Meaning and Lyrics of Friends (Ash Howes Edit) by Dido

Song Lyrics meaning of Friends (Ash Howes Edit) by Dido

About Dido

Dido is a British singer-songwriter known for her soulful vocals and captivating lyrics. Born on December 25, 1971, in London, England, she gained recognition with her debut album “No Angel” in 1999, which included the hit single “Thank You.” Dido’s music often features a blend of pop, electronic, and folk influences, drawing listeners in with its emotional depth and melodic hooks. One of Dido’s popular songs is “Friends (Ash Howes Edit),” a track that showcases her signature style of poignant storytelling and elegant melodies. The song’s reflective lyrics and infectious chorus resonate with audiences, making it a standout piece in Dido’s discography.

Meaning of Friends (Ash Howes Edit) by Dido

The song “Friends (Ash Howes Edit)” by Dido portrays a narrative of a relationship that has soured, with the narrator drawing clear boundaries and expressing a definitive stance on the status of the connection. The lyrics are divided into verses, a pre-chorus, and a chorus, each segment encapsulating the theme of distancing oneself from a past intimacy that has turned toxic.

In the first verse, the speaker reflects on being underestimated and undervalued by the other person in the relationship. Despite facing dismissal and disregard, the speaker asserts their resilience by metaphorically turning against the wind, symbolizing a defiance against adversity and a willingness to face challenges head-on.

The pre-chorus addresses a sense of empowerment and self-realization. The speaker declares that they have ventured beyond the limitations imposed by the other person’s expectations, suggesting personal growth and a divergence from a path predetermined by external influences. The mention of accomplishing “a hundred things you’ve only dreamed” signifies a sense of individual achievement and agency.

The chorus serves as a stark declaration of boundaries and closure. The repeated refrain of “don’t call us friends” conveys a definitive break from the past relationship dynamic. The speaker adamantly rejects the notion of reverting to a state of friendship, emphasizing a shift in emotions and a refusal to reminisce about the past affections that have faded.

In the second verse, the focus shifts to the other person in the relationship, who is depicted as waiting passively for fortune to intervene. The idea that things would continue favorably without active participation implies a sense of entitlement and complacency on the part of the individual who expected a smooth course without effort.

The repetition of the pre-chorus and chorus further reinforces the speaker’s resolve and assertiveness in maintaining the emotional distance established. The acknowledgment of the lost connection and the refusal to engage in nostalgic recollection signifies a conscious choice to move forward and relinquish any lingering attachments to the past.

Overall, the song captures a poignant reflection on the evolution of relationships, the empowerment found in self-realization, and the necessity of setting boundaries to preserve one’s emotional well-being. Dido’s evocative lyrics, combined with the emotive melody of the song, create a compelling narrative of resilience and closure in the face of a fading bond.

Lyrics of Friends (Ash Howes Edit) by Dido

Verse 1
I know you thought I'd never be
Really much of anything
While you were telling me
I turned against the wind
And when my eyes started to burn
And you turned your back on me

Well, you see, I slipped away
Now time to me
’Cause I've done a hundred things
You've only dreamed

So don’t come crying to me
Don't come trying again
No matter how I feel, don't call us friends
'Cause I don't remember anymore how we used to be
No, I don't remember anymore how I used to feel
Don't call us friends

Verse 2
And you waited all alone
For your luck to come along
You assumed that things they'd go your way
It would all just carry on

Well, you see it slipped away
Now time to me
’Cause I’ve done a hundred things
You've only dreamed

So don’t come crying to me
Don't come trying again
No matter how I feel, don't call us friends
'Cause I don’t remember anymore how we used to be
No, I don't remember anymore how I used to feel
Don't call us

So don't come crying to me
Don't come trying again
No matter how I feel, don't call us friends
'Cause I don't remember anymore how we used to be
No, I don't remember anymore how I used to feel
Don't call us friends
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