Meaning and Lyrics of Deafening Silence by Serj Tankian

Song Lyrics meaning of Deafening Silence by Serj Tankian

About Serj Tankian

Serj Tankian is an Armenian-American musician, singer, songwriter, and activist, best known as the lead vocalist of the band System of a Down. Tankian was born on August 21, 1967, in Beirut, Lebanon, and moved to Los Angeles with his family at a young age. His unique vocal style and politically charged lyrics have set him apart in the rock and metal music scene. Tankian released his debut solo album, “Elect the Dead,” in 2007, and has since gone on to release several more solo albums along with collaborating on various other projects. He is also known for his activism, particularly in raising awareness about social and political issues, as well as his work as a visual artist. One of Tankian’s notable songs is Deafening Silence, which showcases his passionate vocals and thought-provoking lyrics. The song reflects his ability to blend heavy music with deep emotional and intellectual themes.

Meaning of Deafening Silence by Serj Tankian

“Deafening Silence” by Serj Tankian delves into themes of introspection, inner turmoil, and the struggle against suppression. The repetitive nature of the lyrics emphasizes a sense of internal conflict and the inability to escape certain emotions or memories.

In the song’s opening lines, the singer acknowledges a deep understanding of someone’s true self, juxtaposed with the recognition of who they are pretending not to be. This sets the tone for a narrative where authenticity clashes with facade.

The repeated assertion that “The silence is deafening to my ears” conveys a sense of overwhelming quiet, possibly symbolizing emotional isolation or a lack of communication. The lyrics suggest a frustration at overlooked truths and a yearning for acknowledgment.

The chorus with its emotional tone reflects a sense of vulnerability and emotional release. The act of painting with tears signifies a pouring out of emotions, a cathartic process. The reference to fears and the inability to move on from the past hint at unresolved issues and emotional burdens.

The bridge highlights a struggle within the singer’s mind, with time playing a significant role in complicating thoughts and emotions. The instability indicated by “thoughts trembling” captures a sense of unease and uncertainty.

The shift in the bridge to the idea of nightlights for children and mornings for adults may allude to the contrast between innocence and maturity, suggesting a loss of innocence or a transition into a more challenging phase of life.

The Pre-Chorus introduces the idea of being affected by fleeting impressions, suggesting a vulnerability to external influences and a sensitivity to passing experiences that leave a lasting impact.

The repeated assertion in the chorus intensifies the emotional weight of the song, with a plea for understanding and the struggle to find peace amidst turmoil. The mysterious figure that ‘disappears’ and ‘reappears’ reflects a sense of elusiveness or cycles of emotion that persist.

The outro circles back to the initial assertion of knowing who someone truly is, reinforcing the theme of understanding versus pretense.

Overall, “Deafening Silence” by Serj Tankian navigates the complexities of internal conflict, emotional expression, and the struggle for authenticity in the face of suppression and unresolved emotions.

Lyrics of Deafening Silence by Serj Tankian

I know who you are
I know who you are not
I know who you are
I, I know who you are not

The silence is deafening to my ears
How could the obvious be ignored?
The silence is threatening then she appears
The ceremony is performed

I'm here to paint you with my tears
Decried my spirit over my fears
I can't walk away from all the years
Serene inside, she disappears

Ends of my mind, my thoughts trembling
The hands of time, time always meddling

The silence is deafening to my ears
How could the obvious be ignored?
The silence is threatening then she appears
The ceremony is performed

I'm here to paint you with my tears
Decried my spirit over my fears
I can't walk away from all the years
Serene inside, she disappears

Nightlights are for children
Mornings for adults
Know the egalitarian equinox
The hands of my mind, my thoughts trembling
The hands of time, time always meddling
Silence is deafening to my ears
How could the obvious be ignored?
The silence is threatening then she appears
The ceremony will always be performed

The silence is deafening to my ears
Seized by the impressions of passers in the night

I'm here to paint you with my tears
Decried my spirit over my fears
I can't walk away from all the years
Serene inside, she disappears
I'm here to paint you with my tears
Decried my spirit over my fears
I can't walk away from all the years
Serene inside, she reappears

I know who you are

Discography Serj Tankian

Invocations (Live)

Release: 2023-11-10
Label: Serjical Strike Records
1. Green Mountain – Live
2. Free The Piano – Live
3. Der Voghormia – Live
4. Aurora’s Dream – Live
5. Fragile – Live
6. Rembetica – Live
7. Gaia – Live
8. Ghost In The Machine – Live
9. Five Heads – Live
10. Desara – Live
11. Moment – Live
12. Kul Ena – Live
13. Stringopolous – Live
14. Sad Romance – Live
15. Flying Phone Medley – Live
Tracklist Collapse

MADOFF: The Monster of Wall Street (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)

Release: 2022-12-30
Label: Serjical Strike Records
1. Madoff In Motion
2. The Convoy
3. Action
4. Action 2
5. Evidence
6. Annette 2
7. Cliffhanger 2
8. Suspencer
9. Violin Textures
10. Bright Day
11. Careful Moves
12. Classical Dance
13. Classical Dance 2
14. Complex Club
15. Creepy Typing
16. Drones 4
17. High Life Theme
18. Made
19. Men’s Choir
20. Office Sounds
21. On the Move
22. Printer Escape
23. Requiem Choir 2
24. Run and Hide
25. Stock Market Crash
26. They’re Coming
27. Motions – Alt
Tracklist Collapse

Live At Leeds

Release: 2022-04-08
Label: Serjical Strike Records
1. Empty Walls – Live
2. Feed Us – Live
3. Lie Lie Lie – Live
4. Saving Us – Live
5. Baby – Live
6. Sky Is Over – Live
7. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition – Live
8. Jam – Live
9. Honking Antelope – Live
10. Beethoven’s Cunt – Live
11. The Unthinking Majority – Live
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A bit before his very respectable, very proper heterosexual marriage, closeted bisexual guy bids farewell to his long-time secret love. 10 years-time jump and there’s the sequel, “The race” – or “Cheater” anagrammed. A completely fictitious cautionary tale of sort, of course.

Invocations (Live)

Release: 2023-11-10
Label: Serjical Strike Records
1. Green Mountain – Live
2. Free The Piano – Live
3. Der Voghormia – Live
4. Aurora’s Dream – Live
5. Fragile – Live
6. Rembetica – Live
7. Gaia – Live
8. Ghost In The Machine – Live
9. Five Heads – Live
10. Desara – Live
11. Moment – Live
12. Kul Ena – Live
13. Stringopolous – Live
14. Sad Romance – Live
15. Flying Phone Medley – Live
Tracklist Collapse

MADOFF: The Monster of Wall Street (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)

Release: 2022-12-30
Label: Serjical Strike Records
1. Madoff In Motion
2. The Convoy
3. Action
4. Action 2
5. Evidence
6. Annette 2
7. Cliffhanger 2
8. Suspencer
9. Violin Textures
10. Bright Day
11. Careful Moves
12. Classical Dance
13. Classical Dance 2
14. Complex Club
15. Creepy Typing
16. Drones 4
17. High Life Theme
18. Made
19. Men’s Choir
20. Office Sounds
21. On the Move
22. Printer Escape
23. Requiem Choir 2
24. Run and Hide
25. Stock Market Crash
26. They’re Coming
27. Motions – Alt
Tracklist Collapse

Live At Leeds

Release: 2022-04-08
Label: Serjical Strike Records
1. Empty Walls – Live
2. Feed Us – Live
3. Lie Lie Lie – Live
4. Saving Us – Live
5. Baby – Live
6. Sky Is Over – Live
7. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition – Live
8. Jam – Live
9. Honking Antelope – Live
10. Beethoven’s Cunt – Live
11. The Unthinking Majority – Live
Tracklist Collapse
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