Meaning and Lyrics of Chasing The Night by Axel Flóvent

Song Lyrics meaning of Chasing The Night by Axel Flóvent

About Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent Axel Flóvent, the Icelandic singer-songwriter hailing from Akureyri, has a unique talent for weaving airy folk melodies with heart-wrenching lyrics, evoking the serene yet haunting landscape of his homeland. Emerging on the indie scene in the mid-2010s, Flóvent quickly garnered attention with his deeply introspective style, blending elements of folk, indie, and ambient music. Flóvent’s discography chronicles his evolution from a bedroom producer to a polished artist, each release further solidifying his place in the indie folk arena. His debut EP, Forest Fires (2015), introduced audiences to his evocative vocal delivery and poignant songwriting, drawing comparisons to the likes of Bon Iver and Sufjan Stevens. Subsequent releases, such as You Stay by the Sea (2021), continue to showcase his growth both sonically and emotionally. “Chasing The Night”
One exemplary song from Flóvent’s catalog is “Chasing The Night”. This track exemplifies his minimalist yet powerful approach to songwriting. Driven by delicate acoustic guitar and lush atmospheric elements, “Chasing The Night” captures a sense of yearning and introspection. The song’s structure thrives on its simplicity, allowing Flóvent’s tender vocals to take center stage, resonating with listeners on a deeply personal level. Axel Flóvent’s music is more than just a collection of beautiful sounds—it’s a journey into the human experience, nuanced by the ethereal beauty of Iceland’s rugged terrain. His work continues to inspire and touch audiences worldwide, making him a formidable force in the indie folk landscape.

Meaning of Chasing The Night by Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent’s “Chasing The Night” is an evocative tapestry woven with the threads of existential longing, self-reflection, and relentless pursuit. From the outset, the song plunges into a dichotomy of haunting melancholy and hopeful persistence, inviting listeners to navigate the dark alleys of introspection alongside Flóvent.

Verse 1 unfolds with a palpable sense of confusion and inertia. The lyrics “All this time / The hardest part / Was not so clear” suggest a prolonged struggle with an indistinct yet oppressive difficulty. This is the universal human experience of grappling with undefinable voids, moments that seemingly hint at deeper existential musings. The line “The empty hour / I never was / Ready to leave” carries a dual implication: the protagonist is not prepared to leave a comfort zone, even if it’s devoid of fulfillment, highlighting a paradox of clinging to the familiar despite its emptiness.

As we transition to the Pre-Chorus, Flóvent’s poetic vulnerability surfaces: “’Cause the night didn’t give me / What I came here for”. There is an inherent expectation from the “night”—an archetypal space of possibilities, secrets, and enlightenment. However, the harsh reality is that these nocturnal quests often end in unmet desires. The resolve to “keep on trying until it’s done” signifies a relentless pursuit, despite probable regret. Flóvent’s use of “until I’m out of my mind” is a potent image of exhausting all emotional and mental reserves, underscoring the depth of his commitment.

The Chorus repeats with hypnotic determination, cementing the theme of an unending chase: “’Cause I’ll keep on chasing / Chasing the night”. This repetition isn’t just literal but metaphorical, encapsulating a Sisyphean endeavor where the journey becomes an end in itself, a poignant reflection of human tenacity and often, futility.

Moving into Verse 2, the mood deepens with a tinge of regret. The phrase “The saddest part / Is now I can’t / Blame it on my youth” is an elegy to missed opportunities and past naivety. It’s a sobering acknowledgment that with age comes the diminishing refuge of youthful ignorance. “Water down / The days I lost / With lessons I didn’t learn” illustrates the painful recognition of time wasted and the self-deception practiced to mitigate this awareness.

The return of the Pre-Chorus reiterates the night’s failure to deliver its promise, yet it introduces a resigned acceptance: “So I have to keep trying / Even though it’s no use”. This line captures the essence of perseverance in the face of apparent futility—an ode to the ceaseless, sometimes irrational human spirit. The commitment to “not gonna quit it / Until I’m out of my mind” resurfaces, reinforcing the theme of total immersion into the quest, even at the cost of sanity.

The reiterated Chorus acts as both mantra and manifesto, as the protagonist continuously circles back to “chasing the night”. This chase is emblematic of the ineffable human condition, a perpetual journey toward something ever out of reach but perpetually enticing.

Musically and lyrically, Axel Flóvent’s “Chasing The Night” deftly captures the essence of unresolved yearning and indefatigable pursuit. It speaks to the soul’s relentless drive to find meaning in the void and the poignant beauty of striving against the odds. It is this raw, reflective nature that makes the song resonate deeply, regardless of the listener’s personal battles. In a world often obsessed with clear-cut answers, “Chasing The Night” is a courageous anthem for those who define their lives not by the destinations reached, but by the journeys undertaken.

Lyrics of Chasing The Night by Axel Flóvent

Verse 1
All this time
The hardest part
Was not so clear
The empty hour
I never was
Ready to leave

'Cause the night didn’t give me
What I came here for
So I’ll keep on trying until it’s done
And I might regret it
But I’m not gonna quit it
Until I’m out of my mind

'Cause I’ll keep on chasing
Chasing the night
'Cause I’ll keep on chasing
Chasing the night

Verse 2
The saddest part
Is now I can’t
Blame it on my youth
And water down
The days I lost
With lessons I didn’t learn

'Cause the night didn’t give me
What I came here for
So I have to keep trying
Even though it’s no use
What еlse can I do?
I already came this far
But I’m not gonna quit it
Until I’m out of my mind

So I’ll keep on chasing
Chasing thе night
So I’ll keep on chasing
Chasing the night
So I’ll keep on chasing
Chasing the night
So I’ll keep on chasing
Chasing the night

Discography Axel Flóvent

Away From This Dream

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Moonlight
2. Don’t Wait For Summer
3. Have This Dance
4. Wash It Away
5. Chasing The Night
6. This Feeling
7. When the Sun Goes Down
8. Asymmetry
9. Honesty
10. Away From This Dream
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea (Deluxe)

Release: 2022-09-09
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
13. Moonstone
14. Sea Creatures
15. Tomorrow Will Be Gone
16. Fireworks – Night Version
17. Driving Hours – SCayos & Annie Elise Remix
18. Sea Creatures – Nightshifts Remix
19. Driving Hours – musclecars “Call Me” Mix
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea

Release: 2021-01-15
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
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Away From This Dream

Release: 2024-06-07
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Moonlight
2. Don’t Wait For Summer
3. Have This Dance
4. Wash It Away
5. Chasing The Night
6. This Feeling
7. When the Sun Goes Down
8. Asymmetry
9. Honesty
10. Away From This Dream
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea (Deluxe)

Release: 2022-09-09
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
13. Moonstone
14. Sea Creatures
15. Tomorrow Will Be Gone
16. Fireworks – Night Version
17. Driving Hours – SCayos & Annie Elise Remix
18. Sea Creatures – Nightshifts Remix
19. Driving Hours – musclecars “Call Me” Mix
Tracklist Collapse

You Stay by the Sea

Release: 2021-01-15
Label: Nettwerk Music Group
Popularity: 👏
1. Tonight
2. Driving Hours
3. Tourist
4. December Traffic
5. Blood
6. Fall Asleep
7. Still Awake
8. Indefinite
9. How Can I
10. Haunted
11. Fireworks
12. You Stay by the Sea
Tracklist Collapse
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