Meaning and Lyrics of Better Man by Ber

Song Lyrics meaning ofΒ Better Man by Ber

About Ber

Name: BerOne
Biography: BerOne is a talented musician with a unique sound that blends elements of pop, rock, and soul. Known for their soulful vocals and heartfelt lyrics, BerOne has garnered a dedicated fan base around the world. With a career spanning over a decade, BerOne has released multiple albums and singles that have received critical acclaim. Their music is often characterized by themes of love, heartbreak, and personal growth.
Example Song: β€œBetter Man” – This track showcases BerOne’s emotive vocals and poignant songwriting style. The soulful melody paired with heartfelt lyrics make β€œBetter Man” a standout in BerOne’s discography.

Meaning of Better Man by Ber

β€œBetter Man” by Ber shares a heartfelt narrative about a past relationship haunted by the lingering hope of reconciliation. The song opens with a story from Mikey, detailing how his friends broke up only to rediscover love after a decade apart. This sets the stage for the singer’s reflections on a former lover who may return claiming to be a β€œbetter man.”

The lyrics highlight the vulnerability and uncertainty that come with revisiting past connections. The singer grapples with conflicting emotions – the temptation of a familiar yet expired love and the skepticism towards promises of change. The plea to not be led astray by sweet words underscores a sense of caution and self-awareness.

The repeated references to specific locations like 34th street, a favorite bar, or an empty airport create a sense of nostalgia and inevitability, suggesting that chance encounters and lingering thoughts are inescapable. The dream sequence described in the second verse further portrays the internal struggle of holding on to memories and illusions of what could have been.

The chorus serves as a poignant reminder to stay grounded in reality and not be swayed by momentary impulses or false hopes. The singer acknowledges the familiarity and allure of the past but ultimately recognizes the importance of self-respect and moving forward.

The bridge amplifies the sense of yearning and the possibility of paths crossing again, emphasizing the complexity of emotions tied to unfinished business and unresolved feelings. The repetition of asking for a favor conveys a sense of longing for closure or clarity in a situation fraught with ambiguity.

In conclusion, β€œBetter Man” captures the bittersweet essence of seeking closure and empowerment in the face of past love. The song encapsulates a journey of self-discovery and resilience, ultimately reaffirming the importance of self-worth and not succumbing to illusions of a β€œbetter man.”

Lyrics of Better Man by Ber

Verse 1
Mikey told me a story once
How he watched his two best friends break up
And then ten years later they fell in love again
I know that he had good intentions
Saying crazier things have happened
And in ten years you could come right back again
And mess me up again

So if you see me down on 34th street
If you see me at your favorite bar
If you find yourself thinking about me
Would you do me a favor

If you get the chance
To look me In the face and say you want me back
Saying that you changed and you’re a bettΠ΅r man
If you’re thinking about loving me again pleasΠ΅ don’t
Yeah I understand
You’re just running back because you know you can
Looking so sweet but I know better, man
Yeah I know better than believing you’re a better man now

Verse 2
Had a dream wake me up last night
We were in your room it felt kinda right
Just laying there until you turned off the lights
Well I guess I still slip up sometimes
Always been a weakness this expired idea of you
I don’t even know what I’m holding on to

So if you get the chance
To look me In the face and say you want me back
Saying that you changed and you’re a better man
If you’re thinking about loving me again please don’t
Yeah I understand
You’re just running back because you know you can
Looking so sweet but I know better, man
Yeah I know better than believing you’re a better man now

So if you see me down on 34th street (you see me down on 34th)
If you see me at your favorite bar (you see me at your favorite bar)
If you find yourself thinking about me (you find yourself thinking about me, please don't)
If you see me at an empty airport (you see me at an empty airport)
If you see me down at Danny’s show (you see me down at Danny’s show)
If we run into each other in another life (we run into each other in another life)
Would you do me a favor

If you get the chance
To look me In the face and say you want me back
Saying that you changed and you’re a better man
If you’re thinking about loving me again please don’t
Yeah I understand
You’re just running back because you know you can
Looking so sweet but I know better, man
Yeah I know better than believing you’re a better man now
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