Meaning and Lyrics of Enough for you by Wisp

Song Lyrics meaning of Enough for you by Wisp

Meaning of Enough for you by Wisp

The song “Enough for You” by Wisp seems to convey a sense of yearning, longing, and heartbreak in a relationship. The lyrics hint at feelings of inadequacy, unrequited love, and a desire to be valued and cherished by a partner.

In the first verse, the singer talks about eyes looking back at them, possibly reflecting a sense of introspection or feeling seen by someone else. The uncertainty in the lyrics suggests a lack of clarity in the relationship and a feeling of reaching out for something that the other person may not appreciate or value.

The chorus repeatedly asks why the other person cannot “need me” and “love me” in the way the singer needs and loves them, hinting at a one-sided or unbalanced dynamic in the relationship. The longing for reciprocated love and affection is palpable in these lines.

In the second verse, the singer describes their eyes meeting with the other person’s, but there seems to be a disconnect or a lack of understanding. The reference to hearing about someone else could indicate that the other person’s attention or affections are directed elsewhere, causing the singer to feel neglected or overlooked.

The outro captures a deep desire to feel accepted and valued for who they are, indicating a struggle to find a sense of belonging and self-worth in the relationship. The phrase “To be enough for you” encapsulates the longing to be seen as sufficient, worthy, and deserving of love and attention from the other person.

Overall, “Enough for You” by Wisp appears to explore themes of longing, insecurity, and a quest for recognition and love within a relationship that may be fraught with unmet expectations and emotional distance.

Lyrics of Enough for you by Wisp

Verse 1
Eyes looking back at me
I can't ?
I reached for
A shell you can't adore

Why can't you need me?
Need me like I need you
Why can't you love me?
Love me like you used to

Verse 2
Your eyes gaze into mine
? don't seem to ?
But when you hear her ?
No matter what I try

Why can't you need me?
Need me like I need you
Why can't you love me?
Love me like you used to

I want to feel like I belong
In my own skin
To be enough for you

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