Meaning and Lyrics of Death Squad Anthem by Thy Art Is Murder

Song Lyrics meaning of Death Squad Anthem by Thy Art Is Murder

About Thy Art Is Murder

Thy Art Is Murder is an Australian deathcore band formed in 2006. The band consists of members Chris “CJ” McMahon (vocals), Andy Marsh (guitar), Sean Delander (guitar), Kevin Butler (bass), and Jesse Beahler (drums). Known for their brutal and aggressive sound, Thy Art Is Murder has gained a strong following in the metal scene. Their discography includes albums such as “Hate” and “Dear Desolation.” One of their popular songs, Death Squad Anthem, showcases the band’s intense and relentless musical style, characterized by heavy riffs, guttural vocals, and pounding drums. Thy Art Is Murder has earned a reputation for their powerful live performances and unapologetic approach to their music.

Meaning of Death Squad Anthem by Thy Art Is Murder

“Death Squad Anthem” by Thy Art Is Murder is a powerful and intense song that delves into themes of rebellion, oppression, and the struggle against authoritarian structures.

The lyrics paint a grim picture of a dystopian society where individuals are faced with the brutal reality that their lives are at stake and obedience to those in power is demanded as a ransom. The chorus, with its repeated mention of the “21st century death squad anthem,” serves as a stark reminder of the harsh and uncompromising nature of the world created by the song.

The verses highlight the frustration and anger felt by the oppressed masses who have been pushed to their limits. The references to being “impatient in our rage” and feeling “force fed this disillusion” speak to the sense of powerlessness and betrayal experienced by those who seek change but are met with suppression and manipulation.

The breakdown section invokes a call to action, urging listeners to riot and resist, with the promise that tyrants will cease to exist in the face of united opposition. The bridge further explores the idea of division and control employed by those in power, emphasizing the need to stand up against oppressive systems and uphold liberty.

Overall, “Death Squad Anthem” can be interpreted as a protest against injustice, a rallying cry for unity and resistance in the face of oppression, and a warning against complacency in the presence of authoritarian forces. The song’s aggressive tone and powerful imagery make it a poignant reflection of contemporary societal issues and the struggle for freedom and justice.

Lyrics of Death Squad Anthem by Thy Art Is Murder

If the mob wants blood
Then they'll f*****g get it
You started this war
Now you’ll f*****g regret it

21st century death squad anthem
Your life is on the line
Your obedience is their ransom
21st century death squad anthem
The methods of peace are obsolete
So grab your guns and sing with me

Impatient in our rage
Force fed this disillusion
Missing a torn out page
Suppress the revolution
All eyes on the big stage
Swept to the institutions
Complacent in our cage
Ready for the execution

21st century death squad anthem
Your life is on the line
Your obedience is their ransom
21st century death squad anthem
The methods of peace are obsolete
So grab your guns and sing with me

If the mob wants blood
Then they'll f*****g get it

Riot, resist
Tyrants cease to exist
Riot, resist
Tyrants cease to exist

Divide and conquer
While they conjure
Divisive means
For the stronger
Addicted by design
To a system in decline
Arise the scourge of man
Divide the foolish
Dilute the masses
Deprived of liberty
We'll not stand by while society collapses

Impatient in our rage
Force fed this disillusion
Missing a torn out page
Suppress the revolution
All eyes on the big stage
Swept to the institutions
Complacent in our cage
Ready for the execution

21st century death squad anthem
Your life is on the line
Your obedience is their ransom
21st century death squad anthem
The methods of peace are obsolete
So grab your guns and sing with me

Discography Thy Art Is Murder


Release: 2023-09-22
Label: Human Warfare
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Destroyer Of Dreams
2. Blood Throne
3. Join Me In Armageddon
4. Keres
5. Everything Unwanted
6. Lesson In Pain
7. Godlike
8. Corrosion
9. Anathema
10. Bermuda
Tracklist Collapse

Decade of Hate (Live in Melbourne 2023)

Release: 2023-07-27
Label: Human Warfare
1. Reign of Darkness – Live
2. The Purest Strain of Hate – Live
3. Vile Creation – Live
4. Shadow of Eternal Sin – Live
5. Immolation – Live
6. Infinite Forms – Live
7. Dead Sun – Live
8. Gates of Misery – Live
9. Defective Breed – Live
10. Doomed from Birth – Live
11. Death Squad Anthem – Live
12. Holy War – Live
13. Puppet Master – Live
Tracklist Collapse

Human Target

Release: 2019-07-26
Label: Nuclear Blast
1. Human Target
2. New Gods
3. Death Squad Anthem
4. Make America Hate Again
5. Eternal Suffering
6. Welcome Oblivion
7. Atonement
8. Voyeurs into Death
9. Eye for an Eye
10. Chemical Christ
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Thy Art Is Murder

Liquid Death Presents Download 2024 - Weekend & 5 Night Camping Instal

Price Range: $39.5 – 39.5
Date: 2024-06-12
Location: Donington Park

Liquid Death Presents Download 2024 - Weekend & 5 Night Camping

Price Range: $115.5 – 322
Date: 2024-06-12
Location: Donington Park

Liquid Death Presents Download 2024 - Weekend & 5 Night Camping

Price Range: $118.5 – 118.5
Date: 2024-06-14
Location: Donington Park
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Release: 2023-09-22
Label: Human Warfare
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Destroyer Of Dreams
2. Blood Throne
3. Join Me In Armageddon
4. Keres
5. Everything Unwanted
6. Lesson In Pain
7. Godlike
8. Corrosion
9. Anathema
10. Bermuda
Tracklist Collapse

Decade of Hate (Live in Melbourne 2023)

Release: 2023-07-27
Label: Human Warfare
1. Reign of Darkness – Live
2. The Purest Strain of Hate – Live
3. Vile Creation – Live
4. Shadow of Eternal Sin – Live
5. Immolation – Live
6. Infinite Forms – Live
7. Dead Sun – Live
8. Gates of Misery – Live
9. Defective Breed – Live
10. Doomed from Birth – Live
11. Death Squad Anthem – Live
12. Holy War – Live
13. Puppet Master – Live
Tracklist Collapse

Human Target

Release: 2019-07-26
Label: Nuclear Blast
Popularity: 👏👏
1. Human Target
2. New Gods
3. Death Squad Anthem
4. Make America Hate Again
5. Eternal Suffering
6. Welcome Oblivion
7. Atonement
8. Voyeurs into Death
9. Eye for an Eye
10. Chemical Christ
Tracklist Collapse
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