic
9. Re-run
10. Digital Desire
11. Sweat out the Small Stuff
Tracklist Collapse

Eliza And The Bear (Deluxe)

Release: 2016-04-08
Label: Be-Known
1. Friends
2. Where Have You Been
3. Make It On My Own
4. Lion’s Heart
5. Cruel
6. Light It Up
7. It Gets Cold
8. Oxygen
9. Upon The North
10. Brother’s Boat
11. I’m On Your Side
12. Talk
13. I Hope You Know
14. Natives
15. Thief
Tracklist Collapse

Eliza And The Bear

Release: 2016-04-08
Label: Capitol
1. Friends
2. Where Have You Been
3. Make It On My Own
4. Lion’s Heart
5. Cruel
6. Light It Up
7. It Gets Cold
8. Oxygen
9. Upon The North
10. Brother’s Boat
11. I’m On Your Side
Tracklist Collapse
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