Meaning and Lyrics of Disengage by Suicide Silence

Song Lyrics meaning of Disengage by Suicide Silence

About Suicide Silence

Suicide Silence is an American deathcore band formed in Riverside, California, in 2002. Renowned for their intense and brutal sound, the band’s lineup has included founding members such as drummer Alex Lopez and guitarist Chris Garza. Over the years, they have faced several lineup changes but consistently remained a significant force in the extreme metal scene. Their music often features growling vocals, heavy breakdowns, and complex guitar riffs, establishing them as pioneers in the deathcore genre. Suicide Silence’s debut album, “The Cleansing,” was released in 2007 and garnered significant attention, propelling the band to international acclaim. One example song of theirs is “Disengage.”
Released in 2010 as part of their second studio album, “No Time to Bleed,” “Disengage” showcases the band’s signature aggressive style and poignant lyrics, resonating deeply with fans. Throughout their career, Suicide Silence has released several albums and continues to influence new generations of metal enthusiasts with their relentless energy and uncompromising musical vision.

Meaning of Disengage by Suicide Silence

The song “Disengage” by Suicide Silence presents a dark and contemplative reflection on human existence, framed within the intense and aggressive musical landscape typical of deathcore. The lyrics convey themes of existential anguish, disillusionment with society, and the release from the burdens of reality.


The introduction establishes a vision of a future state where pain is nonexistent. The comparison to an “opiate wonderland” suggests a numb and detached bliss, free from the worries plaguing our current reality. The mention of the end of “forward movement” implies a cessation of all progress, hinting at a final, conclusive state of rest.

Verse 1

This verse discusses the demise of the “human machine,” a metaphor for the eventual breakdown of human constructs and physical forms. “Bleed” and “cease to be” signify the inevitable fallibility and mortality of humanity. The language is stark and utilitarian, accentuating the cold inevitability of this end.


The chorus serves as a call to action, urging listeners to “set yourself free” and “disengage from reality.” This refrain suggests that liberation can be found in detaching oneself from the harshness and artificial constructs of modern life. The repetition underscores the significance of this disengagement as a form of salvation.

Verse 2

In the second verse, the imagery becomes more dramatic with descriptions of physical upheaval—”grounds will shake” and “the machine will fall.” The intense language conveys a sense of impending catastrophe. When “the human machine will finally bleed and cease to be,” it is both an acknowledgment and a lamentation of the impermanence of human institutions and existence. The repeated line “be set free” highlights the anticipated release from these societal and existential confines.


The bridge offers a contrasting moment of reflection. The imperative to “be glad you know what life is” serves as both a reminder and a consolation. Despite the grim themes, there is an underlying appreciation for the awareness and experience of life, however fleeting it may be.


The outro recapitulates the themes introduced earlier in the song, reinforcing them with the repeated directive to “disengage.” This ending, with its persistent repetition, emphasizes the finality and necessity of this detachment. It is as if the song itself seeks to drill this message into the listener’s consciousness, leaving no room for misunderstanding.

In summary, “Disengage” by Suicide Silence uses vivid and apocalyptic imagery to explore themes of existential despair, societal collapse, and the quest for liberation from suffering. The repetitive structure of the lyrics serves to engrain the message, urging a profound disconnection from the painful realities and inevitable decline of human existence.

Lyrics of Disengage by Suicide Silence

One day, there will be no more pain
Like an opiate wonderland
No more worry; it will all just end
And all of our forward movement will finally cease, oh

Verse 1
The human machine will finally bleed
The human machine will finally cease to be

So set yourself free
And disengage from reality
So set yourself free
And disengage from reality

Verse 2
The grounds will shake and your children will tremble
Soon enough, the machine will fall
And we will all crumble
The human machine will finally bleed and cease to be
We'll finally be set free, be set free, be set free

Just be glad you know what life is
Be glad you know what life is
You know what life is

One day, there will be no worry
No more pain; it will all just end
And all of our forward movement will finally cease

Discography Suicide Silence

Remember... You Must Die

Release: 2023-03-10
Label: Century Media
Popularity: 👏
1. Remember…
2. You Must Die
3. Capable of Violence (N.F.W.)
4. Fucked for Life
5. Kill Forever
6. God Be Damned
7. Alter of Self
8. Endless Dark
9. The Third Death
10. Be Deceived
11. Dying Life
12. Full Void
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The Cleansing (Ultimate Edition)

Release: 2022-06-24
Label: Century Media
Popularity: 👏
1. Revelations – Intro
2. Unanswered
3. Hands of a Killer
4. The Price of Beauty
5. The Fallen
6. No Pity for a Coward
7. The Disease
8. Bludgeoned to Death
9. Girl of Glass
10. In a Photograph
11. Eyes Sewn Shut
12. Green Monster
13. Destruction of a Statue
14. A Dead Current
15. Swarm
16. Engine No. 9
17. Unanswered – Live in Paris
18. Bludgeoned to Death – Live in Paris
19. The Price of Beauty – Live in Paris
20. Swarm – Live in Paris
21. No Pity for a Coward – Live in Paris
22. Green Monster – Live in Paris
23. The Fallen – Live in Paris
24. Destruction of a Statue – Live in Paris
25. Hands of a Killer – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
26. In a Photograph – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
27. The Fallen – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
28. Untitled – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
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Become the Hunter

Release: 2020-02-14
Label: Nuclear Blast
Popularity: 👏
1. Meltdown
2. Two Steps
3. Feel Alive
4. Love Me to Death
5. In Hiding
6. Death’s Anxiety
7. Skin Tight
8. The Scythe
9. Serene Obscene
10. Disaster Valley
11. Become the Hunte
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Remember... You Must Die

Release: 2023-03-10
Label: Century Media
Popularity: 👏
1. Remember…
2. You Must Die
3. Capable of Violence (N.F.W.)
4. Fucked for Life
5. Kill Forever
6. God Be Damned
7. Alter of Self
8. Endless Dark
9. The Third Death
10. Be Deceived
11. Dying Life
12. Full Void
Tracklist Collapse

The Cleansing (Ultimate Edition)

Release: 2022-06-24
Label: Century Media
Popularity: 👏
1. Revelations – Intro
2. Unanswered
3. Hands of a Killer
4. The Price of Beauty
5. The Fallen
6. No Pity for a Coward
7. The Disease
8. Bludgeoned to Death
9. Girl of Glass
10. In a Photograph
11. Eyes Sewn Shut
12. Green Monster
13. Destruction of a Statue
14. A Dead Current
15. Swarm
16. Engine No. 9
17. Unanswered – Live in Paris
18. Bludgeoned to Death – Live in Paris
19. The Price of Beauty – Live in Paris
20. Swarm – Live in Paris
21. No Pity for a Coward – Live in Paris
22. Green Monster – Live in Paris
23. The Fallen – Live in Paris
24. Destruction of a Statue – Live in Paris
25. Hands of a Killer – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
26. In a Photograph – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
27. The Fallen – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
28. Untitled – Instrumental Rehearsal Tapes
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Become the Hunter

Release: 2020-02-14
Label: Nuclear Blast
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Meltdown
2. Two Steps
3. Feel Alive
4. Love Me to Death
5. In Hiding
6. Death’s Anxiety
7. Skin Tight
8. The Scythe
9. Serene Obscene
10. Disaster Valley
11. Become the Hunte
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