Meaning and Lyrics of Essence Of Time by STÜM

Song Lyrics meaning of Essence Of Time by STÜM

Meaning of Essence Of Time by STÜM

“Essence Of Time” by STÜM is a song that delves deep into the abstract concept of time and its significance in our lives. The opening lines, “Sometimes there comes a time when time will stop / And synch up with you,” suggest a moment of profound connection or alignment with time itself. This could be interpreted as a moment of clarity or realization where one feels in tune with the flow of time and existence.

The lyrics continue to explore themes of self-discovery and independence, as seen in the lines, “You will know that you’re not alone / What once was called a wise man would now be called a fool.” This could be seen as a reflection on how one’s perception of wisdom and knowledge can change over time, and how true understanding often comes from within rather than external sources.

The song emphasizes the importance of individuality and self-empowerment, as evident in the lines, “Just remember that you answer to no one / Just remember you only answer to you.” This could be a reminder to stay true to oneself and not let others dictate one’s worth or identity.

The lyrics also touch on the theme of authenticity and friendship, with lines like, “When someone makes you feel like you’re not shit / They’re not your friend.” This highlights the importance of surrounding oneself with genuine connections and relationships that uplift and support one’s sense of self-worth.

The chorus, “Don’t be fooled thinking time has much meaning,” challenges the traditional notions of time as a linear and structured concept. It suggests that perhaps time is more fluid and subjective, urging listeners not to be too bound by societal expectations or constraints related to time.

Overall, “Essence Of Time” by STÜM is a thought-provoking song that encourages introspection, self-realization, and a deeper understanding of our relationship with time and existence. The lyrics evoke a sense of empowerment and individuality, urging listeners to embrace their true selves and not be swayed by external influences or perceptions of time.

Lyrics of Essence Of Time by STÜM

Sometimes there comes a time when time will stop
And synch up with you
You will know that you're not alone
What once was called a wise man would now be called a fool
Just remember that you answer to no one
Just remember you only answer to you
When someone makes you feel like you're not shit
They're not your friend
Don't be fooled thinking time has much meaning
Don't be fooled
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